I recommend using optifine for full functionallity.
If mipmapping/mipmaps are enabled there will be visual artifacts.
I can't guarantee that this will work perfectly with every version listed, some features may not function in one version while working flawlessly in another.
I would recommend using optifine if possible to avoid the need for patching, and for full functionality.
If mipmapping/mipmaps are enabled there will be visual artifacts.
Getting this to function properly will require patching minecraft for HD texture packs on some versions of minecraft, Ideally this would be as simple as using McPatcher, unfortunately McPatcher doesn't work with the modern launcher, however it may still produce a patched .jar file that can be used via MultiMC.
I can't guarantee that this will work perfectly with every version listed, some features may not function in one version while working flawlessly in another.
Getting this to function properly may require patching minecraft for HD texture packs, Ideally this would be as simple as using McPatcher, unfortunately McPatcher doesn't work with the modern launcher, however it may still produce a patched .jar file that can be used via MultiMC.
I can't guarantee that this will work perfectly with every version listed, some features may not function in one version while working flawlessly in another.
Minecraft refused to start when I tried to load 1.5, so I am unable to test this one.
Getting this to function properly will require patching minecraft for HD texture packs, Ideally this would be as simple as using McPatcher, unfortunately McPatcher doesn't work with the modern launcher, however it may still produce a patched .jar file that can be used via MultiMC.
I can't guarantee that this will work perfectly with every version listed, some features may not function in one version while working flawlessly in another.
Getting this to function properly will require patching minecraft for HD texture packs, Ideally this would be as simple as using McPatcher, unfortunately McPatcher doesn't work with the modern launcher, however it may still produce a patched .jar file that can be used via MultiMC.
I can't guarantee that this will work perfectly with every version listed, some features may not function in one version while working flawlessly in another.
Getting this to function properly will require patching minecraft for HD texture packs, Ideally this would be as simple as using McPatcher, unfortunately McPatcher doesn't work with the modern launcher, however it may still produce a patched .jar file that can be used via MultiMC.
I can't guarantee that this will work perfectly with every version listed, some features may not function in one version while working flawlessly in another.
I also can't say for certain that this won't work with older versions that aren't listed.
armadillo scute
copper grate
copper bulb
copper door
copper door items
copper trapdoor
chiseled copper
chiseled tuff
chiseled tuff bricks
trial spawner
trial vault
wolf armor
trial key
wind charge
copper block
glow berries item
pointed dripstone item
Other Changes and Notes:
several textures added including the breeze and chiseled tuff are rough drafts or simple place holders, and will likely be changed in a future update.
copper grate and chiseled copper were included in previous versions, oxidized variations were all that was added.
copper block was changed to more closely resemble the other copper block types
chiseled stone bricks
polished tuff
brewing stand item
Other Changes and Notes:
fixed grass_block_top connected texture
Connected Texture Bug
fix available on Github
Or use newer newer version
tinted glass connected textures
a few 1.21 placeholders
oxidized copper block
Other Changes and Notes:
bat changed due to mojang's new bat model
renamed grass.png to short_grass.png connected textures reflect this change as well
I've added a few experimental 1.21 textures, but they are very incomplete, they likely won't be finished until 1.21 is released.
Not fully backwards compatible with 1.20.2 and earlier
brown mushroom block
raw iron
raw copper
spyglass item
Other Changes and Notes:
noticed an issue with connected textures on mossy stone brick stairs and slabs, then I looked at the other stone brick stairs and slabs as well as deepslate variant, issue was affecting all of them, this issue has been fixed.
ctm random textures for deepslate bricks
chiseled sandstone
deepslate bricks
deepslate tiles
chiseled deepslate
polished deepslate
cooked rabbit
raw rabbit
Other Changes and Notes:
fixed transparent pixels on the honey bottle texture.
changed how the ctm stone bricks work, likely won't be noticeable.
removed two random short grass ctm textures, textures were too short and could be completely invisible.
deepslate color inconsistency has been fixed, Â this should be the last change to deepslate for quite some time, unless other problems are discovered.
packed mud
deepslate + ores
cobbled deepslate
deepslate bricks + cracked
deepslate tiles + cracked
chiseled deepslate
smooth basalt
Other Changes and Notes:
I felt that the deepslate didn't fit with the overall style of the pack.
old textures will be added to the alternate texture files on the minecraft forum post.
melon slice
glistering melon
bamboo fence gate
torchflower seeds
rabbit hide
rabbit foot
Other Changes and Notes:
small update
I would normally wait until I have more to add or change but due to Mojang changing the bamboo fence gate texture layout I felt an expedient fix was needed
I can't find any changelog referencing this change.
on a more positive note I have added several alternate textures to the download section of the minecraft forum post
warped fungus
crimson fungus
pink petals item
prismarine shard
prismarine crystals
glow berries
fire charge
dragon fireball
bamboo item
deepslate + ores
cobbled deepslate
deepslate bricks + cracked
deepslate tiles + cracked
chiseled deepslate
soul lantern item
ender pearl
eye of ender
honey bottle
heart of the sea
Other Changes and Notes:
a few more GUI changes and fixes, most notably attack indicator and creative inventory tabs.
bamboo item is edited from a 2011 version of Dokucraft, specifically V1.9, this texture was made by Doku.
fixed missing pixel on large stained glass window painting.
Edit: bamboo fence gate texture layout changed, currently broken.
GUI updated for 1.20.2 new GUI will not work with 1.20.1 or prior versions
add on file contains GUI for older versions.
mangrove trapdoor
mangrove door top
soul lantern
enchanting table
torch flower
various GUI elements
warped wood color
writable book
written book
enchanted book
acacia sapling
copper ore
raw copper block
goat horn
magma cream
iron trapdoor
chiseled bookshelf
Other Changes and Notes:
GUI updated to work with 1.20.2
GUI will no longer function properly with Minecraft versions prior to 1.20.2
Removed several unused files
Removed Biome color from acacia leaves
Fixed long-standing issue with chest GUI(issue pre-dates Gerudoku, issue is present in Doku's RPG).
I also replaced the art titled:The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Katsushika Hokusai(will be added to the alternate textures on Minecraft forum post)
Added: Â podzol ctm overlay
forcefield / world border
nether brick item
hopper item
more GUI stuff, and potion/ mob effects
Final 1.20.1 compatible update, should work with any version between 1.16 to 1.20.1, due to GUI changes in 1.20.2 future versions will likely not be backwards compatible.
Added snow fox
Edited fox
Added functioning vex texture
Slight changes to some mob effects/potion effects
Removed random rotation from concrete powder, mycelium, rooted dirt, and infested blocks
Replaced sweet berry bush
Replaced azalea bush
Replaced a few GUI elements
Replaced brown mushroom block
Replaced dark oak sapling
Replaced flower pot item
Replaced beetroot item
Replaced beetroot soup
Replaced blaze rod
Replaced charcoal
Edited redstone block
Edited spruce door
Edited cracked blackstone bricks
Edited cracked nether bricks
Edited cracked deepslate bricks
Edited cracked deepslate tiles
Edited netherwart item
Edited armor stand item
Edited rotten flesh
Edited shulker shell item
Edited recovery compass
Edited hopper item
Edited crossbow
Edited goat horn
Edited bundle
Replaced stone brick variants + CTM
Replaced endstone bricks
Replaced shroomlight
Replaced shulker shell item
Replaced sweet berries item
Edited enchanting table
Fixed leather armor missing part