- Players now have saved data that tracks the caffeine level inside the player
- Different coffee types have different amounts of caffeine
- New espresso coffee type (unobtainable except through commands
- Has twice the caffeine as a normal cup of coffee.
- New status bar letting the player know their caffeine level
- Players take damage when caffeine levels are over 3000mg
- Added a Coffee Brewer and Coffee Workstation Block
- Reworked Coffee Brewing System (see wiki)
- Added New Roasts of Coffee
- The original Roasted Coffee Beans are now Light Roast Coffee Beans
- Added a custom Item Group for mod Items
- Added Mocha Syrup as a replacement for the mocha flavored coffee bean
- Brewed Coffee now will give Hydration if you use the Dehydration Mod
- Coffee is no longer a potion, it is now its own item with a lot more customization
- Mocha Beans no longer have a use, however they are now crafted with medium roast beans
- They will be removed in a future update
- Coffee Berries are now called Coffee Cherries after some extensive research
- Coffee Cherries now yield 2 coffee beans after some extensive research
- Added a button to the Version warning screen that will open the most recent download page
- Coffee Cherries can now be found in Plains Village Chests
- Coffee Plants are now called Coffea after some extensive research
Download Here, on GitHub or at Curseforge