A small reminder, somewhat related to the Iris bugfix:
If you see that your resourcepack says "contains broken paths" as you try to activate it, please tell the resource pack maker to only use the following characters in file/folder names: a-z0-9/._-
That way everyone will have resource packs that work better and have less bugs!
More info: https://fabulously-optimized.gitbook.io/modpack/readme/resource-pack-issues
- Updated CIT Resewn, Iris Shaders, YetAnotherConfigLib, Zoomify
- CIT Resewn and Iris have bugfixes
- Zoomify has a new config screen
- Zoomify and Debugify settings now have a searchbar and tweaked category look
Farsight is missing from Modrinth for 3.x.x. Get it here and add manually.
- Updated Iris
- Bugfixes
Bundled mod:
4.3.0 (2022-09-09)
- Updated Iris
- Now supports PBR aka resource packs that support 3D overlay effects on blocks
4.2.2 (2022-09-09)
Aka the update that was never announced (because the next superseded it in minutes) (:
- Added YetAnotherConfigLib - for Debugify and probably more in the future
- Re-included separate Cloth Config API
- Mainly because it adds a searchbar to many mod configs now
- Updated Debugify, Fabric Capes, No Chat Reports, Zoomify
- Debugify has a new config screen; you have to hover and click ◀ on the category to show options inside it
- Another file size fix for Modrinth
Farsight is missing from Modrinth for 3.x.x. Get it here and add manually.
- Updated Iris
- Now supports PBR aka resource packs that support 3D overlay effects on blocks
- Re-included separate Cloth Config API
- Mainly because it adds a searchbar to many mod configs now
- Another file size fix for Modrinth
Bundled mod:
- Added YetAnotherConfigLib - for Debugify and probably more in the future
- Re-included separate Cloth Config API
- Mainly because it adds a searchbar to many mod configs now
- Updated Debugify, Fabric Capes, No Chat Reports, Zoomify
- Debugify has a new config screen; you have to hover and click ◀ on the category to show options inside it
- Another file size fix for Modrinth
- Updated Indium, Iris Shaders, No Chat Reports, Sodium, Sodium Extra
- Sodium and Iris received several fixes
- No Chat Reports has a new config so your settings have been reset to FO ones
- Disabled Adaptive VSync by default as it caused issues with some drivers/GPUs
- Existing users can disable it from video settings, or just keep using it if it works for you
- Disabled safe server icon and related options in No Chat Reports to reduce confusion
- Enabled MC-90683 "Received unknown passenger" bugfix in Debugify
- Modrinth-only: included time in Hold That Chunk config for easier management
Farsight is missing from Modrinth for 3.x.x. Get it here and add manually.
- Updated Iris Shaders, Sodium Extra
- Iris received some bugfixes
- Disabled Adaptive VSync by default as it caused issues with some drivers/GPUs
- Existing users can disable it from video settings, or just keep using it if it works for you
Fabulously Optimized 4.2.0 has been released for 1.19.2! Thank you for 600k+ downloads on CurseForge, 30k+ downloads and 200+ followers on Modrinth!
Major changes in 3.12.2 -> 4.2.0
- Added No Chat Reports - replaces misleading chat indicators with accurate ones, opts out from chat signing where possible. More info: https://fabulously-optimized.gitbook.io/modpack/readme/chat-reporting-faq
- Added Mixin Config Helper - shows an user-readable alert when two mods conflict
- Added MixinTrace - helps developers find the cause of crashes
- Removed Don't Clear Chat History - had several issues, including unintended features on 1.19
- Removed Not Enough Crashes - did not help the mod developers, caused other issues
- Some mods did not make it to the release yet and some were already backported :P
- Enabled Adaptive VSync on supported devices for smoother FPS
- Zoomify is now smoother by default and has presets
- You can now select multiple languages in the language menu, highly recommend selecting all languages you can speak for better mod language support
- Added Cloaks+ and Cosmetica cape support
- Disabled chat previews to protect your privacy
- Known issue: currently AdvancementInfo description is missing in Mod Menu for some languages, including English (US)
See full changelog for more details.
Changes in 4.2.0-beta.6 -> 4.2.0
- Added back Farsight
- Removed Hold That Chunk as it was not deemed ready yet
- Updated Debugify, Fabric Language Kotlin, No Chat Reports, Zoomify
- Updated Russian in MMH by RozeFound
- Modrinth version will use Hold That Chunk as part of extended testing, and because Farsight is not available there anyway
- Fixed CIT Resewn's file size in manifest
Farsight is missing from Modrinth for 3.x.x. Get it here and add manually.
- Added MixinTrace - helps developers find the cause of crashes
- Removed Not Enough Crashes - turned out to be not that helpful for developers
- Updated Continuity, Entity Texture Features, Fabric Language Kotlin, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium Extra
- Updated MMH translations from 4.2.0
- Enabled Adaptive VSync for big performance gains on supported devices
- Only applies for new profiles, for existing ones just set VSync to Adaptive in video settings (if you can)
- Enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.9
- Logs now mention your version of FO
- Updated Hold That Chunk, Reese's Sodium Options
- Removed Cloth Config API - I think it is no longer separately needed, let me know if you still get errors related to it though
- Enabled "ignoreServerRenderDistance" in Hold That Chunk
- With that it should now actually have full Farsight parity, so please test that again.
- Logs now mention your version of FO
- Updated Cull Less Leaves, Fabric API, Mixin Conflict Helper, No Chat Reports, Sodium Extra, Zoomify
- No Chat Reports now has graphical options
- Zoomify now has selectable presets in options (default, OptiFine, Ok Zoomer). FO continues to use the default preset because that looks the smoothest.
- Enabled Adaptive VSync for big performance gains on supported devices
- Only applies for new profiles, for existing ones just set VSync to Adaptive in video settings (if you can)
- Removed Cull Less Leaves crash workaround
FO 4.2.0 is still estimated to be released in August, we have just a few more things to test...
- Added MixinTrace - helps developers find the cause of crashes
- Added Cloth Config API - technically it has always been there inside some mod, but currently a specific version of it is required
- Removed Not Enough Crashes - turned out to be not that helpful for developers
- Removed MoreCulling - performance testing results were inconclusive, some mods had incompatibilities. Decided not to add it for 4.2.0 yet, but keeping an eye on it for the future.
- Updated Entity Texture Features, Language Reload, Reese's Sodium Options
- Updated Korean in MMH by AlphaKR93
- Added a workaround to fix Cull Less Leaves crash for some players
- Added Hold That Chunk - keeps rendered chunks in memory for extended render distance on servers, but also clears cached chunks if they haven't been visited for an hour
- Depending on your playstyle, this may reduce the game's memory usage for long playtime sessions
- Modrinth users: if this mod runs well, FO will have 100% mod parity on Modrinth :)
- Removed Farsight - now redundant
- Updated Continuity, MoreCulling, No Chat Reports, Not Enough Crashes, Reese's Sodium Options
Temporarily bundled: Not Enough Crashes (Fabric)
- Updated Debugify, Fabric API, Lithium, MidnightControls, Mod Menu, MoreCulling, No Chat Reports, Not Enough Crashes, Zoomify
- MidnightControls now shows a toast once, suggesting you to enable a controller if you have one connected
- The game will no longer switch to it automatically unless you enable that in settings
- No Chat Reports: disabled full-screen warnings to avoid warning fatigue, the status is still shown in chat's bottom right corner
- Feel free to re-enable the warning from config (disable "whitelistAllServers")
- When updating to this version, this change will apply for everyone
- Updated Turkish and Portuguese (Brazil) in MMH by Localfossa and PaperKing13isPro
- Updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.9
Farsight is missing from Modrinth for 3.x.x. Get it here and add manually.
- Updated Indium, MemoryLeakFix, MidnightControls, Puzzle
- MidnightControls now shows a toast once, suggesting you to enable a controller if you have one connected
- The game will no longer switch to it automatically unless you enable that in settings
- Adjusted Puzzle configs to match 4.2.0-beta.1
- Updated MMH languages
- Updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.9
Minecraft 1.19.1 contains a known multiplayer vulnerability. Please update ASAP.
- Updated Farsight, Indium, MemoryLeakFix, MoreCulling, No Chat Reports, Puzzle, Zoomify
- Zoomify and MoreCulling received major updates
- Puzzle no longer shows buttons that lead to empty screens in its settings
- Adjusted No Chat Reports
- Adjusted description in MMH to reflect its features better
- Re-enabled convertToGameMessage again as it still turned out to be useful in LAN
- You can now report others on servers that allow reports, use it only in case of real danger
- Readded Lithium
- Updated AdvancementInfo, AntiGhost, NoChatReports
- AdvancementInfo and AntiGhost are now smaller in size
- Currently AdvancementInfo is not shown in Mod Menu Helper
- NoChatReports fixed Realms access
- Adjusted NoChatReports to disable convertToGameMessage (unnecessary in LAN) and enable vanilla's yellow messages (informative)
- Updated Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Iris Shaders, MemoryLeakFix, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium Extra
- Iris received a major performance upgrade
- Removed duplicate config files from YOSBR folder
- This was there to make resetting settings a bit easier when needed, but now a better method is described in the wiki
- Backported MMH language updates