- Added Iron Artificer support to Kobolds & Farmer's Delight.
- Bundles of Holding can now only be combined if both are empty.
- Bundles of Holding will now be renamed to Bundles of Vanishing if they have the Curse of Vanishing.
- Bundles of Holding can no longer be placed within containers unless they are a Bundle of Vanishing.
- Bundles of Vanishing now properly vanish any items placed within when right-clicked.
Many fixes & balance changes that I cannot even remember everything...
Creative Menu Soulgems can be used in Creative Mode to copy an entity's soul by right-clicking.
Creative Menu Player Blood can be right-clicked to attach your own name to it.
You can now right-click a ritual altar with candles to place the circle formation if there is room.
Contracts now requires a power level (lit candles in the circle) when using them on a ritual altar.
Added completed version of Lycanthropy.
-Lycanthropy is obtainable via a Contract.
-As a Lycan, you gain weakness to iron equipment, passive supernatural buffs, cannot sleep on a full moon, and can only eat meat items.
-Lycans can provide their magical buffs and magical defense to nearby pets.
Added completed version of Artificer.
-Obtainable via crafting an Artificer's Core, powering it with a totem of undying, and creating a copper golem formation with a lightning rod on top & line of sight to the sky while thundering.
-As an Artificer, you no longer need to eat and food gives health, passive supernatural buffs, gained damage reduction to vampires & lycans, and unlock crafting with the Artificer's Core.
-A powered Artificer's Core can allow you to make basic and iron equipment unbreakable by right-clicking with iron ingots in inventory.
-Iron or Copper ingots can be used on a powered Artificer's Core to craft cannonballs.
-Blocks of Iron with redstone and an observer in your inventory can be used to craft an Artificer's Cannon.
-Ender Pearl with Iron Ingots in your inventory can be used to craft a Magic Mirror.
-Bundle with Obsidian and an Eye of Ender can be used to craft a Bundle of Holding.