New effects:
- Hidden effect that will only be applied for short times
- Causes all damage that is not caused by the person affected to become nullified.
- Nullifying damage is cued by the sound of amethyst.
Changes to weapons:
Astral Greathammer ↺
- No longer sweeps
- Reduced damage 9 -> 8
- Reduced cooldown 1 -> 1.6
- Can no longer be enchanted with sweeping edge
- Recipe now includes 1 netherite axe instead of 1 diamond axe and 2 netherite scrap instead of 2 iron
Nailcannon ▲
- Base nails Deal 4x damage(2 per nail) against non player entities
Changes to kosmogliphs:
Overheat ↺
- Sets entities on fire for less time, 10s -> 2.5s
- Fire nails deal 4x damage against non player entities(1 nail damage, 1 burn damage)
Dash & dodge ↺
- No longer lets you dodge or dash while gliding with an elytra
- No longer recharges when gliding with an elytra
- Now grants 5 ticks of Immortal.
Dodge ▲
- Now takes your movement keys(WASD/IJKL or any others) to pick your direction instead of just taking your momentum.
- Now sets your vertical momentum, allowing you to stop when going up or down and giving its boost more range on the ground.
Cannonball & Cannonball Launcher ↺
- Increased cannonball base damage against players 5 -> 10
- No longer rebounds after the first rebound.
- Removed cooldown for cannonball launcher
- Reduced cooldown for cannonball to 2 seconds
- Increased the momentum cannonball bounces back for 5% -> 10%
Thermal ↺
- Now reduces Fire and Ice damage by 70%
- Now prevents fire and freezing from affecting you.
- No longer removes slowness
Flame burst ▲
- Will now add the time to the fire duration, rather then setting. This stacks to a maximum of 20 seconds.
- Reduced time target is set on fire, 10s -> 5s
Freeze ▼
- Will no longer add frozen ticks if the entity will be frozen for more than 27 seconds
- Reduced time target is frozen, 18.5s -> 5s
- If the target has lower than 7 seconds of frozen ticks, they will gain those 7 seconds and then have the additional 5 seconds added on. This is because ice damage is not dealt if a target has less than 7 seconds of frozen ticks.
- Frost bolts do the same.
Frost thorns ▼
- Frost bolts add less frost time 10s -> 5s
- Frost bolts now set 7 seconds of frost if the target has less.
- Frost cap for frost bolts is 27 seconds.
- Now fires 5 bolts every time
Parry ▼
- Successfully parrying now lower the shield and give it a brief cooldown
- Successfully parrying now grants you a 2hp heal, so long as the projectile or strike was not caused by you
- Failing to parry(having nothing be parried during the parry window) will now lower your shield and put it on cooldown for 5 seconds.
- Can now parry nails
- Removed special parry types. All projectiles, with the exception of ender pearls and tridents, will fall into one of 3 categories. Weak, Strong and Very strong, which create explosions that deal 10, 15 and 20 damage respectively. Hitting a cannonball with these will upgrade the explosion. [this is done via tags, so if you have mods with different projectiles then you can use those to add them. All projectiles default to weak]
- All parry explosions are now the same size
Ankle Guard ▲
- Reduces fall and kinetic damage by 25% before limiting them
- Raised minimum hp that fall and kinetic damage can take you to, 1hp -> 25% hp with a minimum of 1hp
- Notes: Due to it now taking a percentage of the players max hp, effects that increase or decrease your max hp will scale with this effect. Be careful when at low max hp.
Changed some weapons having access to kosmogliph
- Mortar has been removed
- Flamethrower has been removed
- Scorch-proof has been removed
- Deep wounds is no longer accessible on the Astral Greathammer
- Axes now have Astral slash
Changes to effects
- No longer increases damage dealt against the entity hit with plasma damage if the entity is a player.
- Changed damage type when dealing damage to players so it will no longer pierce i frames.
Reduce ▼
- Against a player, if damage dealt would deal more then 15 damage, it either resets to the original damage, or caps the damage at 15. Whichever is higher.
Changes to other mechanics
- Increased crimson time duration, 3 -> 5
Other balance changes
Depending on the item, and it’s kosmogliphs, the speed penalty for using said item will be slightly different, but overall faster then usual. Here is a list of things and their values(per % of player speed, minecraft default is 20%)
- Shield and riptide trident: 30%
- Deep wounds, potions and foods: 40%
- Bow, crossbow and Tridents: 50%
- Mace: 70%
- Nailcannon: 80%
- Astral slash and parry shields: 100%
- The default is 50% for everything else.
Aesthetical changes:
- “Enraged” beams of light are now given different colours to better help indicate what weaponry your opponent is using.
- “Hard damage” and “Weak hard damage” have been renamed to “Diminished life” and “Weak diminished life” respectively.
- Diminished life, Weak diminished life, and deep wounds have a new icon.
- Crimson time now makes your entire crosshair, including the cooldown indicator, tint red to make it compatible with resource packs.
- Updated lightning chain effect to look better
- Changed a couple death messages
- Ricochet can no longer bounce off of air
- Endermen can no longer be hit by nails or cannonballs
- Cannonballs will no longer be hit by cannonballs.
- Cannonballs and beams of light have names
- The nail cannon's boost sound effect will now play at the appropriate time instead of late.
- Railguns will no longer be able to hit the same entity multiple times
- Parry will no longer parry projectiles you threw out unless they have existed for at least 0.5 seconds
Enders fixes:
- Fixed issues relating to items moving when they shouldn’t, e.g. moving items in the inventory and items reloading.
- Armour will no longer clink or clank when moving items or clicking on slots in the inventory
- Items will no longer store kosmogliph data when the kosmogliph is changed
- Icons in the cosmic table will no longer flash when a kosmogliph is applied
- Hammer no longer drops xp in creative mode
- Crimson time no longer flashes in third person
- Removed kosmogliphs no longer brick your world
- Trying to put a kosmogliph on an item without a gem will no longer trick you into thinking you’ve put one on
- Alchemist now functions properly in creative mode.
If you have a kosmogliph that is removed, it will receive the “Empty” kosmogliph
This is a big balance change update with not much in terms of new content. However, please do trust me when I say there are a lot of plans to go forward. New weapons, new ideas, and new ways to shape combat in your favour.
There are still some problems with astral arsenal, including it being difficult to catch up to a player that is running away. Rectifying this is going to be tricky, but ideas are in the works. If you have any ideas, thoughts, or feelings about this mod, then please do reach out on discord in the #astral-arsenal channel in the Team Voided discord server. You can also get noitified for spoilers, releases, and more from me there.
Enjoy 3.0.0!!!
Entity culling may not be incompatible with this mod, but it is not clear what is needed to do with the config to me to make it function correctly. If you are someone who knows how to fix this issue(a necessary entity skipping rendering because of entity culling) please do contact me on the discord. Otherwise, to casual players, I would not reccomend using Entity culling with this mod.
New kosmogliphs:
Tear: Nailgun kosmogliph Nails apply a stack of Impaled on hit entities. Entities with impaled will take 0.5 * stacks of impaled bonus damage to a max of 15 when hit with any melee damage.
Changes to weapons:
Nailcannon ▼
- Reduced nail damage 1 -> 0.5
- Reduced Fire nail damage -> 0.25 of each
Changes to kosmogliphs:
Air speed kosmogliphs ▲
- Passive effect rather then having to wait in the air
Dodge, jump, dash ▲
- Speed now reduces the cooldown to 1/x+1 where x is the levels of speed.
Slam ▼
- Now grants a set height of a 5 block jump after slam-jumping.
Basic railgun ↺
- Damage against entities reduced 30 -> 20
- Now splits damage upon hitting non-player entities by giving them conductive just before dealing the damage.
Snipe ↺
- Damage against entities reduced 22.5 -> 15
- Now splits damage upon hitting non-player entities by giving them conductive just before dealing the damage
Jump ▲
- Now considers jump boost, giving a 40% height boost per level of jump boost.
- Now adds vertical velocity if you are already moving up.
Orbital, Devastate ▲
- Firework rockets used as ammo make the beams of light enraged, making them better at tracking their target.
Ricochet ▲
- Now deals 5 damage per hit. Max of 15 damage on players.
Capacitance ↺
- Now has a 10 second window after being hit with plasma damage to build up charge. Charge will be gained from the damage of any damage you take. Window resets every time you take damage.
- After the first window is over, a second 10 second countdown will begin. If hit during this countdown, all of the built up charge will strike the attacker, spilling over to nearby entities if it is enough to kill, or hit the maximum damage for players.
- If during the second window you are not hit, after the 10 second countdown all the charge will spill over to all nearby entities, sharing the damage. If there are none, the electricity will dissipate.
Rancid brew ▼
- No longer applies Reduce to target
- No longer applies Poison to target
- No longer applies effects to the user
- Effect duration on the target reduced from 15 seconds to 10 seconds.
Flamethrower ▼
- Increased spread by a lot.
Changes to effects:
Conductive ↺
- Damage share % is now dependent on the input damage, 2x at low damage, 1x at medium damage, 0.5x at high damage.
- Targets a minimum of 3 targets
- Has a cap on damage share against players Plays a different sound when triggered
Changes to mechanics:
(new category here for bigger changes to things used in more than just kosmogliphs or effects, such as the beam of light.)
Beam of light
- Will now dissipate if its owner dies.
- Will now stop tracking its target if its target dies.
- Can now be enraged, enraged beams of light will track their targets better.
Aesthetic changes:
- All railguns have been given a new beam effect, this should just look better then the old particles.
- Beams of light have been given a new beam effect so it looks better
- Electricity from conductive and capacitance has a new beam effect so it looks better.
- Kosmic gem has a new sprite(and so does it’s slot in the table)
- Freezing entities now emit snowflake particles, giving freezing a small buff.
- Slam now applies constant downward velocity, so you should always slam.
- Fixed an issue that caused cannonballs and mortars to not detonate when shot with an explosive railgun, you may now nuke.
- Fixed an issue that caused explosive railgun nukes to deal extra damage in hard and lower damage in easy and peaceful.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to gain wrong horizontal momentum with jump.
I'm sorry this update is so small. It originally had a much larger scope but that scope just couldn’t be reached due to just how entities are and how inexperienced I am.
Hopefully this update packed full of aesthetic and QoL changes makes up for that somewhat. Sorry this couldn’t be what I’d hoped, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
Happy holidays, Enjoy 2.0
New kosmogliphs
Astral rain: A new trident kosmogliph that lets you hold 3 riptides, recharges in water.
Changes to items
Nailgun ▲ Enters rapid-fire mode quicker, 3s -> 1.5s
Changes to kosmogliphs
Capacitance ↺
- Now has a damage cap on players of 15
- Deals 1/5th of the damage stored and keeps any remaining damage charged
- Stores more damage, 0.5x -> 1.0x
Strikes ↺
- When locked on to a target they are guaranteed to hit (excluding time bomb and lock-off)
- No longer give hard-damage (excluding lock-off)
Flamethrower ▼
- No longer pierces players
Yup, 1.14.0 is already here. Enjoy.
Look, I just want flamethrower to be bad against players so nailgun can forfill that role, but it just isn't and its honestly making me angry. so hopefully this just makes it worse.
Changes to kosmogliphs:
Bleed ▼
- Reduced damage per level 0.75 -> 0.4
Pulverise ▼
- Reduced size of pulverise explosion by 50% and reduced how much bigger it gets per block fallen. Now takes a 100 block fall to get to full size.
- Reduced damage from the maximum charged explosion
Flamethrower ▼
- Damage against players reduced, 0.25 -> 0.1
- Gave parry explosions the correct damage type
- Gave pulverise and wind eruption explosions the correct damage type
- Explosions now properly give death text.
Other changes:
- Renamed some death messages
New kosmogliphs:
A new vanilla weapon joins the kosmogliph family with two new kosmogliphs
Pulverise: Hold right click to charge up a leap that causes an explosion on landing. Reduces fall damage to 0. Hold for longer to leap further and deal more damage. Size of the explosion increases with how far you fall. 10 second cooldown.
Wind eruption: Hold right click to charge up an explosion that launches you up and deals damage. Hold for longer to be shot up higher and to do more damage. 5 second cooldown.
Changes to weapons:
Nailcannon ▼
- Decreased base damage of nails 2 -> 1
- Decreased nails gained per second 5/s -> 2/s
- Now has more distinct modes, Slow fire and Rapid fire. The nailgun switches to Rapid fire after 3 seconds unless you are sneaking.
- Rapid fire: 10 nails/second, 10.0 spread, 1.5 velocity
- Slow fire: 5 nails/second, 5.0 spread, 3.0 velocity
- Removed cooldown after using.
Changes to kosmogliphs:
Overheat ▼
- Reduced bonus fire damage 1 -> 0.5
- Now reduces the nail damage from 1 -> 0.5
- Rapid-fire nails are set ablaze.
Capacity ▼
- Increased how long it takes to recharge 1 nail, 2 ticks -> 7 ticks (now a 30% decrease from normal)
Static release ▲
- Now fires charged nails every 10th shot instead of at the end of a volley.
Bleed ▲ Grants more levels on ranged hit, 1 -> 5
Dash ▲
- Added horses, skeleton horses, zombie horses, donkeys and mules to the mounts you can dash with
Parry ▼
- Nails are no longer parryable
- Reduced multiplier for parrying melee attacks, 2x -> 1.25x
Slam ▲
- Now works differently so it should hopefully feel less clunky.
- Now prevents all fall damage when slamming
- Increased slam-jump window to 1 second.
Astral strike ↺
- Now hits 100% of the time
- Increased hits to trigger 3 -> 8
Astral slash ↺
- Now requires a 1 second charge up before firing
- Increased damage, 5 -> 6 (12.5 -> 15 for non-players)
- Increased how far it goes by about 40%
Deep wounds ↺
- Now requires a 2 second charge-up
- Decreased cooldown 90s -> 60s
- Increased how far the blade goes by about 50%
- Changed sound effect and particles to make it clearer as to where the blade is.
Snipe ↺
- Second shot no longer automatically fires. Instead you get a 4 second window, 1 second after the first shot, to fire the second shot. Cooldown starts after this window ends or you take the second shot.
Antidote ▲
- Positive effects now tick down half as fast, so time of effects is doubled.
Endurance ▼
- Reduced how much it defends, 65% -> 50%
Rancid brew ▲
- Increased damage 5 -> 8
- General changes to make descriptions more accurate.
Changes to effects:
Conductive ↺
- Changed damage share to be a flat 50% rather than being based on level.
- Now checks if an entity is living before sharing damage to it
- All levels of the effect are removed when plasma damage is dealt
- Now targets more targets when at higher levels, starting at 1 and maxing out at 10.
Bleed ↺
- Damage at level 1 reduced, 1 -> 0.75
- Damage per level increased, 0.25 -> 0.75
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where swapping off the nailgun caused it to not recharge nails.
We have done it, that is every vanilla weapon with at least 1 kosmogliph, expect future content to be focused on new weapons and reworks for existing kosmogliphs.
A lot of reworks of this update, and that is intentional. Snipe has been needing to feel more fluid and dynamic, it was just hard to use before. Astral slash and deep wounds are also hopefully improved by this, making them a bit more than just throwing it out.
Quite frankly, the nailcannon needed some heavy nerfs, but I did like some aspects it had before, so it is keeping certain features it did have in its slow_fire mode while still making it worse than it was, hopefully I’ve not undertuned it.
This update will be the final update for a little while as I am off on holiday soon enough. There might be an update next week that will include balance changes, but unlikely to contain reworks. I hope this update is nice and fun for y’all for the next couple weeks.
As always, if you want updates on the mod as well as spoilers for upcoming content, join the Team Voided discord server and if you want to report issues please put them on the Github repository. There are likely to be issues with descriptions so the more eyes making sure it's all okay, the better.
Bug fix time :)
- New Cosmic table rendering. The table now only renders a Kosmic gem if it has one in its inventory. And it also renders the tool that placed within. (This is the reason the rendering was broken in 1.12)
- Nails particles are now more random
- Nails no longer lose their hit sounds after hitting a block
- Nail damage has been added to
- Nailcannon now has shooting sounds
- changed creative tab to be KOSMIC_GEM
- Updated and fixed the kosmic table UI
- applied kosmogliphs now have a custom background
Added a new weapon!
Say hello to the Nailcannon, a rapid-firing weapon that regenerates ammo over time, storing up to 100 nails. Each nail deals a couple nail damage and adds a new effect to the entities hit. The nailcannon comes with 3 new kosmogliphs of its own.
New effects
Conductivity: A new effect that does a few things. When the target is hit by plasma or lightning damage, it will take 1% more per level, shoot out arcing lightning to nearby entities, sharing some damage, and reduce the levels on the entity by 5.
New kosmogliphs:
Capacity: Increases the number of nails the nailcannon has by 2x, reduces the time it takes for 1 nail to recharge by 50%. Overheat: After 10 nails are fired, nails are set ablaze, dealing 1 extra fire damage and causing the entity to be set on fire. Static release: After a volley of nails is fired, an extra nail is. This nail deals 1 extra electric damage.
QoL changes:
- In the cosmic table, when hovering over kosmogliphs, some text is displayed to tell you about the kosmogliph.
- Changed the colour of kosmogliph related text in the item tooltip to be more visible
Changes to kosmogliphs
Movement kosmogliphs ▲
- Now, instead of a sudden increase of air speed, it will gradually ramp up, getting to full after two seconds.
Flamethrower ▼
- Reduced damage per hit, 1 -> 0.25
Smelter ▲
- Can now be put on swords and bows
- Will now smelt mob drops
Changes to vanilla:
- Removed the delay between holding up a shield and the shield being able to block damage.
New kosmogliphs:
Ricochet: A kosmogliph that shoots a ricocheting beam that deals 1 damage per hit.
Changes to kosmogliphs:
Reduce effect ▼
- Reduced the increased damage from 30% to 5%
Rancid brew ↺
- Now applies reduce 10 on entities hit, increasing damage taken by 50%
- Now applies reduce 20 on the user, increasing damage taken by 100%
Reduce ▲
- Now applies +6 levels of reduce per hit, a 30% increase as before
- Now applies +1 level of reduce when hitting a melee hit.
Bleed ▲
- Now applies +1 level of bleed when hitting a melee hit
Basic railgun ▲
- Now deals 30 damage to non-player entities
Snipe ▲
- Now deals 22.5 damage to non-player entities each shot
Explosive ▲
- Now deals 30 damage to non-player entities
Time bomb ▼
- Increased cooldown 5s -> 20s
Brand new kosmogliphs
Ankle guard: Prevents falling below 1hp when falling. Helmet exclusive
Parry: Holding up the shield at the right time lets you parry attacks. Parrying projectiles sends an explosive beam forwards. Parrying other attacks deals the damage to the attacker.
Frost thorns: When the shield is hit, spew out a set of ice bolts.
Changes to kosmogliphs
Protection kosmogliphs ▼
- Changed it so that damage reduction is done after armor. This should mean you take more damage overall.
General changes:
- Changed/added some damage types to type tags. This has various effects.
- Bleed and drain now properly ignore armor, drain now also ignores effects
- Plasma damage does not trigger thorns on guardians.
- Fixed an issue that caused explosions from astral arsenal to deal damage based on difficulty, they should now do the appropriate amount of damage in all difficulties. Note that this does not effect vanilla explosions. Creeprs, ghasts, TNT, crystals, etc. should still do the appropriate amount of damage.
There are no proper balance changes in this version because 1.9.0 was never properly tested by me, and nobody came forward with any suggestions. With new kosmogliphs being added, there are likly to be more balance changes to shape the mod into a new meta.
However, it is likly that balance changes will be fewer and further between and new content will by my focus. 2.0.0 is going to be a rework of the code, and aesthetical switch-up. But until then, expect new kosmogliphs and such. I am likly to leave things be a little more to let the meta settle.
As per usual, feel free to join the discord for sneak peaks on newer features, and to talk about the mod. Otherwise, enjoy Astral Arsenal 1.10.0.
Changes to kosmogliphs
Endurance ▼
- Damage reduction 75% -> 65%
Bleed ↺
- Now deals damage every second
- Every level above the first causes bleed to deal 0.25 damage extra instead of reducing time between damage ticks.
- Hitting an entity with bleed adds a level to it
Alchemist ▲
- Increased max charges to 64
Capacitance ▲
- Strikes now instantly strike
Reduce ▲
- Hitting an entity with reduce adds a level to it.
Changes to vanilla
- Increased damage reduction of feather falling from 12% per level to 20% per level. This is to compensate for the removal of protection enchantments
- Added a new mechanic - Crimson time. Crimson time works as a coyote time for melee attacks. This takes heavy inspiration from Enchancement which has the same mechanic. Crimson time, when activated, will change the crosshare to red. Credit to blur for the implementation, and Moriya for the inspiration.
- Fixed an issue that caused reduce to not work or scale
Hey y'all, This might be the last update with balance changes for a while as I feel like this is nearing a good point of balance. If you disagree, please do let me know over on the discord. And as always, if you find any bugs please report them over on the github.
Changes to kosmogliphs:
Astral slash ▲
- Mob damage multiplier 2.0 -> 2.5
FlameBurst ↺
- When attacking a player, no longer shoots projectiles
- Projectiles no longer affected by entity velocity
Freeze ↺
- When attacking a player, no longer shoots projectiles Increased freeze ticks 200 -> 340
- Projectiles no longer affected by entity velocity
Air speed ▲
- Reduced time in air with movement kosmogliphs needed to start moving faster 5s -> 2s
- Now plays a sound when increasing speed
- No longer increases when climbing
Deep wounds ▲
- Killing an entity now grants you extra absorption hp depending on the hp of the entity.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an old buff to work so astral slash does 5 damage instead of 3
- Fixed an issue where deep wounds wouldn’t stack absorption properly when the blade was fired.
The absorption gained from deep wounds has a cap, so it isn't as broken as it seems at first. it also only lasts 5 seconds, so youll find it hard to get too much use out of it. it just felt like a fun thing to keep PVE fights engaging and relentless.
New kosmogliphs:
This kosmogliph works as a 3x3x3 hoe that only breaks mature crops, pumpkins, and melons, netherwart, sweet berries and cocoa beans
Changes to kosmogliphs:
Orbital, devastate, time bomb, lock off ↺
- fired projectiles Now affected by gravity
- Now multishot compatible
Astral slash ↺
- Back to using magic damage
- Now has different particles to indicate its magic damage type
Changes to recipes(if angry, blame ender and farmers delight):
- Amethyst dust 3 amethysts -> 9 amethysts
Changes to blocks(block)
- Cosmic table is waterloggable
- Cosmic table emits some light
Cannonball, mortar ▼
- Now consume 20 greathammer durability
Knockback explosion ▼
- Now deals 5 damage to the creator of the explosion, this is to make cannonball jumping less reliable overall.
- Fixed an issue where astral slash did infinite damage
- Any existing beam of light arrows will now be affected by gravity, letting them cease to exist on their own
Changes to kosmogliphs:
Ray of frost ▼
- Reduced freeze ticks 500 -> 400
- Now sets frost frames instead of adding them
Jump, dash, dodge ▲
- Reduced cooldown increase from freeze ticks, 5 ticks/s -> 1 tick/s
Flamethrower ▲
- Complete changes. Instead of a raycast, it fires out projectiles that light entities on fire and deal damage.
Endurance ▼
- No longer reduces guardian and elder guardian damage
Capacitance ▲
- Now reduces guardian and elder guardian damage
- Now deals 20% of the damage as hard damage
- Track time 20 -> 35 ticks
Devastate ▲
- track time 40 -> 45
Orbital ▲
- track time 50 -> 55
Time bomb ▲
- active time 5 -> 40
Bleed ▲
- Effect time 15s -> 20s
- Can now be used with channelling
Reduce ▲
- Effect time 10s -> 20s
- Can now be used with channelling
Astral slash ↺
- Changed damage type Magic -> Plasma
Freeze ▼
- reduced freeze ticks added 400 -> 200
- reduced freeze ticks added by frost bolts 500 -> 200
- Fixed an issue where explosive dealt no damage or knockback to the entity directly hit
- Fixed an issue where explosive dealt no damage to the player
- Fixed an issue where ray of frost could deal 2x as much frost frames because of overlapping hitboxes.
- Fixed an issue where some sources of damage would completely drain movement kosmogliphs
- Fixed an issue where movement kosmogliphs expected damage values of 2 or more, rather then 5 or more
- Fixed an issue where Orbital, Devastated, Time bomb, lock off, Shotgun and Cannonball launcher would shoot projectiles that inherited the players movement
Nothing to really note, dash, jump, and dodge all had problems with how much they'd be reduced by frost frames, and ray of frost was very broken.
As per usual, balance changes will continue to happen every week. If you feel something is too strong, or too weak, please contact me on discord in the #astral-arsenal channel on the Team Voided discord server. Additionally please report bugs to the Github repository.
Enjoy, and have a nice week!