- PDAPI#1 Fixed Pumpkin Spice Latte causing datapacks to not be loadable due to a typo
- Added Café Structures to Villages
- Added a Barista Villager Type
- Decaf Coffee (Kinda Useless) (Only obtainable from Villagers)
- Blonde and Decaf Espresso Shots
- REI Support for Coffee Grinding and the Espresso Machine
- Several coffee based Specialty Drinks via PDAPI
- Advancement for Drinking a Burnt Latte
- The Drink Workstation and Related Features have been moved to Pluto's Drinks API to create other Drink Mods
- The Coffee Cherry to Coffee Bean recipe is now shapeless
- You can now make a latte with anything in the c:milk/milk_bottles item tag
- Coffee Beans can now be obtained by pressing a Coffee Cherry in create
- Espresso Machine and Coffee Brewer now support Fabric Transfer API for being supplied with water
- Removed the Version Checker as it was buggy and hard to maintain, may be added again later
- Hovering your mouse over the water section of either brewer now show the water content in mB
- Adding Carmel to a drink has been nerfed and the OP effects are provided in the Sweet Caramel Latte Specialty Drink
- Reworked config files. This may reset your current config (it's one setting it isn't that hard to fix)
- Espresso Machine has a Loot Table now and is Mineable with a Pickaxe
- Fixed the annoying "No Datafixer Registered for ..." When loading the Pluto's Coffee block entities
- Fixed rendering issues of Espresso Machine when facing any direction other than north
- Official REI support for the Coffee Grinder and Espresso Machine
- Added Café structures to remaining village variants
- Added 4 Specialty Drinks
- Sweet Caramel Latte (same effects as the OG Caramel latte from v1 of the mod)
- Mocha
- Red Eye
- Caffè Latte
- Added a new Advancement for drinking a burnt latte
- Fabric Transfer API Support! This means that you can now use Pipes from mods like Create or Ad Astra to give Espresso Machines or Coffee Brewers a constant supply of water
- Coffee Cherries can be pressed in the Create mod to obtain coffee beans
- Moved to Mojang Mappings (doesn't affect anything in game)
- Amount of Water uses in a Coffee Brewer has been changed to 5 for math reasons (200mB per Coffee)
- Water Bottles (and splash/lingering variants) are valid sources of water for Coffee Brewers and Espresso Machines, filling 250mB each or 1/4 of the storage
- Amount of water in mB in both Machines can be viewed by hovering over the water bar in the menu
- Nerfed the Caramel Drink Addition to only give Absorption and Regen and decreased the times of each so the OP effects can go to the Sweet Caramel Latte
- From PDAPI: Showing caffeine amounts in item tooltips is now only enabled in the Creative Menu or if Advanced Tooltips is turned on
- Decaf Coffee and Espresso Shots are now included in the Creative Tab
- Decaf and Blonde espresso shots now change drink colours correctly
- Espresso machine now rotates properly when placed
- Coffee Grinder now actually saves the items within it properly
- Advancements that depended on Specific Drink Additions being present now work properly
- Fixed the "No Datafixer registered for ..." errors
- Espresso Machine no longer shows an extra milk bottle in the model when facing any direction other than north
- Decaf Coffee
- Contains 7mg for the brewed coffee variant, and 2mg for the espresso shot variant (as most Decaf coffee still has a tiny bit of caffeine in it)
- Currently only obtainable through the Barista villager, as a level 4 trade that converts 16 Dark roast beans to 16 Decaf beans for 2 emeralds
- Only villagers know the secret to decaf coffee at this point, a future cross mod feature will add a way to automate this process
- New Espresso Types
- Decaf Espresso
- Brewed with 2 decaf grounds, has 2mg of caffeine per shot
- Blonde Espresso
- Brewed with 2 light roast grounds, has 85mg of caffeine per shot
- Decaf Espresso
- Regular Espresso shots now only have 75mg of caffeine per shot, to give Blonde Espresso room to have more
- Converting coffee cherries to beans can now be automated in the create mod, using the mechanical press
- Farmer's Delight milk bottles can now be used to make lattes in the espresso machine
- Espresso Machines now properly drop their item when mined with a pickaxe (how did I go this long without noticing???)
- Fixed a bug with converting to PDAPI that caused villagers to not be able to acquire any workstations
- Coffee types now function properly in the creative menu
- Made Custom item colors compatible with other mods (Fabric Rendering API has an item/block colors thing who woulda thought)
- Finding coffee types should no longer cause NullPointerExceptions
- Added a Barista Villager using the Drink Workstation as the workstation
- Added a Café structure to villages, currently only generates in snowy villages
- Moved some features of this mod to a new API mod:
Pluto's Drinks API
, which will be used as an API for future drinks mods- Ported Features:
- Drink Additions
- Drink Workstation (Formerly Coffee Workstation)
- Player Caffeine Levels
- Drink Additions are now Data Driven, a wiki for adding custom additions is in the works and will be live soon
- What effects you get as a result of drinking coffee is now dependent on the amount of caffeine in your system, and is no longer the same for every cup
- 100mg: Speed I
- 150mg: Haste I
- 450mg: Speed II
- 500mg: Jump Boost I
- 600mg: Haste II
- 700mg: Jump Boost II
- 3000mg: Normal Caffeine Overdose
- These effects are additive, meaning if you have 600mg in your system you would have Speed II, Jump Boost I, and Haste II
- The Espresso Machine is now actually minable with a pickaxe
- Added Lattes
- Added an Espresso Machine
- Added a Dedicated Coffee Grinder Block
- Added a bunch of new items that can be added to coffee
- Added Espresso
- Cows can now be milked with a glass bottle
- Grinding coffee with a stonecutter now yields only 1 ground instead of 4 (given that it is literally a sawblade)
- The player now shakes when caffeine levels are above 500
- Changed the tooltips for Coffee Additions to show the count, rather than a long list of the same addition
- Changed amount of fuel in a water bucket from 3 to 6
- Updated to Fabric Loader 0.15.3 and Fabric API 0.91.2
- #5 - Water is used up immediately when brewing coffee even if the coffee isn't finished
- #6 - Caffeine Overdose Effect has no translation
- #7 - Caffeine Status Bar & Drowning Bubbles overlap