[NEW] Boss Drop Configuration: Added drop_list_config for bosses, allowing you to customize which bosses or mobs drop leveling orbs.
[NEW] Artifact for Bonus XP: Introduced a new artifact that grants bonus experience when in your inventory.
[NEW] Loot Grab Bag: Added a new loot grab bag feature, offering a choice of random loot from the loot table.
[NEW] Level 30+ Rewards: Rewards after level 30 will now be drawn from the loot table.
[NEW] Artifact Config: Added a new configuration option bonus_experience_factor = 1.2 for the artifact.
[NEW] Loot Grab Bag Levels: Added grab bags for reaching levels 10, 15, 25, and 30 with varying quantities (Level 10 and 15: 1x, Level 25: 3x, Level 30: 5x).
[NEW] Post-Level 30 Grab Bags: After reaching level 30, players will randomly receive loot grab bags. It is recommended to delete old config files for a smoother update.
[NEW] New item : AUTO-Fragment Consumer Artifact
[NEW] A crafting recipe for the AUTO-Fragment Consumer Artifact
[NEW] New look for 3 memory fragments with 3D models
[NEW] New texture for the leveling orb and reset orb
[NEW] Tooltips added to the leveling orb and reset orbs
[REVOKED] Removed the crafting recipes to upgrade fragments
[BUG FIX] Fixed a bug with the reset orb that did not reset the player's NBT tags
Recommended to delete old config files again for a smoother update experience
[NEW] Introduced new command: /givelevels <amount> to easily manage player levels
[NEW] Level 200 and Level 100 now grants Trophy Blocks upon reaching the corresponding
[UPDATED] Added 5 new advancements to enhance gameplay progression
[UPDATED] Updated the Stats UI with a new background design for a refreshed look
[UPDATED] Added tooltips to all stats GUI elements for better clarity and usability
We've noticed that NeoForge version 1.20.6 isn't very well supported, We've therefore decided that this version will be the last to be exported for this version**
Changed the NBT Tags of the entity to be of type NUMBER not TEXT (this is in order to avoid problems)
Correctly made the NBT tags are the element responsible to control the stats value and not the otherway around , this allows to give weapons or other mod elements the option to make stat modifers by simply just changing the NBT tags
We Now Support Minecraft NeoForge 1.21.1
[NEW] Fragments xp amount now scales with level
final xp value = Base XP * (1 + (Player Level / 10))
[NEW] Added NBT Custom Entity Text Tags (this helps creating mod addons)
- motp_hp : current vitality points
- motp_kr : current fortitude points
- motp_ms : current agility points
- motp_ad : current attack power points
- motp_ar : current protection points
- motp_as : current attack speed points
- motp_ex : current exploration points
- motp_level : current level
[NEW] Added Level up particles
[NEW] Added Orb of Reset Particles
[REVOKED] Removed the random chests loot table (didn't work but will be replaced in later versions)
Changelog 0.2.1
YOU MUST DELETE the old config files !! (.minecraft/config/motp/*.toml)
[UPDATED] Added random rewards chance drop rate [01-99]
[UPDATED] Changed the random rewards the new table includes :
- Netherite Sword (15% chance, 1x): Sharpness V, Unbreaking III, Fire Aspect II
- Netherite Pickaxe (10% chance, 1x): Efficiency V, Fortune III, Unbreaking III
- Enchanted Golden Apple (20% chance, 2x)
- Elytra (5% chance, 1x): Unbreaking III, Mending I
- Diamond Block (25% chance, 5x)
- Totem of Undying (10% chance, 1x)
- Netherite Ingot (20% chance, 2x)
- Trident (5% chance, 1x): Loyalty III, Channeling I, Unbreaking III
- Beacon (15% chance, 3x)
- Golden Apple (20% chance, 12x)
- Golden Carrot (25% chance, 32x)
- Bow (5% chance, 1x): Power V, Infinity I, Unbreaking III
- Crossbow (10% chance, 1x): Multishot I, Quick Charge III, Unbreaking III
- Netherite Axe (5% chance, 1x): Sharpness V, Efficiency V, Unbreaking III
[UPDATED] Changed some level-up Rewards
- Level 10: Now rewards 5x Golden Apples instead of 3x
- Level 20-23: all the armor set now have "Protection I"
- Level 24: The Pickaxe now have "Efficiency IV, Unbreaking III, Fortune II"
- Level 26: Now rewards 1x ancient_debris instead of 2x
- Level 28: Now rewards 3x ancient_debris instead of netherite_ingot
- Level 30: Now rewards 3x ancient_debris instead of netherite_ingot
[UPDATED] Slightly increased the experience gain from Lesser Fragments by 10% to help early-level players progress faster
[BUG FIX] The orb of reset now correctly resets the exploration
Changelog 0.2.0
[NEW] Added level up rewards which can be changed in the motp config folder
- Level 2: 16x Coal
- Level 3: 1x Iron Axe
- Level 4: 16x Iron Ingots
- Level 5: 1x Iron Pickaxe
- Level 6: 16x Redstone
- Level 7: 8x Gold Ingots
- Level 8: 1x Diamonds
- Level 9: 32x Lapis Lazuli
- Level 10: 3x Golden Apples
- Level 11: 16x Gold Ingots
- Level 12: 2x Diamonds
- Level 13: 10x Emeralds
- Level 14: 2x Diamonds
- Level 15: 1x Diamond Axe
- Level 16: 1x Enchanted Golden Apple
- Level 17: 10x Redstone Blocks
- Level 18: 5x Iron Blocks
- Level 19: 3x Gold Blocks
- Level 20: 1x Diamond Chestplate
- Level 21: 1x Diamond Helmet
- Level 22: 1x Diamond Boots
- Level 23: 1x Diamond Pants
- Level 24: 1x Diamond Pickaxe
- Level 25: 1x Enchanted Totem of Undying
- Level 26: 2x Ancient Debris
- Level 27: 32x Diamond
- Level 28: 1x Netherite Ingot
- Level 29: 1x Enchanted Totem of Undying
- Level 30: 1x Netherite Ingot
- Level 30+: Random powerful rewards but not guarenteed
[NEW] Added config file for all rewards ( by level or the random loot table )
[UPDATED] We Moved all config files to config/motp/*.toml ("we recommend you delete the old config files")
[UPDATED] Slightly enhanced the drop rates for the orbs and fragments loot table
Changelog 0.1.1
[NEW] Added more configuration options to the (“config/motp_main_config.toml”) file for the HUD overlay and the exp value per fragment
[NEW] Added configuration files (“config/motp_drop_rate_config.toml”) which contains all the configuration to change the drop rates of the fragments and orbs
[UPDATED] The chances of fragments drops have been modified as follows :
- Overworld : (Lesser 80 % - Better 19% - Greater 1%)
- Nether : (Lesser 50 % - Better 47.5% - Greater 2.5%)
- End : (Lesser 20 % - Better 32% - Greater 48%)
[BUG FIX] Fixed a bug which caused the level up sound to not play