Elysium Days 7.0.0 Massive Update
- Featuring Revamped Ender Dragon & Wither!
- Removal of Discontinued Mods in Preparation for 1.21.1 Support Of Elysium Days!
- Rewrite Of The Entire Elysium Days Tweaks Mod!
- Fixed a crash occurring on Linux systems!
- And Many More Fixes, See below for the list!
⭐ What's Been Fixed in 7.0.0:
- Crash On Linux Caused By EDT (Found by tsrk. ❤️)
- Fishing Not Working (Found by leehzao ❤️)
- Stutters while riding a boat
- Stutters when entering spectator mode while moving with F3 + N
- Mip Levels Getting Set to 1 due to Hero Proof
- Villages Spawning Too Much
- Missing textures for Resonarium Armor
- Chunks loading significantly slower than expected (Now 23% Faster!)
- Distant Horizons 2.2 Compatibility
- Player Names Not Displaying
- Locked EN_US to prevent missing text labels
- Having to sneak for dyeing signs
- Sort Inventory button appearing in unwanted containers
- Armor HUD Clipping To Hunger Bar While Riding A Horse
- Unnecessary Log Spam From Several Mods
- Broken Fonts
- All trim overlays being the same in the inventory
- Possible crashes & deadlocks with optional mod Serene Seasons
- Modded Discs Doesn't Have Icons Resource Pack's Icons
📦 Updated:
- Updated Loader Version To 0.16.9
- Elysium Days Tweaks
- Downgraded MoreMcmeta to 4.4.7 due to crashes with 4.5.0 & 4.5.1
- ModernFix 3x
- Iris Shaders
- Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks
- Iceberg
- Xaero's Minimap
- World Play Time
- Villages & Pillages
- Wavey Capes 3x
- Puzzles Lib
- Sound Physics Remastered 2x
- Polymorph
- Spawn Animations
- Cherished Worlds
- Shoulder Surfing Reloaded 3x
- Collective 2x
- [EMF] Entity Model Features
- [ETF] Entity Texture Features 3x
- More Armor Trims
- Not Enough Animations 3x
- Scribble 3x
- 3D Skin Layers 5x
- Formations (Structure Library)
- Supplementaries 16x
- Bountiful
- Neat
- Steve's Realistic Sleep
- ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village
- Entity Culling 2x
- Presence Footsteps 2x
- MES - Moog's End Structures
- AmbientSounds 2x
- Snow Under Trees (Fabric)
- Glowing Torchflower
- Hero Proof
- Xaero's World Map
- Structurify 4x
- Simple HUD Enhanced
- Roughly Enough Items
- Enchantment Descriptions
- ImmediatelyFast 4x
- Language Reload 3x
- Zoomify
- Fabric Language Kotlin 2x
- Forge Config API Port
- M.R.U 2x
- CreativeCore 4x
- Fzzy Config 7x
- Soul Fire'd 2x
- Chat Heads 3x
- Clean F3
- YetAnotherConfigLib 3x
- Just Enough Breeding (JEBr) 2x
- Elytra Trims
- CIT Resewn
- Lithostitched 7x
- Amendments
- OptiGUI
- Chipped
- You're in Grave Danger
- Moonlight Lib 25x
- BSL Shaders 4x
- Complementary Shaders - Reimagined
- Complementary Shaders - Unbound
- Freshly Modded 3x (Resource Pack)
- Fast Better Grass 2x (Resource Pack)
- Translations for Sodium 12x (Resource Pack)
- RAY's 3D Ladders (Optional Resource Pack)
- RAY's 3D Rails 3x (Optional Resource Pack)
✔️ Added:
- Ender Dragon Revamp [Permission To Add] (CurseForge Resource Pack)
- Better Mob Models (Resource Pack)
- New Glowing Ores (Optional Resource Pack)
- TerraBlenderFix (Temporary Mod)
- EDVillageModifier (Temporary Datapack)
- ResonariumFix (Temporary Resource Pack)
- Friends & Foes (Fabric/Quilt)
- Friends & Foes - Flowery Mooblooms (Fabric/Quilt)
- Friends & Foes - Beekeeper Hut (Fabric/Quilt)
- CTOV - Friends and Foes Compat
- Spyglass Astronomy
- BE Style Wither
- Cubes Without Borders
- Connected Doors
- NarrusYeetus
- Armor Trim Item Fix
- Music Delay Remover
- World Play Time
- Better Night Vision
- Scribble
- SmoothMenu Refabricated
- Better Than Mending
- Dyed
- ClickThrough Plus
- Inventory Profiles Next
- Glowing Torchflower
- StackDeobfuscator
❌ Removed:
- Inventory Sorting → Replaced with Inventory Profiles Next
- ClickThrough → Replaced with ClickThrough Plus
- Borderless Mining → Replaced with Cubes Without Borders
- NoNarrator → Replaced with NarrusYeetus
- Craftable Horse Armour & Saddle → Replaced with Elysium Days Tweaks
- No Night Vision Flickering → Replaced with Better Night Vision
- Couplings → Replaced with Connected Doors
- Shiny Ores → Replaced with New Glowing Ores
- Fishing Real → Incompatible with Boids
- Villager Transportation → Incompatible with Dismount Entity & Not Updated For 1.21.1
Removed Herobrine?
⚙️ Config-Side Changes:
- Disabled MC-108948 In Debugify (Fixes Boats Stuttering In Water)
- Disabled MC-119417 In Debugify (Fixes Stutters When Entering Spectator Mode)
- Removed EDT from Resource Pack Overrides (Now locked at the TOP by default)
- Removed Presence Footsteps Built-In Pack from Resource Pack Overrides (Developers removed the pack)
- Enabled Enhanced Signs & Beds Back
- Disabled Wither Explosion On Death (Caused Issues With Animations)
- AppleSkin Enabled Saturation Overlay Back
- Set World Play Time Color To Yellow
- Connected Doors Connected Fence Gates Disabled
- Amendments Disabled Improved Lectern Screen (Conflicts with Scribble)
- Simple Armor HUD Enabled Better Mount Hud Compatibility
- OptiGUI Unbound Copy Inspection Key
- ETF Set Skin Transparency To All Skins
- Set Sculk Transmitter Keybind To X
- SSR Disabled Obstruction Indicator
- Updated Log Begone Config
- Language Reload Locked EN_US
- IPN Disabled Overlay Editor Button
- IPN Disabled Settings Button
- IPN Disabled Profile Switching
- IPN Disabled Continuous Crafting
- IPN Disabled Items Highlight
- IPN Disabled Villager Trading Features
- IPN Disabled Move All Button
- IPN Disabled NBT Copy Feature
- IPN Unbounded All The Keybindings
- IPN Disabled Replace Tools
- IPN Disabled Update Checks
- IPN Disabled Lock Slot
- IPN Disabled Button Tooltips
- Disabled IPN Buttons for MANY Unwanted Containers
- Deleted Configs Of Removed Mods
Elysium Days 6.0.0 Huge Update!
⭐ Whats Fixed On 6.0.0:
- TPS Freezes & Chunk Loading Pauses
- White Box Font Glitch
- Arrows Floating Above the Player Model
- Fading Tooltips Glitch After Taking Advancements
- Visual Corruption in First-Person When Jumping While Riding a Horse
- Overpowered Loot in Structures
- Soul Elytra Unable To Boost
- Items Becoming Invisible When Dropped on Snow, Soul Sand, or Sculk Grime
- More Armor Trims Missing Trim Textures for Netherite Shield
- Vanilla Nametags Overlapping Neat's Nametags
- Nether Stronghold That Makes Lost Castle Useless
- Items Vanishing From Hand
- Occasional Crashes
- Redstone Failing to Trigger Double Doors
- Villagers Unable To Use Double Doors
- Shader Rendering Issues with Health Bar Backgrounds
- Entity Health Bars Clipping Inside The Entity
📦 Updated:
- Updated & Enforced Loader Version To 0.16.5
- Elysium Days Tweaks
- [EMF] Entity Model Features 4x
- [ETF] Entity Texture Features 3x
- Roughly Enough Items 3x
- ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village 3x
- Smarter Farmers
- Elytra Slot
- Structurify
- e4mc 2x
- Kaffee's Dual Ride
- Polymorph 2x
- Advancement Plaques 2x
- Wavey Capes
- Fast IP Ping
- Not Enough Recipe Book [NERB]
- Shoulder Surfing Reloaded
- Fzzy Config 2x
- Lithostitched 3x
- CreativeCore
- AmbientSounds
- Nullscape
- OptiGUI
- Soul Fire'd
- ItemPhysic Lite
- More Armor Trims
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Companion 2x
- Cloth Config API
- Clean F3
- Explorify
- Exposure
- Chat Heads 4x
- Neat
- You're in Grave Danger 3x
- Puzzles Lib 2x
- Philips Ruins 2x
- Deeper and Darker
- Steve's Realistic Sleep
- NiftyCarts
- Xaero's Minimap 2x
- Not Enough Animations
- Better Archeology
- Elytra Trims 2x
- Moonlight Lib 7x
- YDM's Weapon Master 2x
- Amendments 3x
- GUI Revision (Resource Pack)
- Translations for Sodium 4x (Resource Pack)
- Freshly Modded (Resource Pack)
✔️ Added:
- ThreadTweak
- Particle Core
- Structurify
- Better Advancements
- Boids
- Couplings
- Unobtrusive Weather (Resource Pack)
❌ Removed:
- Double Doors → Replaced with Couplings
- Advancement Info → Discontinued Mod
- Rain Revamp → Replaced with Obtrusive Weather
Removed Herobrine
⚙️ Config-Side Changes:
- EDT Added Ram Warning Screen
- EDT Added Discord Button In Main Menu
- EDT Added Update Checker
- EDT Added App Icon
- EDT Improved End Remastered Spanish Translations
- Added Recipe Book Button Back To Hide REI
- Whole Modrinth Page Rewrited & GitHub Button Designs Remade
- New Performance Shader Settings For Complementary Unbound & Reimagined
- Set Better Advancements Criteria Detail To All
- Weapon Master Config Main & Off Hand Hide Items Disabled
- Added ItemPhysic Lite Block Offset To Snow & Soul Sand & Sculk Grime
- Neat Background Disabled
- Neat Removed Ender Dragon & Wither From The Blacklist (Because There's Toggle Already)
- Neat Blacklisted Cat Fish & Bass & Tadpole & All Nether Depths Fishes
- Neat Blacklisted All Birds
- Neat Health Bar Height Offset Raised By 0.25
- Neat Disabled Vanilla Nametag Rendering
- Steve's Realistic Sleep Tick Speeds Reset
- ExtraSounds Next Typing Sounds Set To 65%
- Inventory Sorting Disabled Blacklist Text
- Unbounded SSR Swap Shoulder Key
- Unbounded Many Other Keys & Fixed Conflicts
- Disabled Dusk Message In Steve's Realistic Sleep
- New Markdowns On The Modrinth Page
- Couplings Fence Gates & Trapdoors Disabled
- Removed Configs Of Deleted Mods
- Repurposed Structures - Nether Stronghold Disabled
- Philip's Ruins - Bone Dungeon Disabled
- Philip's Ruins - Ancient Towers Disabled
- Philip's Ruins - Lost Soul Dungeons Disabled
- Explorify - All Supply Caches Disabled
Elysium Days 5.3.0 Update!
Updated Loader Version To 0.16.3
- Downgraded YDM's Weapon Master to v3.0.5 due to issues with v4.2.6
- Elysium Days Tweaks
- [EMF] Entity Model Features 2x
- [ETF] Entity Texture Features 3x
- Better Combat
- Deeper and Darker 3x
- Entity Culling 2x
- AmbientSounds 2x
- ModernFix 3x
- Enchanted Vertical Slabs
- Not Enough Animations
- 3D Skin Layers
- Wavey Capes
- Geckolib 2x
- Philips Ruins
- fast-ip-ping
- Snow Under Trees 4x
- Exposure
- Supplementaries
- Smarter Farmers 2x
- Fabric Language Kotlin 2x
- Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks
- Shoulder Surfing Reloaded 2x
- Tree Harvester
- Soul Fire'd
- Xaero's Minimap
- Xaero's World Map
- Better Archeology
- Villages & Pillages
- Better Statistics Screen
- Moonlight Lib 6x
- Elytra Trims 2x
- Balm 3x
- Simple HUD Enhanced
- Just Enough Breeding 2x
- Resourceful Lib
- Puzzles Lib
- TCDCommons API
- You're in Grave Danger 9x
- ImmediatelyFast 3x
- Chat Heads 2x
- M.R.U 4x
- BSL Shaders
- Complementary Shaders - Reimagined
- Complementary Shaders - Unbound
- RAY's 3D Ladders (Resource Pack)
- Freshly Modded 4x (Resource Pack)
- Translations for Sodium 8x (Resource Pack)
- Roughly Enough Items
- ExtraSounds Next
- Just Enough Items (Unstable & Crashing Releases)
- Sounds (Fatal FPS Drops)
- Sound Controller (Failed To Remove In 5.2.0)
Config-Side Changes;
- Elysium Days Tweaks Added Spawn Animations Compatibility For Creeper Overhaul, Enderman Overhaul, Deeper & Darker and Graveyard Mod.
- Enforced Loader Version To 0.16.3
- REI Set Rows To 11
- REI Set Search Bar Into Right Below
- REI Unbound Hide Key
- REI Swap Favorite Key To +
- Updated Fabric Loader Dependencies to work with Create when installed as optional
- Biome Info Status Disabled In Simple HUD Enhanced
- Disabled Dynamic Lights For Guardian And Elder Guardian
- Enabled Make Bubbles Pop Sounds Back
- Disabled Xaero's World Map Update Notifications
- Neat Mod Disabled Player And Boss Health Bars
- Configs Of Deleted Mods
- Repeating Crashes
- Fatal FPS Drops In Ocean Monuments
- Create Incompatibility When Installed As Optional
- Items Being Invisible While Holding After Few Seconds
- Players Having Health Bars on top of their head
- Visual Glitch when dying near doors
- Accidental House Breaking With Axe While Using Tree Harvester
- Speeding Up Tree Breaking Times By Spamming Shift While Using Tree Harvester
- Spawn Animations Doesn't Work For Modded Mobs
- Guard Villager Animations Not Working Correctly (Doesn't exist in 5.2.0)
- Infinite Book Farm With Sculk Snappers
- Update Required Text In Every Launch
R̸e̸m̶o̴v̷e̶d̸ ̶H̴e̸r̶o̶b̷r̴i̷n̸e̷
Elysium Days 5.2.0 Update!
- Downgraded Sounds to version 0.9.0 due to unstability with latest versions
- Elysium Days Tweaks
- Regions Unexplored
- Shoulder Surfing Reloaded 2x
- Just Enough Items 7x
- Just Enough Effect Descriptions (JEED)
- Chat Heads
- Companion
- Exposure
- Enchantment Descriptions
- ModernFix
- YDM's Weapon Master
- Lithostitched
- CreativeCore
- Philips Ruins
- Better Statistics Screen
- Resourceful Lib
- Elytra Slot
- Moonlight Lib 2x
- Enchanted Vertical Slabs 2x
- Collective 5x
- Formations Nether
- Double Doors
- Dismount Entity
- Villager Names
- Crying Portals
- Surface Mushrooms
- Tree Harvester
- Mooshroom Tweaks
- Scaffolding Drops Nearby
- Passive Shield
- Shulker Drops Two
- No Animal Tempt Delay
- Weaker Spiderwebs
- Zombie Horse Spawn
- Skeleton Horse Spawn
- Better Conduit Placement
- [Let's Do] Bakery 2x
- [Let's Do] Meadow
- Torch hit!
- TCDCommons API [Required By BSS Now]
- Furnace Recycle [Unused]
- Sound Controller [Unused]
Config-Side Changes;
- Elysium Days Tweaks Created Compat For Regions Unexplored & Backported Wolves
- Elysium Days Tweaks Netherite Horse Armor Recipe Made Cheaper
- Elysium Days Tweaks Added New Map Icons (Thanks to Vixel's amazing pixel art!)
- InvMove Blacklisted Exposure Album Screen
- InvMove Cleared Deleted Mods Unrecognized UIs
- Netherite Horse Armor Spawn Weight From 8 > 12
- Renamed Bray's World Resource Pack To Bray's World Variated Mobs Due To It Being Modified
- Amendments Torch Hit Disabled Due To Conflict With Friendly Fire
- Blacklisted Ender Dragon & Wither From Neat Config
- Unplayable FPS Drops
- Swimming Wolfs Cannot Teleport To The Owner
- Wolf Variants Not Spawning In Modded Biomes
- Unintentional Pet Damage While Holding A Torch
- Netherite Horse Armor Was Extra Rare
- Explorer Advancement Was Granting Wrongly
- Walking On The Album Screen Of Exposure
R̸e̸m̶o̴v̷e̶d̸ ̶H̴e̸r̶o̶b̷r̴i̷n̸e̷
Elysium Days 5.1.0 Update!
⚠️ All The Fences In Your World WILL BE DELETED, PLEASE TAKE BACKUPS. ⚠️
- Elysium Days Tweaks
- Elytra Trims 3x
- Elytra Slot
- Exposure 2x
- ModernFix 2x
- Just Enough Items 8x
- Moonlight Lib
- Tips
- e4mc
- [Let's Do] Bakery
- Collective
- Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks
- ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village
- Just Enough Breeding (JEBr)
- Make Bubbles Pop
- Sounds 2x
- Dismount Entity
- Shoulder Surfing Reloaded
- Translations for Sodium [Resource Pack] 2x
- Refined Enchants [Resource Pack]
- Slim Fire [Resource Pack]
- OptiGUI
- Forgiving Void
- Even Better Enchants [Resource Pack]
- Low On Fire [Resource Pack]
- Diagonal Fences
Config-Side Changes;
- Elysium Days Tweaks Changed Eye Spy Structure Requirement To The Lost Castle
- Elysium Days Tweaks Moved EndRem EN_US Localization Into Another Folder
- Temporarily Disabled Make Bubbles Pop Sounds
- Neat Blacklisted Hat Stand Of Supplementaries
- More Culling Powdered Snow Culling Disabled [Caused XRay]
- Charm Of Undying Rendering Item Disabled [Not Working With Fresh Moves]
- Inmis Disabled Backpacks In Chestplate Slot [Now you have to use the Trinkets Slot For That]
- Eye Spy Achievement Was Impossible
- Infinite Elytra Durability
- FPS Drop When Guardian Beams Attacking (only reduced, will be fully fixed in 5.2.0)
- Soul Fire Screen Overlay Wasn't Low Like Default Fire
- End Remastered Eye Message Not Getting Localized By EDT In EN_US
- Shulker GUI wasn't vary by color of the Shulker.
- XRay Inside Powdered Snow When Shaders Enabled
- Neat Health Bar Showing Up On Hat Stand Of Supplementaries
- Two Backpacks Can Be Equipped At Once
R̸e̸m̶o̴v̷e̶d̸ ̶H̴e̸r̶o̶b̷r̴i̷n̸e̷
Elysium Days 5.0.0 Update!
- Elysium Days Tweaks
- ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village
- Sound Physics Remastered
- Clean F3
- Chat Heads
- ModernFix
- Nullscape
- Tips
- Elytra Trims Extensions
- Simple HUD Enhanced
- Philips Ruins
- Sodium Translations [Resource Pack]
- Nether Build Height Editor [Data Pack by Apollo]
- Xaero's World Map
- Better Safe Bed
- HorseInBoat
- Statement [Unused Lib]
- LibZ [Unused Lib]
- CompleteConfig [Unused Lib]
- AutoTag [Unused Lib]
- Enchantment Reveal [Easy Magic Does That]
Config-Side Changes;
- Realistic Sleep Name Update In Mod List
- Removed Configs Of Deleted Mods
- CIT Resewn URL Added In Mod List
- Configured You're In Grave Danger XP Behavior And Percentages
- EDT Rotten Flesh Cooking Time Changed From 300 > 275
- EDT GameMenuLogo Slightly Changed
- Easy Magic Enabled Enchantment Reveal
- InvMove Disabled For Lightroom Screen Of Exposure
- Vein Mining Breaking Blocks Amount From 50 > 30
- Vein Mining Enchantment Made Very Rare
- AVPBR Golden Carrot Textures Deleted [Incompatible With Eating Animation]
- Unused Librarys Being In The Modpack
- XP Always Setting To Low Numbers When Died
- Walking In Lightroom Screen Of Exposure
- HUD Not Disabling When F3 Enabled
- Nether Height Limit Was 64 Blocks Lower Than Default Behavior
R̸e̸m̶o̴v̷e̶d̸ ̶H̴e̸r̶o̶b̷r̴i̷n̸e̷
Elysium Days 4.0.4 Update!
- [EMF] Entity Model Features 2x
- Wavey Capes
- Exposure
- CompleteConfig
- Comforts
- [Let's Do] Meadow
- Elytra Trims
- Photon Shaders
Config-Side Changes;
- More Culling Disabled BlockState Culling Due To Rendering Issues
- Removed AVPBR Resource Pack's Iron Golem Textures
- Enhanced Attack Indicator Closed Eating & Drinking Indicators
- Changed Zombie Horse Spawn Rate
- Changed Skeleton Horse Spawn Rate
- Some Crashes
- X-Ray Trapdoor Rendering That is Caused by More Culling
- Player Shadows Not Being Rendered Correctly When Using Shaders
- Broken Iron Golem Texture Glitch When Using AVPBR
- Mod List Update That Was Forgotten In 4.0.0
R̴e̷m̷o̷v̴e̸d̷ ̴E̵n̵t̸i̶t̵y̴ ̷4̵0̴4̶
Elysium Days 4.0.0 Update!
- Sodium
- Iris
- Indium
- Elysium Days Tweaks
- [EMF] Entity Model Features
- [ETF] Entity Texture Features
- AmbientSounds
- Amendments 4x
- Moonlight Lib 5x
- Explorify 3x
- Just Enough Items
- Just Enough Effect Descriptions (JEED)
- Shoulder Surfing Reloaded 3x
- Zoomify
- Supplementaries 2x
- Collective 6x
- M.R.U 2x
- Sounds 2x
- Balm
- Healing Campfire
- Elytra Trims
- Chat Heads 3x
- Geckolib
- Philips Ruins
- Snow Under Trees (Fabric)
- Dismount Entity
- Puzzles Lib
- Exposure 2x
- Vein Mining
- Villager Names
- [Let's Do] API 2x
- [Let's Do] Bakery 2x
- Enhanced Boss Bars [Resource Pack]
- Fancy Crops [Resource Pack]
- Fast Better Grass [Resource Pack]
- RAY's 3D Rails [Resource Pack] 2x
- Fresh Animations [Resource Pack] 2x
- Translations for Sodium [Resource Pack] 2x
- Embellished Stone (Advancements Plaques Resource Pack)
- Better End Cities Vanilla
- Soul Fire'd
- fast-ip-ping
- Pure Discs - Tricky Trials
- Torch hit! (Amendments have the feature now.)
- On Soul Fire (Replaced with Soul Fire'd)
- VillagerTradeFix (Got a issue that is not fixed for a year and being annoying to other players)
- Crops Love Rain (Not Working On 1.20.1)
- Realms Button Remover (Mod Menu Config Does That)
- Healing Campfire
- Icons Advertisement Removal [Resource Pack] (EDT Now Handles This)
Config-Side Changes;
- Sounds Mod ALL Blocks Configured
- Elysium Days Tweaks Halloween And Christmas Special Logos Added
- Elysium Days Tweaks Logo Code Rewrited To Work Better
- Elysium Days Tweaks Added Podzol Recipe
- Elysium Days Tweaks Icons Menu Text Replaced
- Mod Menu Enabled Realms Replace Config
- Redo the Zoomify config because it was resetted due to last update
- Changed Amendments Torch Hit Configs
- Vein Mining Config Warning Disabled
- Shoulder Surfing Reloaded Transparency Disabled Due To Shader Issues
- Enabled The Attack Indicator Back
- Removed Configs Of Deleted Mods
- Complementary Shaders Waving Leaves And Grass Disabled
- Invisible Armor In Some Shaders Like Photon
- Removed Some Duplicate Mods That Serves For The Same Purpose
- Attack Indicator was Forgotten Disabled
- Fixed Players Can Be Dismounted From Their Own Horse By Other Players
- Dyed Elytras Flashing
R̸e̸m̶o̴v̷e̶d̸ ̶H̴e̸r̶o̶b̷r̴i̷n̸e̷
Elysium Days 3.6.0 Update!
- Sodium 2x
- Iris Shaders 2x
- Indium
- Elysium Days Tweaks
- 3D Skin Layers
- AmbientSounds
- Amendments
- Moonlight Lib 3x
- Shoulder Surfing Reloaded 3x
- Bookshelf 2x
- Geckolib
- Just Enough Items 2x
- More Armor Trims
- Elytra Slot
- Elytra Trims
- Entity Culling
- Not Enough Animations
- Supplementaries
- Lithostitched
- BadOptimizations
- ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village
- Chat Heads
- Hero Proof
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- ModernFix
- ImmediatelyFast
- Nullscape
- Sounds
- [ETF] Entity Texture Features 2x
- [Let's Do] Meadow
- [Let's Do] Candlelight
- BSL Shaders
- Simple HUD Enhanced
- Villager Transportation
- Translations for Sodium [Resource Pack]
- Vein Mining
- BadOptimizations
Config-Side Changes;
- Changed Elysium Days Tweaks Logo In The Resource Packs Tab
- Disabled Update Checker Of Mod Menu
- Fixed Complementary Shader Settings Resetted From Last Update
- Disabled Realms Notifications
- Removed Stronghold Triangulation Tip From Tips Mod
- Changed Vein Miner Enchantment To Work When Only Crouching
- Disabled Elytra 3D Models In Inventory
- Nerfed cook time of Rotten Flesh to Leather
- Hided New Built-In Pack
- Added New Gallery Images
- Added New GitHub Issue Templates
- Deleted Configs Of Removed Mods
- Textures Was Broken For Music Disk 13
- Capes Was Not Disappearing When Wearing A Elytra
- Shader Settings Was Resetted
- Ambient Sounds And Music Discs Was Not Working Without Changing Sound Level In Settings
R̸e̸m̶o̴v̷e̶d̸ ̶H̴e̸r̶o̶b̷r̴i̷n̸e̷
Elysium Days 3.5.0 Update!
- Fabric API
- Elysium Days Tweaks
- Geckolib
- ImmediatelyFast 2x
- Amendments 4x
- Xaero's Minimap
- Elytra Trims
- Beautify: Refabricated
- Balm 2x
- Philips Ruins
- Snow Pig
- Bookshelf
- Enchantment Descriptions
- Hero Proof
- Mob Filter
- e4mc
- More Armor Trims
- ModernFix
- Advanced Netherite
- [Let's Do] API
- [Let's Do] Bakery
- [Let's Do] Meadow
- [Let's Do] HerbalBrews 2x
- Sodium Translations [Resource Pack]
- BSL Shaders 2x
- Complementary Shaders - Reimagined 2x
- Complementary Shaders - Unbound 2x
- Backported Wolves
- Fresh Wolves Variants [Resource Pack]
- Bray's World [Resource Pack] [Modified]
- Simple HUD Enhanced
- MoreMobVariants [Incompatible With Meadow]
- MoreMobVariants x Fresh Animations [Resource Pack]
- ToolTipFix [Debugify Does That]
- Mod Detection Preventer [Not Useful Anymore]
- Noxesium [Incompatible with Create & Custom GUI Glitches]
- FPS - Display [Replaced With Simple HUD Enhanced]
- GUI Clock [Replaced With Simple HUD Enhanced]
Config-Side Changes;
- Disabled Amendments Torch Holding [Incompatible with Luminous]
- Set Elysium Days Tweaks Logo Args To 70
- Paxi Configs
- Configs Of Simple HUD Enhanced
- Unbounded Simple HUD Enhanced Key
- Rewrited configs of Mob Filter in JSON
- Removed Old Configs
- Elysium Days Tweaks Logo was incorrect 2 GUI Pixels
- Create Mod Crashes When using Snow Pig (Even tho this modpack doesn't include create, still fixed.)
- Incompatibility Between Meadow And MMV
- Crashes with Supplementaries Bombs when thrown to Beautify Refabricated
- Wrong Placement On GUI In Different Monitors
R̸e̸m̶o̴v̷e̶d̸ ̶H̴e̸r̶o̶b̷r̴i̷n̸e̷
Elysium Days 3.3.0 Update!
- Elysium Days Tweaks
- Sound Physics Remastered 3x
- Elytra Trims
- Enchantment Descriptions
- Moonlight Lib 2x
- You're in Grave Danger 2x
- Distracting Trims
- Friendly Fire
- Polymorph 2x
- Philips Ruins
- Zoomify
- 3D Skin Layers
- Entity Culling
- Puzzles Lib
- M.R.U
- Sounds 2x
- Villager Transportation
- [Let's Do] Meadow
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- Collective
- Sit
- TerraBlender
- CreativeCore 2x
- InvMoveCompats
- NoNarrator
- Rebind Narrator [Reverted to NoNarrator back because no keybind update yet]
- Noisium [Due to insane chunk loading issues, will remove this mod temporarily]
- Cherry Background [Resource Pack]
Config-Side Changes;
- Changed Harvesting Time to 0.4 from 0.2
- Made 3D Rails and 3D Ladders Optional RP
- Hided more built-in RPs
- Ignored Empty Inventory Slots On Sounds Mod
- Removed Cake Eating Sounds On Sounds Mod [Cake Chomps does that.]
- Migrated Elysium Days Tweaks into Mojmaps
- New Mod Logo to Elysium Days Tweaks
- New Panorama to Elysium Days Tweaks
- Removed AVPBR Campfire Textures
- Disabled Waving Plants in Bliss Shaders for avoiding texture glitches in future Resource Pack updates
- Walking when typing on JEI bar
- Zooming when typing on JEI bar
- Sound Effect when clicking a empty slot
- Some Crashes
- Broken Campfire Textures With AVPBR
R̸e̸m̶o̴v̷e̶d̸ ̶H̴e̸r̶o̶b̷r̴i̷n̸e̷
Elysium Days 3.2.0 Update!
- Amendments 3x
- Moonlight Lib 2x
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Collective
- Chat Heads
- Snow Under Trees (Fabric)
- Elytra Trims 2x
- ImmediatelyFast
- Hero Proof
- [Let's Do] Meadow
- Resourceful Lib
- Camps. Castles. Carriages 2x
- Freshly Modded [Resource Pack]
- Fancy Crops [Resource Pack]
- Translations For Sodium [Resource Pack]
- Updated Elysium Days Tweaks To 3.2.0
- Distracting Trims
- Simple Armor HUD
- Noisium
- MixinTrace
- Calm down, dog!
- Animal Feeding Trough
- Path Under Fence Gates
- Beautify: Refabricated
- Realms Button Remover
- Rebind Narrator
- Cake Chomps
- Wavey Capes
- Durability Viewer [Replaced with Simple Armor HUD]
- TrimsEffects [Removed Due To Being Too OP]
- FastAnim [Incompatible with Fresh Animations]
- InventoryTotem [Was failed to remove last update.]
- No Resource Pack Warnings [Available In Resource Pack Overrides]
- Better Clouds [Flashing Cloud Glitch]
- Better Nether Map [Incompatible with Supplementaries]
- Rebalanced Loot [Not Necessary Anymore]
- No Realms Button [Replaced With Realms Button Remover]
- NoNarrator [Replaced with Rebind Narrator]
- Better End Sky
- Rotten flesh to Leather
Config-Side Changes;
- Enabled Tooltips Of Clean Tooltips Mod Back [Was removed due to Durability Viewer's Tooltip]
- Horse Head Tilt Config Adjusted
- Removed Cocoa PBR From AVPBR To Build Compat With Fancy Crops
- Removed Ocean Creepers Using Mob Filter
- Disabled Snow Climate On Bliss Shaders Setting
- Updated Paxi Listing
- Unbounded Narrator
- Deleted Configs Of Deleted Mods
- Fixed Bossbars Not Disappearing After The Boss Killed
- Fixed Cocoa Texture Broken with AVPBR
- Fixed Flying Dog Collar
- Chunk Loading And Optimization Now Better?
R̸e̸m̶o̴v̷e̶d̸ ̶H̴e̸r̶o̶b̷r̴i̷n̸e̷
Elysium Days 3.1.0 Update!
- CreativeCore
- Chat Heads 2x
- AmbientSounds 2x
- Language Reload
- Continuity
- Presence Footsteps
- Moonlight Lib 3x
- Amendments 2x
- Incendium
- Nullscape
- Shoulder Surfing Reloaded
- Elysium Days Tweaks To 3.1.0
- AVPBR Retextured [Optional Resource Pack]
- AVPBR [Optional Resource Pack]
- Paxi
- Charm of Undying
- GUI Clock
- Inventory Totem [Swapped With Charm Of Undying because more suitable for Elysium Days]
- Removed Luminous Lantern Models [Textures was broken with AVPBR]
Config-Side Changes;
- Nerfed Skeleton And Zombie Horses Spawn Chance Even More
- ToolTip Fixes For More Languages
- Ender Eye Message Localization For 23+ Languages
- Resource Pack Overrides Has Been Configured
- Paxi Load Order Set
- Removed Extra Durability Tooltip Added From Clean Tooltips
- Made Durability Viewer Look Better
- Changed Position Of FPS Display
- Changed GUI Clock Configs
- Changed Xaero's Minimap's Place
- Cleared Out Useless Built-In Packs
- Made Embrace Pixels Optional Like Others
Other Changes;
- New Logo
R̸e̸m̶o̴v̷e̶d̸ ̶H̴e̸r̶o̶b̷r̴i̷n̸e̷
Elysium Days 3.0.5 Update!
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Zoomify
- Collective
- Puzzles Lib
- Elysium Days Tweaks to 3.0.1
- Repurposed Structures - Quilt/Fabric
- YUNG's Better Jungle Temples
- Philips Ruins
- Exposure
- Double Doors
- Language Reload
- Elytra Trims
- Nether Depths Upgrade
- [Let's Do] API
- [Let's Do] Bakery
- [Let's Do] Meadow
- Better Archeology
- Blinking Ender Eyes [Resource Pack]
- Fancy Crops [Resource Pack]
- Luminous [Resource Pack]
- Translations for Sodium [Resource Pack]
- HorseBuff
- Leaf Me Alone
- Craftable Horse Armour & Saddle [CHA&S]
- Crying Portals
- ItemPhysic Lite
- Lanterns Belong On Walls [Amendments Already Does That]
- cat_jam [Incompatible with Fresh Animations]
Config-Side Changes;
- Unbounded Many Keys
- HorseBuff Fade Out Removed
- HorseBuff Rainbow Horses Removed
- Updated YOSBR Defaults
- Deleted Configs Of Removed Mods
- Added Netherite Horse Armor Recipe To Elysium Days Tweaks
- Added Sponge Recipe To Elysium Days Tweaks
- Nerfed Spawn Rate Of Skeleton Horses
- Nerfed Spawn Rate Of Zombie Horses
- Nerfed Item Drop Chance Of Guard Villagers
- Fixed Food Bars On Item Tooltips Resource Pack For 10 Languages
- Added #>£#>£412?!???? (Easter Egg :>)
R̸e̸m̶o̴v̷e̶d̸ ̶H̴e̸r̶o̶b̷r̴i̷n̸e̷
Elysium Days 3.0.0 Update!
Loader Version To 0.15.11
- Amendments
- Collective
- Hearth & Home
- ImmediatelyFast 2x
- Moonlight Lib
- NiftyCarts
- TerraBlender
- Elytra Trims 2x
- Shoulder Surfing Reloaded 2x
- Camps. Castles. Carriages.
- Moonlight Lib 3x
- Freshly Modded [Resource Pack] to 1.5.1
- Fast Better Grass [Resource Pack]
- MoreMobVariants 1.3.0 x Fresh Animations 1.9 [Resource Pack]
- [Let's Do] API 2x
- [Let's Do] Bakery
- [Let's Do] Candlelight
- [Let's Do] HerbalBrews
- [Let's Do] Meadow 4x
- Fresh Moves (Expressive Version) [removed the classic version.]
- Cherished Worlds
- Zoomify
- Universal Bone Meal
- Shulker Box Tooltip
- YDM's Weapon Master (Swapped Singleplayer Version with Multiplayer Version)
- Custom Splash Screen
- No Realms Button
- Game Menu Remove GFARB
- Icons [Resource Pack]
- Icons Advertisement Removal [Resource Pack]
- Elysium Days Tweaks
- Logical Zoom [Swapped With Zoomify]
- Dark Loading Screen
- Seamless
- Map Compass
Config-Side Changes;
- ETF Enabled Alpha For All Skins To Avoid Glitches With Fresh Moves Expressive Version
- Disabled SSR Transparency
- Zoomify Settings made similar to optifine and added scroll in feature
- Enforced Loader To >0.15.11
Elysium Days 2.8.3 Update!
- 3D Skin Layers
- Amendments
- Elytra Trims
- Moonlight Lib
- [EMF] Entity Model Features
- Not Enough Animations
- Skeleton Horse Spawn
- Zombie Horse Spawn
- Your Options Shall Be Respected (YOSBR)
- Highlight
- Enhanced Attack Indicator
- Tips
- Rotten flesh to Leather (Fabric/Quilt)
- Tree Harvester
- Borderless Mining
Config-Side Changes;
- Made configs for realistic sleep to get better TPS and New morning message
- Changed spawn rate of skeleton and zombie horses
- Placed A New Options Into YOSBR Mod
Elysium Days 2.8.1 Update!
- Clean F3
- Collective
- Elytra Trims
- ImmediatelyFast
- Philips Ruins
- Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks
- [EMF] Entity Model Features
- [ETF] Entity Texture Features
- When Dungeons Arise: Seven Seas
- SleepWarp
- Rebalanced Loot
- Realistic Sleep
- Formations (Structure Library)
- Formations Nether