Psora's Setup v1.11.0-beta1 for Minecraft 1.20.5
- Updated the following outdated mod versions to their latest versions (as of 4/29/24):
- Fabric API (compatible with 1.20.6)
- Entity Texture Features
- Entity Model Features
- Logical Zoom
- C2ME (compatible with 1.20.6)
- Re-added the following mods that were removed in 1.11.0-alpha1, since they've been updated to 1.20.5 and can be incorporated into the modpack:
- FerriteCore
- New mod(s):
- Added the NotEnoughAnimations mod, a new mod to incorporate better animations for the player into the game
Psora's Setup v1.10.1 for Minecraft 1.20.4
This is the last version being made for 1.20.4. Any future updates to this version of the pack from here on out will have to be performed manually or via the "Update all" feature on the Modrinth app.
- Updated all outdated mod versions to their latest versions (as of 4/27/24)
- Added Distant Horizons mod, v2.0.2 (the good one)
- Added Sounds mod, by mineblock11 (adds QOL sfx)
- Added Flow mod, by mineblock11 (GUI animations)
- Added MRU mod (dependency library mod; also is why this version was posted twice :))
Psora's Setup v1.11.0-alpha3 for Minecraft 1.20.5
- Updated the following outdated mod versions to their latest versions (as of 4/26/24):
- Architectury API
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- C2ME (compatible w/ 1.20.6)
- Fabric API (compatible w/ 1.20.6)
- Capes
- Re-added the following mods that were removed in 1.11.0-alpha1, since they've been updated to 1.20.5 and can be incorporated into the modpack:
- OptiGUI
- BetterStats
- Villager Names
- ImmediatelyFast
- InGameAccountSwitcher
Psora's Setup v1.11.0-alpha2 for Minecraft 1.20.5
- Updated the following outdated mod versions to their latest versions (as of 4/24/24):
- Cloth Config API
- Visuality
- C2ME
- Fabric API
- Re-added the following mods that were removed in 1.11.0-alpha1, since they've been updated to 1.20.5 and can be incorporated into the modpack:
- Entity Culling
- Chat Heads
- Chat Notify
- Lithium
- ModernFix
Psora's Setup v1.11.0-alpha1 for Minecraft 1.20.5
- Updated all outdated mod versions to their latest versions (as of 4/23/24)
- Removed the following mods temporarily, until 1.20.5 versions are posted and can be incorporated into the modpack:
- AmbientSounds
- CreativeCore
- BetterF3
- Advancement Plaques
- BetterClouds
- BetterStats
- EatingAnimation
- Chat Heads
- Chat Animation
- MouseTweaks
- Language Reload
- Entity Culling
- Prism
- Krypton
- Legendary Tooltips
- Bobby
- BetterBlockSounds
- FerriteCore
- Make Bubbles Pop
- Shulker Box Tooltips
- Iceberg
- Starlight
- Presence Footsteps
- ThreadTweak
- ModernFix
- ChatNotify
- Forge Config API Port
- FPS-Display
- ImmediatelyFast
- OptiGUI
- Lithium
- VillagerNames
- WorldEdit
- Modpack versions will re-add the above mods slowly as they're updated to 1.20.5 :)
Psora's Setup v1.9.1 for Minecraft 1.20.4
- Updated all outdated mod versions to their latest versions (as of 2/9/23)
- Changed name of mod in title and all descriptions, to better reflect modpack identity
New performance mods:
- Added Concurrent Chunk Management Engine mod
- Temporarily removed MoreCulling mod, due to a bug involving 3D trapdoors
Psora's Tweaks v1.9.0 for Minecraft 1.20.4
- Updated all outdated mod versions to their latest versions (as of 2/2/23)
New performance mods:
- Added Debugify mod
- Added ThreadTweak mod
- Added MoreCulling mod
New aesthetic mods:
- Added Chat Animation mod
- Added Make Bubbles Pop mod
- Added Better Clouds mod
- Added Legendary Tooltips mod
- Added Better Block Sounds mod
New utility mods:
- Added Shulker Box Tooltip mod
- Added Mouse Tweaks mod
- Added Detail Armor Bar mod
- Added ChatNotify mod
New library mods:
- Added Prism mod
spook's tweaks v1.8.0 for Minecraft 1.20.4
- Updated all outdated mod versions to their latest versions (as of 1/13/23)
- Added Bobby mod
- Added Falling Leaves mod
- Added AdvancementPlaques mod
- Added In-Game Account Switcher mod
- Added Entity Model Features mod
- Added ForgeConfigAPIPort (library) mod
- Added Iceberg (library) mod
spook's tweaks v1.7.0 for Minecraft 1.20.4
- Updated all outdated/incompatible mod versions to up-to-date 1.20.4 versions (as of 12/23/23)
- Added AdvancementInfo mod, for more details in the Advancements tab, including what criteria must be met to get each advancement
- Added BetterStats mod, for an overhauled and more aesthetic/intuitive statistics tab
- Added ImmediatelyFast mod, for performance enhancements
- Added LanguageReload mod, for much faster swaps between in-game languages
- Added WorldEdit mod, for more freedom to edit servers in Creative Mode
- Temporarily removed AmbientSounds 5 mod, since it hasn't yet been updated to 1.20.4
- Temporarily removed CreativeCore mod, since it hasn't yet been updated to 1.20.4
(The last two will be re-added in hotfix v1.7.1 as soon as they are both updated for Fabric.)
spook's tweaks v1.5.1 for Minecraft 1.20.1
- Updated Continuity to v3.0.0-beta3
- Updated Fabric Language Kotlin to v1.10.8+kotlin.1.9.0
- Updated Fabric API to v0.86.1
- Updated FPS Display to v3.1.0
- Updated Mod Menu to v7.2.1
- Updated Simple Voice Chat to v2.4.16
- Updated Yet Another Config Lib to v3.1.0
spook's tweaks v1.5.0 for Minecraft 1.20.1
- Added Capes v1.5.2
- Added CIT Resewn v1.1.3
- Added Continuity v3.0.0-beta2
- Added Entity Texture Features v4.4.4
- Added Entity Culling Fabric v1.6.2
- Added Fabric Language Kotlin v1.10.0
- Added Indium v1.0.21
- Added Krypton v0.2.3
- Added LazyDFU v0.1.3
- Added Sound Physics Remastered v1.1.1
- Added Wavey Capes v1.4.0
- Added Yet Another Config Lib Fabric v3.0.3
- Updated 3D Skin Layers to v1.5.4
- Updated AmbientSounds to v5.2.20
- Updated BetterF3 to v7.0.1
- Updated CreativeCore to v2.10.28
- Updated Fabric API to v0.85.0
- Updated Simple Voice Chat to v2.4.14
- None