Casual reminder: if you get any questions or issues while using FO, our Discord ( is the first place to ask in. Asking in other generic or mod-specific servers may not give you the same support, as they don't know how FO is configured.
- Readded Enhanced Block Entities
- Removed Better Beds
- Updated Custom Entity Models, Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Lithium
- Updated CRH translations in English, Estonian, Korean
- Updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.17 and enforced 0.14.14
- Mainly because 0.14.15+ is still considered a beta, so some vanilla users got confused on how to install it. But I consider 0.14.17 to be stable enough anyway, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Updated the way FO warns about old Loader and logs about FO version
- You may now get an error if you install FO with a partial config
- Updated Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Indium, Iris Shaders, Sodium, Sodium Extra
- Sodium and Iris improved performance, others received bugfixes
- Updated Polish, Korean and Ukrainian MMH by Radplay, myself, Den4enko
- Translated CRH to Korean by AlphaKR93
- Unified spacing in MMH and CRH language files on the repo (in the resource pack they are minified)
- Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.14
100k downloads on Modrinth!
Added Better Beds as a (temporary) alternative to Enhanced Block Entities
Updated MoreCulling, No Chat Reports
Fast Better Grass resource pack is now separately distributed
- Which means you can recommend it to friends who don't use FO yet :)
- Will remain bundled in FO for as long as needed though, so you don't need to download it separately
- Fixed bugs with randomized textures and dirt paths
- New icon
- Download links for those interested:
Updated Russian in MMH by RozeFound
FastChest is no longer considered an Enhanced Block Entities alternative
Removed Farsight config
- Added MoreCulling - does everything Cull Less Leaves does while having more optimizations
- Removed Cull Less Leaves - replaced by MoreCulling
- Added Fast Better Grass resource pack
- Imitates OptiFine's Better Grass (fast mode); fancy mode cannot be replicated
- Serves as a substitute to LambdaBetterGrass in case that doesn't become usable in time
- Must be the first activated resource pack to work
- Uses only models, so it works with any other resource pack (breaks varied textures though, if any)
- Updated Fabric API, FabricSkyBoxes, FabricSkyBoxes Interop, Model Gap Fix
- Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.13
- Enforced Farsight length back to 64 due to unexpected side effects (limiting max render distance)
- Will consider other measures if this causes problems
- Updated Russian, Korean and Polish MMH translations by RozeFound, AlphaKR93, RadPlay respectively
- More MMH wording changes
- Item Model Fix is now considered an alternative to Model Gap Fix instead of the opposite
- Cull Less Leaves is now considered an alternative to MoreCulling
- Temporarily removed Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, LambdaBetterGrass
- As an effort to speed up 1.19.3 release, between these only Continuity will now be considered a required mod before FO 4.6.0 is released, others will (may) be re-added later
- Updated Entity Texture Features, Fabric Language Kotlin, Iris Shaders, Language Reload, Sodium, Sodium Extra, YetAnotherConfigLib
- Set and enforced ETF's invalid path support to entities only for better mod compat/to fix resource pack applying issues
- Temporarily removed CIT Resewn, Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, Indium, LambdaBetterGrass, Puzzle
- Removed Indium because it's not up to date with newest Sodium
- Added Ukrainian MMH translation by Den4enko
- Removed Chinese Traditional MMH translation by eric122805 (likely machine-translated)
- Increased CRH icons' contrast
- Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.12 everywhere
- Temporarily removed CIT Resewn, Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, LambdaBetterGrass, LambDynamicLights, Puzzle
- Added Model Gap Fix - replacement for Item Model Fix, maybe permanently if it is better
- Updated Sodium Extra, Zoomify
- Temporarily removed CIT Resewn, Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, LambdaBetterGrass, LambDynamicLights, Puzzle
- Updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.12 where available
- Updated Cull Less Leaves, Debugify, OptiGUI, Zoomify
- Cull Less Leaves, Debugify, Zoomify now have visual configurations again :D
- Game should also no longer crash on first start
- Temporarily disabled CIT Resewn, Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, Item Model Fix, LambdaBetterGrass, LambDynamicLights, Puzzle
- Updated Fabric Capes, YetAnotherConfigLib
- Another game freeze fix
- Temporarily disabled CIT Resewn, Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, Item Model Fix, LambdaBetterGrass, LambDynamicLights, OptiGUI, Puzzle
- Enabled Cosmetica capes in Fabric Capes
- Added Russian CRH translation by RozeFound