Minecraft: Java Edition
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Stalagmites And Stalacites
Regular stone and nullstone stalactites and stalagmites can be found underground along with 5 new mushrooms and 3 types of lichen excluding the sculk types.

Deepoid Fortress
A rare, massive dungeon similar in design to a regular nether fortress made out of nullwart bricks. They are often found under or nearby regular Nether Fortresses and will likely require quite the expedition to find one.

Infused Vanite
Ritual to obtain Infused Vanite, all blocks they are placed on are required, some time will need to pass before anything happens as well. The infused Vanite upon broken will give a random amount of dark essence. Can only be done in the End.

Level 90 enchants
The Legendary Enchantment Table is a new goal in the mod, will allow the player to guarantee level IV, V, or VI enchantments on armor or tools. Will use up all 90 levels

Sculk Geo 1
Dungeon that generates underground, contains vast amounts of sculk and a treasure crate above the spawer

A ton of new achievments have been added to the mod to help guide you through it

Vindicator Chief
If the settlement has a church building, there will be a vindicator chief. Works like regular Vindicator Traders but has better trades and much more capable in combat.

Building Blocks
Nullstone, Grimstone, Etherstone, Sculk Bricks, Frontierslate, and Nullwart Bricks. All building blocks now with stairs, slabs, and walls.

Copartz Geo
The most common type of crystal Geo in the mod, there are 4 others that generate similarly to this.

End Globule Intergration
My small mod, End Globules is now apart of NovaCraft as Update 1.1, endstone blobs now generate throughout the End

The Deep One Summoning
Right Click The Deep One Dragon Egg with a deepoid star to summon The Deep One.

Nullstone and Grimstone
Both of the stones are common deep underground, unlike in the original they both have custom sounds on breaking and walking on. Ores can be found within them and the blocks can be used for building.

Vindicator Settlements
Settlements that house Vindicators. They are hostile normally but by wearing any variant of the Vanite Crown, they will be neutral and can be traded with

Vaild Ores for the 9x Duplication
Diamond, Gold, Emerald, Iron, Vanite, Klangite, Tophinite, Ancient Debris, Rupee, Armimite, Realmite, Zanite, Continuum, Arkenium, primeval artifact, and endium. Note it may take some time for it to activate

A buffed blaze that is found only with the Deepoid Fortress in the Nether. Will deal damage to the player negating fire resistance and if the projectiles hit a block will place Deepfire instead of Fire.

The Retextured Squid
The glow squid is in the mod, spawns natually like a squid does in rivers, deep oceans, and ocean biomes. Their ink sacs can be used to ink glow lichen and sculk blocks.

How to obtain Null Shards
The block that is placed in the center must be an echo block not budding echo, surrond it in sculk tentacles on sculk endstone. in the +X +Z direction is where the orange crystal goes. All crystals below it are budding blocks. Only can be done in the End.

Deepoid Fortress Image 2
The Deepoid and Ionizatior are exclusive to the dungeon There are spawners for Magma Cubes, Deepoids, Ionizatior, and Slaughters here. All the mobs here can damage you even if you have fire resistance.

The Ender Ray
A Large part of this mod is End exploration, however the End is a far more hostile place, these guys from Ender Stuff Plus have a nasty projectile attack but their projectiles are quite slow.

Void Entity
Since Sculk Dwellers no longer spawn in the End, I added a new mob to take it's place, Void Entites. Very dangerous mob that spawns only with in the End. However it has useful drops. The mob can easily kill you so be prepared

Structure to Summon the Warden
You will need the blocks as seen in this image. Nulllwart is one you will need, it is found rarely in sculk dungeons throughout the world growing on nullstone.

New type of mob added in V1.2. Regular ones are found in caves while Sculk ones are only found in Sculk Dwellings.

New End Flora and Generation
Update 1.1 had a decent amount of it's content be in the End. New tree type, flora, and blocks have been added to the dimension.

Vindicator Trading
Standard Vindicators found in Forest type biomes are always hostile but ones found in settlements are neutral. They will trade a variety of materials for either diamonds, gold, iron, or vanite.

Structure to Summon the Warden
Nulllwart is one you will need, it is found in dungeons growing on nullstone or is found within Vindicator Settlements. You will need to right click the altar with a sculk star to activate it. It is symmetric on all sides

Random Sculk Generation in a Cave
Sculk works differently in this mod, it will generate naturally in caves below y=25, very important later in the mod for the various rituals.

Custom End Portal
In 1.7.10 there are normally 3 end portals per world, you can create your own by creating the structure in the image. Larimar block has to be placed in the -x & +z direction, and the rest according. Place an Infused Vanite Block in the middle

The Phantom
Unlike vanilla the Phantom only spawns in the End, AI is very similar to the ones from Netherlious.

The Ender Avis
A bird found in the End to help you travel throughout the dimension (also from Ender Stuff Plus), of course you will need to install HEE, Enderlious, or my other mod End Globules in order to need to traverse the End.

Destitute Island
Rare and found near the void in the End. This island is quite dangerous so be prepared!

Sculk Infested Mineshaft
Found In Mountain Type Biomes These mineshafts are covered in sculk blocks and a new type of sculk called sculk tendrils. These Mineshafts are also rich in resources such as iron, copper, and gold.

The Deep One
New Boss added in the 1.2 Update. Basically it is a heavily buffed Vanilla Ender Dragon but attacks much more often and breathes plasma.

The 9x Ore Duplication Structure
By placing 2 ore blocks of various types above the null cluster, you can turn 2 ores into 2 blocks of that material. Works with a few ores from other mods as well.

The Warden
This is one of the goals of the mod, however the functionality of the Warden is vastly different than in 1.19, the Warden Armor is the best way to counter him. Only summonable by the Warden altar.

The Slaughter
Another dangerous mob that is found in the Nether, can drop it's Scythe rarely. Added another 2 mobs to the Nether but not mush else to that dimension.