YetAnotherConfigLib 3.6.3
This version of YACL has many different version targets. Ensure you download the correct version of YACL for your MC version.
- Fabric 1.21.4
- Fabric 1.21.2 (also supports 1.21.3)
- Fabric 1.20.1
- Fabric 1.20.4
- Fabric 1.20.6 (also supports 1.20.5)
- Fabric 1.21
- NeoForge 1.21.4
- NeoForge 1.21.2 (also supports 1.21.3)
- NeoForge 1.21
- NeoForge 1.20.6 (also supports 1.20.5)
- NeoForge 1.20.4
- MinecraftForge 1.20.1
- Add
(thanks Kevin) - More translations