- Vent Door blocks, which can also be linked to Buttons and powered with Redstone.
- Reworked the Flashlight from the ground up. It now is brighter at its target and spawns ash particles between it and the player to simulate dust particles in the light beam.
- Fixed the Flashlight not working in the off-hand.
- Fixed the Flashlight flickering too much.
- Fixed Remnant Deposits flickering too much.
- Fixed Remnant and Frostbear Snow particles not appearing on servers.
- Fixed small issues with Crash Door drops and locking.
- Fixed Endo-02, Withered Bonnie and other new noises not being in the correct audio format.
- Compressed sounds.
- Made the Localization Files more consistent.
- Fixed a spelling error in the Wave 2.5 book entry.
- Holding HandUnit and pressing the Use Fazcraft Item keybind will now toggle him between Interaction and Locking mode. Interaction Mode acts how he did before and is the default whereas Locking Mode will allow you to lock Fluorescent Lights, Crash Doors and Fazcraft Buttons. Locked blocks will disable other users from being able to link/lock them and will prevent them from being broken by any non-Creative users that are not the owner of the block.
- Added many more pages to the Handbook for blocks, decor, food, the Broken Lure and other small changes.
- Fixed a bug with Balloon Entity spawns.
- Fixed a bug with Balloon block shading.
- Fixed a bug with Endo-02 component placing.
- Adjusted the placement conditions for a vast majority of decor and other blocks from the mod to be more consistent and allow for more freedom of placement (upper slabs should no longer be a problem)
- Fixed strange rendering with the Wet Floor Sign.
- Removed leftover debug messages for the Withered Bonnie Mask from printing to console.
- Reworked the Fluorescent Light from the ground up to flicker better and generally function better.
- Adjusted breaking speeds and names of many blocks, mainly Tiles.
- Properly defined GeckoLib and Patchouli as required mods for function.
- Added an automatic Update Checker for the mod.
/ Updated Wire Model and Hitbox ///FIXED\\
- HOPEFULLY fixed odd shadows on Balloons
- HOPEFULLY fixed weird Wire texture bug when used in conjunction with other mods
- Fixed Handunit advancement not being granted
- Withered Bonnie, featuring a remix of an older mechanic with some new tweaks and additions, and a new set of sounds designed by our new Sound Designer, Arrow
- Withered Bonnie Mask item, doubling Animatronic Replacement chance when worn
- New textures for Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Bare Endo, Excavator Freddy and Baker Chica
- New animations for Bonnie and Bare Endo
- Two new skins, Tinkerer Bonnie and Fallen Endo
- Disassembling enchantment; Sharpness but for animatronics (like Bane of Arthropods or Smite)
- Salvaging enchantment; each hit grants a chance for an animatronic to drop an extra Part, Remnant or animatronic-specific part
- Camera decoration blocks (non-functional)
- Door, Light and Combination (both Door and Light) buttons with respective wireless connectivity
- Fluorescent Lights with multiple possible settings (Bright, Flickering and Dim) that can be powered either with Redstone or wirelessly with a Light Button
- Crash Doors that can extend up to five blocks in height with dynamic size changing for maximum customizability, and the ability to power adjacent Crash Doors up to five Crash Door blocks on the same y-level as it in both possible directions if powered by Redstone or wirelessly with a Door Button
- 1/10 chance upon dying to an animatronic to be "stuffed" and spawn a Stuffed Freddy Suit on your point of death
- 4 Arcade Cabinets representing the four Death Minigames from Five Nights at Freddy's 2
- Astro Wool and Carpet for decorating your Arcade floors
- Wires to hang from the walls and ceiling to decorate the less appealing rooms of your pizzeria
- HandUnit, replacing sticks as the tool for rotating animatronics, and allowing you to interact with "technology-based" blocks and aspects of the mod-- with a 1/50 chance to spout out an iconic quip upon taking him out
- Monitors that can be toggled on/off to display room-brightening static
- Small monitors that can be stacked up to 4 in a tile, similar to other decor
- Phone block that can be right-clicked to "ring"
- Fan block that can be right-clicked to toggle on or off
- Trash for throwing onto the floor and make your pizzeria feel more alive
- Repaired and Empty styles for animatronic head blocks that can be cycled through with Handunit
- Made Endo and Endo-02 components placeable
- New Tile blocks for every possible dye color in Minecraft
- Multiple new tags for various entities
- New overlays for Freddy mask and RWQFSFASXC encounter
- New Handbook pages for various additions
- Blank Cassette Tape for crafting various Cassette Tapes for future items
- "Creepin' Towards the Door" Cassette Tape
/ Retextures for the Table block and Vents / Remodel and Retexture for Pizzeria Chairs, Balloon decor, Office Lamp, Warning Sign and the Balloon entity / Updated model for Bonnie Head block / Updated a few recipes (namely Logic Chips) / Updated a few item/block descriptions to make vague functionality more clear / Allowed Frostbear to actually freeze you on hit / Nerfed Animatronic Replacement chance post-Golden Freddy from 1/3 to 1/4 / Overhauled Recipe functionality to use invisible Advancements / Added check to give player Handbook when first joining world / Removed Stay Calm cassette as reward; now crafted ///FIXED\\
- Fixed animatronic statue rotation resetting when entity is unloaded (most likely)
- Fixed minor visual errors with the Wet Floor Sign and Hanging Stars
- Fixed entities spawning in minecraft:the_void and Mushroom biomes
- Fixed lamp persisting when block above it is destroyed/doesn't exist
- Fixed RWQFSFASXC annihilating any and all armor player is wearing when killing them
- Hopefully fixed Tomato Seeds not dropping
- Fix an issue causing animatronics to not despawn when being replaced by a Toy variant
- Updated Chica's textures
- Gave Chica and the Cupcake new GeckoLib-Powered animations.
- Overhauled Chica's code to be more efficient and less space-consuming.
- Updated Freddy's model and textures.
- Updated Freddy, Chica, and Cupcake animatronic head blocks.
- Added Flash Beacon functionality.
- Added a Fazcraft section to the Controls screen to re-bind Fazcraft keybinds.
- Updated all Plushie models, gave Freddy variant plushies an animation for nose-honking.
- Added two new Plushies-- one Faz-Coin exclusive.
- Added a Patchouli Guide Book for certain aspects of the mod.
- Added Skins. Skins can begin appearing in your world after defeating Frostbear in the colder regions of the world.
- Added a new Skins tab to the Creative Menu.
- Added two new Animatronic Skins (three if you count the Cupcake!), exclusive to Fazcraft.
- Added the Faulty Transponder; when in your inventory, Skins are more likely to spawn.
- Overhauled Flashlight code to be more consistent and less space-consuming.
- Updated a large number of blocks and textures, including: Paper Pals Tables Wall Tiles Floor Tiles and Alternate Variants Curtains Party Hats Flashlight Toy Armor Toreador March Disc And probably some more that I've forgotten.
- Tables now automatically connect to adjacent Table blocks.
- Tables can now be crawled under for optimal hiding.
- Added Grimey Pizzeria Wall blocks.
- Added Vent Covers.
- Added Employee Doors.
- Added Pots and Pans for placing on top of and on the side of other blocks.
- Added Male, Female, and Gender Neutral bathroom signs.
- Added Wet Floor signs.
- Added Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Crying Child posters.
- Added Plates.
- Added Tomato Seeds, Tomato Crops, and Tomatoes.
- Added a number of food items, including multiple Help Wanted candies, and multiple original meals.
- Added Depleted Batteries; can be recharged with some Redstone (Subject to change).
- Added Cheese, updated a few recipes to accommodate this.
- Added a recipe for the Pizza Box.
- Updated multiple item descriptions for clarity.
- Added multiple Cassette Tapes to play in Jukeboxes (Noteblock TLT FNaF 1, Noteblock TLT FNaF 2 (Unobtainable in Survival), and Noteblock Stay Calm).
- Drastically reduced filesize.
- Updated Golden Freddy renders for Hallucinations.
- Lowered Frostbear HP, reduced his Parts and Remnant drops.
- Nerfed Mangle; less Mangle Pieces per phase, Pieces have less HP.
- Mangle fight should feel more responsive.
- Golden Freddy fight should feel more responsive.
- Added a handful of new Advancements; you may have to re-encounter Golden Freddy and RWQFSFASXC for the full content experience if playing on an old world!
- Renamed the Classic Beacon to the Classic Console; added the ability to right-click to go right to the next wave.
- Average fun value per world increased.