Added CTM overlay for andesite, diorite, and granite
Added item frame model
Replaced fire charge
Replaced cooked mutton
Replaced pink petals
Changed campfire fire animation
Altered GUI elements
Replaced Prismarine and quartz item textures.
Replaced various textures that had mistakenly been recolored slightly.
Replaced detector rail texture.
fixed various GUI elements.
Added big smoke particles
Replaced moon phase texture
replaced 3 paintings due to permissions being revoked
also added 1 other painting to replace one I had added that I was unsatisfied with.
Added more specific credits to credits.txt
Added remaining 1.20 textures (some are placeholders)
Added animated textures for Blast Furnace, Smoker, Nether Sprouts, Warped Roots, and Crimson Roots
Added random villager textures (bearded tiny villagers YAY!)
And many more changes, Can't remember. Changelogs are hard sometimes.
Copied Changelog from Curseforge. Changelog doesn't really make much sense, without context.