- Updated to 1.10.2. Use forge 1.10.2-
- Added new tooltips for keyblades which are dynamically updated when you drive
- Added some heartless (Shadow, Red Nocturne, Blue Rhapsody, Yellow Opera, Green Requiem) which currently do not spawn however, eggs are available in creative (Thanks to Wynd)
- Station of awakening dimension added, currently does not do much just walk through the door.
- Keyblade power has been split into strength and magic
- You can now get recipes with a wooden keyblade
- Chakrams now use MP when thrown
- Added a WIP special attack
- Keychains can be enchanted to give the keyblade summoned the same enchants
- Keyblade strength and magic are shown in the synthesis table
- Config option to multiply the amount of damage the keyblades do
- Added a recipe counter in the synthesis table
- All the keyblades have been rebalanced
- Added new items:
- Defense Boost: Increases defense by 1
- Power Boost: Increases strength by 1
- Magic Boost: Increases magic by 1
- Drive Recovery: Recovers 3 drive bars
- High Drive Recovery: Recovers all drive bars
- Hi Potion: Heals half of your life
- Mega Potion: Heals all your life
- Megalixir: Restores half of your MP and HP bar
- Mega Ether: Restores all your MP bar
- Panacea: Removes all effects (Should remove only negative)
- Fixed Synthesis bug where you lost some materials
- Added free development to the synthesis table which is similar to standard synthesis without the need of finding recipes
- Fixed keyblade duplication bug with keepInventory gamerule
- Magic stat now affects the damage they deal
- Now you will be able to gain exp from throwing chakrams, magics and the secret WIP ability
- Opening iron doors will no longer use MP
- Fixed Eraqus helmet and Bright infused glowstone recipes
- Keychains will no longer lose durability
- Synthesizable recipes will now have green name
- Added Frozen Pride model
- New Moogle with Shop
- Added a bunch of achievements
- Revamped the ore drops
- Added Wisdom Form’s shoot
- Added Prominence and Graceful Dahlia models
- Added Station of Awakening door
- Added Lock On feature (Default Z)
- It does the scan ability for now which displays the enemy HP
- Added a new chat format for Kingdom Keys Devs
- Added 2 new Marluxia Scythes: Fickle Erica and Poor Melissa
- All drive forms can now obtain experience (Not level up yet)
- Added KH1 magic button which toggles the magic you use.
- Updated to 1.9. Use forge 1.9 -
- Drive forms rendering without Render Player API
- Frozen Pride acts as a shield.
- Keyblades can now be dual wielded.
- Tweaked armor textures.
- New chat formatting for KK helpers.
- Sharpshooter now works.
- If you already learnt the 3 recipes that a recipe(item) can offer, they will shuffle again.
- Added /showhud to toggle the KK hud.
- Added Kingdom Keys Chest recipe
- Kingdom Keys Chest can now be locked for a certain keyblade.
- KKChest space is now 36 slots.
- KKChest is now locked with the first keyblade you open it, so it won’t open with another keyblade.
- Keychains can now be enchantable, which means… Keyblades can now have things like sharpness V, fire aspect…
- Added Stormy Ore to world gen.
- Edited experimental flame particle, All the chakrams have those particles.
- Charkams will now come back after hitting a block
- Recipes are now affected with looting.
- Reimplemented the levelling system.
- Fixed recipes with synthesis materials like dark ingot.
- Fixed synthesis material duplication.
- Fixed Diamond Dust keychain
- Fixed Chat messages for server
- Bugfixes (as always)
- Updated to 1.8.9. Use forge 1.8.9 -
- Added Sr.Gato’s cape
- Drive Forms render on the player, requires Render Player API
- Command Menu changes to red if you are in a hostile environment.
- Magic, Items and Drives will no longer show blank gaps, when you unlock them, they will fit in their place.
- Magic, items and drive have their own gui in order to equip them, with that you can place them in any order so you can custom the menu a bit.
- Added main menu music (Dearly Beloved from KH1, KH2, BBS, DDD, Days, Re:Coded, CoM, Re:CoM and CHI)
- Added battle music, requires a resourcepack
- Items can be used on the command menu
- Config section in the menu with a RGB colour changer for the interface and the level up box, as well as toggles for showing hearts on the HUD and enabling custom music
- Added Synthesis Bag:
- When you have a bag equipped in the new slot in the player items menu, when you pickup the Synthesis Materials, they will automatically go to the bag’s inventory.
- Synthesis Bag Small: It has 14 slots.
- Synthesis Bag Medium: It has 28 slots.
- Synthesis Bag Large: It has 56 slots.
- In order to craft them you should do the following recipe:
- Replace the empty slot with the Small Synthesis Bag in order to make a Medium one, replace it with the Medium Synthesis Bag in order to make the Large one.
- Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Dream Drop Distance 3D models.
- Magic has now to be unlocked by killing a witch. With a 25% probability to drop a magic unlocker / leveler.
- Drive forms have to be unlocked by finding their unlockers in chests.
- Synthesis table lets you know if you have enough materials to synthesise a keyblade and let’s you take them off.
- Added a button to deposit the materials manually, so now you don’t deposit them automatically.
- 3 new keyblades: Mirage Split, Nightmare’s End and Combined Keyblade.
- Added 2 new Chakrams: Prometheus and Ifrit.
- New command /LevelUp <level> [player]: Levels up the specified player or the user. (may lag in the server)
- Added the Lightning Ore and Energy Ore into the World Generation.
- Added Magnet Blox, currently doesn’t work
- Added ore experience, fortune and harvesting level.
- Valor form has no longer access to magic.
- Added a visual effect and sound when you use a Drive Form.
- Fixed player portrait when you are in Antiform.
- Stick(weapon) can no longer be lost.
- Fixed Master Form Double Jump.
- Fixed Keyblades HUGE model when thrown.
- Fixed Achievements for server.
- Added two sounds for SavePoint.
- Fixed Eternal Flames, Ifrit, prometheus and Blaze of Glory when shot now they have model.
- Various Keyblades repositioned in hand(3rd person view)
- FORGE 1535
- Re Added the Kingdom Hearts Chest (Open model for now).
- Added Sea Salt Ice Cream with a chance of 5% getting a “WINNER” stick. The Ice Cream is crafted with: stick, sugar, water (bucket or bottle) and ice (packed or normal).
- Added Ether which restores you 30% of the MP bar.
- Added Elixir which restores you 30% of the HP and MP bar.
- To get MPOrbs and HPOrbs you have to pick them up while holding an Empty Bottle
- In order to brew a Potion you need to craft an Empty Bottle and brew an HP orb with it
- To brew an ether same way but with an MP orb
- In order to get the Elixir you need a potion or ether and apply the opposite ingredient.
- Added Leveling System.
- You can level up: Strength, Defense, Max HP and Magic by killing agressive mobs, each 5 levels you get the Max HP boost.
- Added Save Point, Standing on it will heal you, refill your hunger bar, refill your magic bar and if you are on fire, it will extinguish you. If you crouch on it, it will set your spawn point there.
- Fixed /cheatmode command for magics.
- When you kill a mob it shows the remaining experience until next level.
- When you pick up munny it shows the amount you’ve picked up.
- More recipes added (not all yet XD).
- Commands now have a permission restriction, only op can use them.
- All KH2 keyblades have 3D Model.
- Some BBS and OrgXIII models
- New Item: Blaze of Glory, Modeled by stel312 and textured by Pokemew12
- Vanilla hearts are hidden (Need config option for that).
- 2 new commands:
- /removechain <player>, It removes the keychain from the player specified (useful for adventure maps)
- /resetlevel <player>, Resets the player level and attributes.
- “Nerfed” Eternal Flames, now you can’t hold right click to shoot them quickly, it works now similar as a bow, the longer you hold it, the further it will go.
- Added Stormy Ore.
- Now ores are biome-specific.
- Witches will now have a 25% chance of dropping a Spell orb. It can be used to upgrade the magics. (Some magics may not have any improvement yet)
- Added some knowledge books:
- Manifest: Right clicking this one will give you a random Organization 13 weapon.
- Void: This is the base book.
- Depending on the order of the Lost Illusion you will get one of the following Knowledge books.
- Unknown: You can Craft it with a Lost illusion and Void Knowledge.
- Illuded: You can Craft it with a Lost illusion and Void Knowledge.
- Forgotten: You can Craft it with a Lost illusion and Void Knowledge.
- Eclipsed: You can Craft it with a Lost illusion and Void Knowledge.
- Dark: You can Craft it with a Lost illusion and Void Knowledge.
- Abandoned: You can Craft it with a Lost illusion and Void Knowledge.
- Obscured: You can Craft it with a Lost illusion and Void Knowledge.
Requires Render Player API
- New HUD, MP Bar and tweaked HP Bar.
- New models for:
- Lionheart
- Follow the wind
- Wooden Keyblade
- K.B. of People Hearts
- Incomplete XBlade
- XBlade
- SpellBinder
- Ultima Weapon
- Form drive orbs added, Valor, Wisdom, Master, Limit and Final.
- Every form has its own skin/armor.
- If you don’t have enough points to drive, the form will be shown in gray.
- If you don’t have the drive form unlocked it won’t appear.
- You have special abilities with each drive:
- Valor: You jump the highest.
- Wisdom: You are the fastest.
- Master: You can do multiple jumps.
- Final: You can glide if you hold Space in midair.
- Frozen pride no longer crashes on a server.
- Danger blox no longer crashes when you walk on it with boots.
- If you are in a drive form (without having a drive license) you must revert the fusion to be able to drive again.
- To get antiform you must transform into normal drives, then you will randomly drive into it. Valor, wisdom, limit and master add 1 point. Final form subtracts you 10 points, using antiform subtracts 4 points.
- For antiform:
- If you have between 1 and 4 points you have a 10% probability.
- If you have between 5 and 9 points you have a 25% probability.
- If you have over 10 points you have a 40% probability.
- You can’t have negative points, the lowest value is 0.
- The keyblade summon and void knowledge summon in multiplayer fixed.
- Right click with munny to consume them all.
- Fixed the Updater.
- More achievements.
- More config options (Edit them from the .cfg file, not from the in-game option).
- Fortune applied on the Ores and Prize Blox.
- Bug blox will spawn in the overworld similar to re:coded.
- Slain mobs have a chance of dropping HP orbs.
- Eternal flames have no gravity, they “rotate” and they have a fire particle.
- Modified the crafting of a potion: You need to make an empty bottle with glass
- The new synthesis system fully fixed.
- A new menu, M to open it (by default).
- In the villages there is a new building which has a few hard blox, libraries and a chest with a few synthesis materials, or even a recipe!
- In each building there is a new and special black villager who can trade you hearts for recipes.
- Music discs are now fixed, also 4 new music discs. Also they will spawn in jungle temples too.
- Sound effect for unsummon the Keyblade.
- A new munny system. When you pick up from the ground the munny, it won’t be in your inventory, instead of that it will be a counter in the menu which stores the amount of munny you got.
- Recipes for Mythril: Shard, Stone, Gem and Crystal.
- Dark Matter recipe added
- Dark Knowledge added - required to craft Voided Knowledge.
- Void knowledge added - Right clicking with it will give you a random Organization XIII Weapon.
- A new W.I.P. command, “/givemunny” will say you got the munny but doesen’t work correctly yet.
- 5 new achievments: (there will be a lot in the future)
- Is this a bug?
- Let's see what this makes
- The key that lights the darkness
- Ori...What?
- Forge updated to
- Developer capes updated to 1.7.10
- Battlegear updated to 1.7.10
- Renamed some item names
- Gui text and tooltips can be localized.
- Prize blox are a bit more common.
- New synthesis gui removing the need of knowing recipes. Now you need to find the recipes as objects to make them (Not working yet on prerelease).
- Organization XIII weapons (Interdiction, SkySplitter, Book of redistribution and Eternal Flames are 3D modelled).
- Rumbling Rose is now modelled; If you want more modelled keyblades, you can make the models and send them to me.
- In-game configuration for the mod (Awesome new forge feature). That means in the main menu you can change it without exiting the game (It’s a bit weird but it will look better).
- Sound effects for summoning and opening the synthesis gui.
- Recipe items generate in dungeons. Needed to craft the keyblades.
- Modified drops for Prize Blox and Rare Prize Blox.
- Tweaked some Keyblade Damage.
- Sound when you summon the Keyblade.
- Update to 1.7.2/10.
- Easier to use language files.
- No more IDs.
- Better more efficient packet handling making it easier to communicate between the client and the server (That makes better the summoning of the keyblade).
- Support for newest Battlegear 2 version (Only 1.7.2 right now).
- New developer capes implemented (Only for 1.7.2 it's not released for 1.7.10 yet :( )
- New and better way to render images on GUI.
- Armor of the master added
- Keyblade armor repairable in Anvils using Orichalcum+
- Renamed Organization armor to Dark Robe
- Dark Robe can be repaired in Anvils using Leather of the Darkness
- New Synthesis Table with a 3x3 grid currently only crafts the Keyblade armor
- Synthesis ores spawn chances can be configured
- Fixed summoning of all Keyblades
- Fixed buggy textures for armor
- Fixed Keyblade summoning on serverside
- Synthesis Tables drop when destroyed
- 114 Keyblades
- 114 Keychains for the keyblades
- Keyblades can be summoned with a keybind
- Keybind added with default of G
- Battlegear 2 API support added so keyblades can be dual wielded
- Blast Blox is now also activated by punching it
- Blast Blox can be removed by punching it with a feather
- Synthesis Table added
- Synthesis GUI added to Synthesis Table which allows crafting of the keyblades
- Lots of different munny amounts added
- Creative tabs added for each game with the keyblades.
- Synthesis materials added
- Synthesis material ores added
- Config options added
- Vanquish enchantment added
- Vanquish added to all keyblades
- Vanquish allows the gathering of hearts
- Munny drops from mobs
- Rare prize blox and Prize blox generate
- Thaumcraft 3 API support removed