- added all parrot variants
- added wolf armor
rp test map: https://www.mediafire.com/file/285vdjbcfo03ztb
- added resin block
- added resin clump
- added resin bricks
- added chiseled resin bricks
- added eyeblossom
- added resin brick item
- added resin clump item
- added all bundle color variants
- added all banner pattern items
- added pale oak boat/chest boat item
- added pale oak door item
- added pale oak sign item
- added pale oak hanging sign item
- added fallen cherry blossom particles
- added fallen pale oak particles
- fixed mob models/animations
- various changes & fixes
rp test map: https://www.mediafire.com/file/285vdjbcfo03ztb
- added pale oak
- added pale oak leaves
- added pale oak sapling
- added stripped pale oak
- added creaking heart
- added pale moss
- added hanging pale moss
- added pale oak planks
- added pale oak door/trapdoor
- added pale oak sign/hanging sign
- added pale oak boat/chest boat
- added extra side hanging moss below pale moss carpet
- doubled POM depth for most blocks
- various changes & fixes
rp test map: https://www.mediafire.com/file/285vdjbcfo03ztb
- added ravager
- various changes
rp test map: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8w3bkg48apse3em
- added all llama variants
- added all llama carpet patterns
rp test map: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8w3bkg48apse3em
- added witch
- added zombie horse
- added all wolf variants
- various changes & fixes
rp test map: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8w3bkg48apse3em
- added breeze rod
- added mace
- added wind charge
- added ominous trial key
- added ominous bottle
- added armadillo scute
- added flow/guster/scrape pottery sherd
- added flow/guster banner pattern
- added flow/guster shield pattern
- added creator/creator(musicbox)/precipice music disc
- changed trial key
- changed flow banner pattern
rp test map: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8w3bkg48apse3em
- added ominous trial spawner
- added vault
- added ominous vault
- added heavy core
- added flow, guster, and scrape decorated pot pattern
- added flow and guster banner pattern
- various changes & fixes
rp test map: https://www.mediafire.com/file/bdo6wtuuyuoy9bx
- added polar bear
- added camel
- various changes & fixes
rp test map: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6rtoebqztq1k3pi
- added all frog variants
- added vex
- added allay
- swapped warm and cold climate frog variants
- updated animation for various mobs
- various changes & fixes
rp test map: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6rtoebqztq1k3pi
- added crafter
- added trial spawner
- added trial key
- added normal/exposed/weathered/oxidized copper door item
- added block transition overlay for moss block
- added block transition overlay for sculk block
- added custom animation to bee
- added custom animation to goat
- changed custom animation for creeper
- changed custom animation for enderman
rp test map: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6rtoebqztq1k3pi
- added normal/exposed/weathered/oxidized chiseled copper
- added normal/exposed/weathered/oxidized copper bulb
- added normal/exposed/weathered/oxidized copper grate
- added normal/exposed/weathered/oxidized copper door/trapdoor
- added polished tuff
- added tuff bricks
- added chiseled tuff
- added chiseled tuff bricks
- added powder snow frosty vignette effect
- added moss cover to top of mossy cobblestone/stonebrick walls
- added connected glass (not stained glass)
- changed chiseled red sandstone connect method
- changed the random road manhole cover to double polished deepslate slab
- changed wool/carpet/terracotta/concrete/concrete_powder to not relying on custom tints
- various changes & fixes
rp test map: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6rtoebqztq1k3pi
- added all panda variants
rp test map: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sGGL1bvPeSYTNi9BZLRM006j_TNSKWba
- added all axolotl variants
- added warden
rp test map: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sGGL1bvPeSYTNi9BZLRM006j_TNSKWba
- added tadpole
- added endermite
- added silverfish
- added pufferfish
- added size change/randomization to tadpole, endermite, silverfish, bee, spider, cave spider
- various changes & fixes
rp test map: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sGGL1bvPeSYTNi9BZLRM006j_TNSKWba
- added suspicious gravel
- added pitcher plant/crop
- added sniffer egg
- added calibrated sculk sensor
- added various decorated pot patterns
- added pitcher pod
- added relic music disc
- added various pottery sherds
rp test map: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sGGL1bvPeSYTNi9BZLRM006j_TNSKWba