An Exciting Update!
Something new here?
Fabric Version
SimpleAnimator is now available on Fabirc!
Since this version, SimpleAnimator will include a set of network packages and mechanisms on Interaction. Interaction is a set of animations that interact between two players, it is also imported using the bedrock format animation file, but it may be slightly different from normal animations.
In this version, commands for interactions have been added:
/interact invite <player> <interaction>
/interact accept <player>
Fixed Bugs
- Client cannot run due to key frame interpolation resulting in NaN
- Strange synchronization problem
An Exciting Update!
Something new here?
Since this version, SimpleAnimator will include a set of network packages and mechanisms on Interaction. Interaction is a set of animations that interact between two players, it is also imported using the bedrock format animation file, but it may be slightly different from normal animations.
In this version, commands for interactions have been added:
/interact invite <player> <interaction>
/interact accept <player>
Fixed Bugs
- Client cannot run due to key frame interpolation resulting in NaN
- Strange synchronization problem
Something new?
Just like the name of the command, you can play or stop the animation of the player executing the command:
- animate play [your_animation]
- animate stop
You can use BlockBench to create your animation. If you have no idea with how to get a player model, you can download the BlockBench project right here.
This mod support ReplayMod, which means all animation can be record by ReplayMod! The mod is still in development and there may be various bugs :(