Last version before we backport!
- New character: Candy Cadet! Statue-only animatronic character, crafted by surrounding a Faz-Coin with 8 Candy items. Right-clicking with a Faz-Coin rewards a random candy item and potentially a story, at the cost of the coin.
- New skin: Flamethrower Bare Endo from FNaF AR! Alternates between chasing like a normal Endo and shooting his Flamethrower at his target every 4 seconds; being in range of Flamethrower Bare Endo when he shoots his flamethrower deals rapid fire damage.
- Added 1/15 chance for Chocolate Box to reward a random bear plush alongside main reward during Valentine's Season
- Reworked the Vinyl Cupcake; now sticks to blocks for 1.5 seconds before exploding.
- Increased Animatronic spawn rates by 10%
- Separated skins into their own category in the Guidebook, separated skins by FNaF AR, Fazcraft and Misc.
- Re-organized FNaF AR skins in Creative Inventory and Guidebook by AR release order.
- Fix Teddy placement in Creative Inventory
- Fixed Chica, Golden Freddy, Mangle, etc. from being killable while spawns are active (such as the Cupcake).
- Fix Salvage Enchantment granting rewards while striking an animatronic on weapon cooldown/during Animatronic invuln state (such as Chica while the Cupcake is alive)
- Fixed Gilded Cockroach texture path
4.6.1 - Fazcraft: Love & War
- Updated Toy Freddy's model, animations and textures
- Endoplush; new character with 20% chance to replace Endo on spawn. Slightly faster and about as tall as 1 block. Basically a Baby Endo.
- Black Heart Bonnie Skin; spawns during Valentines Season. Inflicts Wither on hit and deals more damage. Drops Glass-based blocks and Chocolate Boxes on kill. Can be lured year-round.
- Teddy Toy Freddy Skin; spawns during Valentines Season. Drops Chocolate Boxes on kill.
- Valentines Season
- Holiday Spirit (Valentines)
- Chocolate Box; grabbag for Valentines
- Black Heart Bonnie Plush
- Rose Petals
- Wither Rose Petals
- Valentines Confetti
- Heart Neon Sign
- Wall Hearts
- 'Love U!' poster
- Hanging Hearts
- Chocolate Heart
- Candy Heart
- Lone Berry Arcade Cabinet
- Golden Rose
- Gilded Cockroach; rare Valentines critter that drops Valentines Grabbags and some Gold items
- Funko Fusion Freddy Pizza Cannon
- Funko Fusion Foxy Pirate Cannon
- Funko Fusion Chica Cupcake Bomb
- Updated Plush Suit icons for every Plush Suit in the game
- Rat critter; spawns from Trash Bags. Drops Dead Rat on kill. Dead Rat can be deep-fried at a Lava Cauldron for a Cooked Rat.
- Jumbo Freddy Plush
- Added sound effects for interacting with hanging Shreddy Mask
- Updated texture for Party Hats and Party Hat item
- Updated texture for Pizzeria Table
- Updated textures for Pizzeria Walls
- Re-did almost every animatronic render in the Guidebook
- Fixed an issue causing crashes when making custom foods
- Fixed an issue preventing custom foods being made with just tomato
- Updated Guitar 3rd person model
- Updated Golden Pumpkin, Golden Jack-O-Lantern and Golden Freddy Ornament to spawn Golden shine particles
- Removed Pizza Box from animatronic loot tables
- Firework Freddy (what timing, huh?), spawns around New Year's and the 4th of July. Grants a higher speed boost in his last phase, and a 7 second countdown 'till he explodes!
- Swamp Balloon Boy, spawns under the full moon in Swamps and Mangroves Swamps. Inflicts Mining Fatigue while targeting a player, and inflicts Slowness 2 on hit.
- Fix head rotations on Withered Freddy and Withered Bonnie
- Disabled Flashlight power drain in Creative Mode
- Removed Leaf Carpet blocks as Minecraft is adding them in an official sense in an upcoming update
- Fix issues with Frostbite Balloon Boy lure
- Slightly adjust ghost food textures in Food Station GUI to be more in-line with Minecraft GUIs
- Fix Balloons spawning outside of the Overworld
- Updated model, textures and animations for Freddy Frostbear
- New character: El Chip! Statue-only animatronic character, crafted by surrounding a Faz-Coin with 8 Mexican food items.
- El Chip's Neon Sign
- Cactus Neon Sign
- Food Station, used to make customized foods
- Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica and Mangle plushies
- Nightmare Puffs cereal; can be placed or crafted with a bowl to create a Bowl of Nightmare Puffs. Can make up to 4 before the item is destroyed.
- Golden Freddy Poster
- A wide variety of Mexican foods
- Christmas Season
- Holiday Spirit (Christmas)
- Christmas Stocking Grab-bag
- Carol Bell
- A few Christmas treats
- Christmas Confetti
- Hanging Snowflakes
- Wall Snowflakes
- Frostbear's Frozen Land
- Christmas Lights
- Star Topper
- Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy and Golden Freddy Ornaments (Golden Freddy ornament is the rare Golden drop for this season.)
- Frosted Glass and Frosted Glass Panes
- Snowglobe
- Santa Freddy, Elf Bonnie, Snow Chica and Gingerbread Foxy plushies
- Wreath
- Christmas Presents
- Placeable Stockings
- Ugly Sweater
- Holly
- New skin: Santa Freddy! Spawns only during Christmas season in Cold biomes very very rarely. Guaranteed to drop Stockings and his Santa Hat, and most likely a Christmas treat.
- New skin: Frostbite Balloon Boy! Spawns only during Christmas season in Cold biomes. Can be lured year-round.
- New skin: Black Ice Frostbear! Spawns only during Christmas season in Cold biomes. Can be lured year-round.
- Santa Hat; heavily increases spawn chance of Santa Freddy when worn
- Merry Christmas Poster
- Advent Calendar; expensive to craft, grants a reward every day of December up until the 25th
- Gilded Polar Bear
- Adjusted texture of Holiday Spirit (Halloween)
- Fixed Table breaking speed and drops
- Adjusted tags of Tomato and Corn items
- Increased output of many recipes
- Updated models and textures for many Plushie blocks, and added Floor requirement for placement/persistence
- Adjusted placing of Arcade Cabinets
- Completely re-did the code for Bonnie's teleport so that he can no longer teleport to the top of the world from any Y coordinate
- Leaf Carpet decoration block (tints with biome similar to leaves)
- Dead Leaf Carpet decoration block (Halloween)
- Added a line to the Freddy Fazbear Neon Sign to make it more clear how to place
- Attempted to fix Remnant Deposits spawning like crazy + spawning when the world is joined for the first time
- Fixed Freddy Fazbear, BB, Shreddy Fazchair and Impulse BB statues despawning in Peaceful
- Adjusted Halloween Mask recipes
- Adjusted eating speed of Chewy Treat and Teethy Chew to be slower for the funny
- Port to NeoForge 1.20.4
- Updated BB animations, model and textures
- Impulse BB, Enchanted Foxy, Fungal Chica, Ella (Cinematic) and Shreddy Fazchair skins
- Trash Cans
- Trash Bags that can spawn Cockroaches. Wax to disable.
- Plastic Balls fluid with custom overlay and fog
- Granite Brick set of blocks
- Dark Pizzeria Wall set of blocks
- Retextured many items and blocks
- Various Clouds, Sun, and Moon blocks for walls
- Speakers
- Freddy Title, Pizza Place Subtitle, and Freddy Fazbear Neon Signs
- Yellow Rabbit drawing
- BB Figurine from movie
- Red variant of Curtains
- Springlocks (crafting item)
- William Whopper (creative only)
- Shreddy Mask block
- Corn crop and some related foods
- Anti-boat cheese
- Placeable Director's Camera
- Halloween season and a ton of Halloween blocks and items obtainable during the season from Goodie Bags (more info in Guidebook). Season lasts all of October through November 15th. Undead mobs may celebrate!
- Increased Part drops across board
- Increased a number of crafting results to lessen grinds
- Chance for Endo and Endo-02 to drop respective Components
- Fixed Animatronic heads not dropping occasionally
- Fixed Wool blocks not breaking faster with Shears
- Re-coded spawn condition for animatronics
- Adjusted spawn rates for Balloons and animatronics
- Adjusted some block hitboxes
- Renamed a lot of blocks/items for consistency
- Lowered a few chances in Easter Egg grab-bag
- Updated most overlays
- Fixed Easter recipes not being granted to player when getting Easter Remnant
- Hopefully fixed Neon Signs popping off of walls
- Fixed certain blocks not placing properly on upper slabs and other similar blocks
- Fixed a few mining speeds of blocks
- Fixed Glass dropping shards when breaking with Silk Touch
- Adjusted the Recharging Station to prevent stealing Flashlights and make noise when done charging
- Increased Tomato crop output and fixed a few issues with physical crop block
- Fixed 3rd person models for Hatterang and Kitchen Knife
- Reworked Broken Lure to spawn any of the wave 1 characters at even odds
- Increase chance for Toys/Withereds to replace spawns
- Fixed the Chica crash with Alex's Caves
- Disabled animatronic spawns in Alex's Caves
- Fix a Toy Chica crash
- Overhaul most blocks that have special Blockstates. BACK UP YOUR WORLDS!!!!!!
- Easter Season (lasts last week of March and all of April)
- Easter Eggs drop at 1/20 chance from every entity with "animatronics" entity tag (excluding Cupcakes, Mangle Parts and Easter skins) during Easter Season
- Melted Chocolate Bonnie \ Takes little to no knockback \ Deals higher damage \ Only has a 50% chance to teleport when damaging a player \ Inflicts Hunger 5 for 3 seconds when damaging a player \ 10% chance to "eat" a part of him when damaging him and gaining some hunger back \ Spawns during Easter season in hot biomes in the Overworld
- Updated item textures for \ Remnant \ Red Remnant \ Shadow Core \ Logic Chip \ All Poster Roll items
- Large Egg decoration blocks themed after Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, Mangle and Balloon Boy, as well as a rare Golden one from opening Easter Eggs during the season (+ advancement for getting it)
- Bonnie Bites Arcade Cabinet
- Bunny Headband
- Pastel Wall decorations of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy (5 colors each)
- Holiday Spirit (Easter) Crafting item obtained from Remnant Deposits during last week of March and all of April
- "EASTER!" Neon Sign
- Internally rework Remnant Deposits so that modifying their drops doesn't suck
- Nerf Hatterang damage from 6 down to 4
- Lower chances of obtaining a Skin from Easter Eggs
- Confetti
- Neon Jukebox
- Easter Confetti
- Easter Toy Bonnie Poster
- Holiday category in Handbook, as well as accompanying Easter entry
- Melted Chocolate Bonnie entry in Handbook
- Model and animation for Remnant Deposit \ Spins idly when nobody is close enough \ Will face the nearest player when one is close enough
- Handbook entries for Confetti, Neon Jukebox and all new Easter items/blocks
- Updated every Handbook drop entry and Remnant Deposit to use new textures/models
- Fix posters having collision
- Fix Astro Carpet not being destroyed by water
- Fix W. Freddy advancement not being granted
- Fix secret Withered Bonnie advancement always being granted on kill
- Adjusted spawn condition for Excavator to hopefully make him a tiny bit more common
- Adjusted Handbook pages for Animatronics, Enchantments and Easter Eggs
- Updated Cove Cooler recipe.
- New character-- Withered Freddy \ Special gimmick-- inflicts debuffs more and more drastically the lower his health is. Kill to relieve them.
- Special new weapon-- The Hatterang \ Usable Top Hat boomerang dropped by Withered Freddy
- New audio, models and textures for Bare Endo, Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie, Chica, Cupcake, Foxy and Foxy Head block
- New animations, texture and model for Foxy
- Modified animatronic behavior to make hiding from them slightly more consistent for things such as maps.
- Stained Glass of four types, each for one of the four Classics
- Director's Camera for converting Animatronic Statues to their Cinematic variants where applicable
- Cinematic Skins for the four Classics resembling their FNaF Movie looks
- Sparky the Dog skin based on Movie appearance
- Updated Textures for Freddy, Bonnie and Chica posters as well as Crash Door
- Nebraska, Starring (Freddy), Starring (Bonnie), Starring (Chica), Starring (Foxy), Let's Party and Celebrate! posters
- Update every Lure model and texture.
- Office Chair for rolling around in.
- Ability to "lock" Fazcraft Statues and Office Chair entities- owners can destroy and interact with them in unique ways while non-owners can not.
- Gamerules to enable/disable entity locking and the limit for locked entities
- Re-do placement on Statues to add audio, require 3 blocks of air in placement area and have them place facing Player at closest 45 degree angle.
- New "Talking in your Sleep" Noteblock cover
- Waterlogging to Crash Doors and Office Buttons
- Multiple new foods such as Classic Popsicles and Chocolate Bars
- Let's Party, Let's Rock, Let's Eat, Let's Play, Restrooms, Arcade and Prizes Neon Signs
- New texture for Kitchen Knife item
- Shamrock Freddy Skin from FNaF AR \ Spawns week surrounding St. Patrick's Day, has a lure for year-round spawning. \ Higher stats than Freddy, drops Gold
- Chocolate Bonnie Skin from FNaF AR \ Spawns last week of March and all of April, has a lure for year-round spawning. \ Inflicts Hunger on hit, striking back has 25% chance to restore some Hunger to Player \ Drops various Chocolate items and potentially an Easter Egg
- Easter Bonnie Skin from FNaF AR \ Spawns last week of March and all of April, has a lure for year-round spawning. \ Hits harder than Bonnie and takes no Knockback, only 50% chance to teleport on hitting Player \ Drops 1-3 Easter Eggs
- Easter Egg grab bag for dropping various Loot, including potential Chocolate and Easter skins
- Employee Vest and Security Badge decorational wearable items
- Broken Glass, dropped by breaking Glass and Glass Panes without Silk Touch
- Updated Guide Book entries
- New Guide Book entries
/ Fixed Z-Fighting on Bathroom signs / Animatronic "super armor" + thorns to prevent Iron Golem farming / Heavily compressed files for audio to reduce filesize / Fix a crash relating to Mangle / Fix a secret Advancement not being obtainable. / Fix for Tomato Seeds not planting. / Fix for Frostbear's attack range.
/// NEW \\
- Freddy Frostbear can now spawn anywhere during December.
- Adjusted Animatronic attack ranges of a few entities.
- Fixed CakeCake not being tagged under Animatronic Skins tag.
- Fixed "Bear Skin Rugs" advancement not being granted when striking Skin animatronics.
- Adjusted animation files of all currently-animated characters.
- Very slightly updated Freddy's performance idle.
- Changed Excavator Freddy spawn condition slightly (hopefully should see him slightly more! He spawns fairly often in Superflat worlds!)
- Fixed upper half of Arcade Cabinets persisting if turned off and breaking the bottom block.
- Fixed Consoles not failing if out of range or dying until Golden Freddy wave.
- Fixed Consoles dropping if failed to avoid farming and exploiting.
- Fixed Mangle Arms allowing you to climb in Spectator Mode.
- Reworked the Propellor Cap. Only grants 1.5 seconds of Slow Fall when descending from the air; grants permanent Jump Boost I when equipped.
- Fixed Disassembling enchantment not working properly.
- Fixed Iron Golems targeting Remnant Deposits.
- Made the Cupcake, Golden Cupcake, Toy Cupcake and Mangle Parts all specifically tied to each of their "owner" entities; one Chica won't be buffed and stopped by another Chica's cupcake, for instance.
- Adjusted the Icicle item; can now be repaired with any Ice block and acts as a Sword.
- Allowed Frostbear to walk on Powdered Snow.
- Fixed Flashlight destroying blocks.