- All changes from 1.20.4-11.7.0
- Add HOP graphite ingots to general ingots tag (Malte)
- Add builtin compat with Repurposed Structrues (TelepathicGrunt)
- Add backup options for tag-based villager trades, so that broken tags don't cause broken trades (BluSunrize)
- Add support for Pitcher Plants in the cloche (BluSunrize)
- This comes with a new render function for datapacks to handle double-high crops, which is also used by hemp
- Add treated wood, steel and aluminium signs (BluSunrize)
- They work like vanilla signs, not much else to say
- Add the ability to make warning signs glow with glow ink sacks (BluSunrize)
- Add recipe for crushing coarse dirt into dirt (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Remove CustomParticleManager (IMS)
- Change High Explosive cartridges to return shells on use (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Change hemp plants to use the same "half" property as vanilla double flowers (BluSunrize)
- This results in existing hemp looking weird, just break and replace it!
- Change mouse sensitivity based on current zoom level with railgun or revolver (BluSunrize)
- Also hide revolver's & railgun's first-person render while zoomed
- Change coke oven to only burn the same logs as a vanilla furnace can (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Improve readability of fluid name in the chemthrower HUD (BluSunrize)
- Fix crash with dual codecs (Malte)
- Fix crash when placing toolbox (Malte)
- Fix sealed crates deleting items (Malte)
- Fix incorrect sprite for coke oven flame (Malte)
- Fix crash with assembler (Malte)
- Fix crash due to invalid blueprints (Malte)
- Fix condition recipe encoding/decoding (Malte)
- Fix chemthrower not "noticing" its main fluid (Malte)
- Fix hempseeds not being compostable (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Fix broken armor values on steel armor (BluSunrize)
- Fix angled chutes not having proper collision boxes (BluSunrize)
- Fix shader banners in villages not rendering (BluSunrize)
- Unfortunately only affects newly generated structures
- Fix bugged colors on shader banners, resulting from mixups of ARGB and ABGR in composited textures (BluSunrize)
- Fix missing item model for the radio tower (BluSunrize)
- Fix firework cartridges crashing when crafted (BluSunrize)
- Fix firework cartridges not accessing vanilla components (BluSunrize)
- Fix arc recycling recipes not having their own JEI tab (BluSunrize)
- Fix arc recycling recipes not showing adjusted outputs in JEI (BluSunrize)
- Fix floodlights deleting their own fake lightsources immediately (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Fix the scope for railgun and revolver just not rendering at all (BluSunrize)
- Fix zooming not working when the weapon is in offhand (BluSunrize)
- Fix multiblock inventories stacking to 99 (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Fix charging station not charging the accumulator backpack (BluSunrize)
- Translations Added/Updated: zh_cn (Cactusstudent, SlimeSB, mc-kaishixiaxue, JustAlkaid), tr_tr (RuyaSavascisi)
- Final release for 1.20.4
- Add some missing Concrete recipes to make crafting easier (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Add missing potion recipes for Thick & Mundane potions (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Add machine interface support for the Assembler (BluSunrize)
- Add missing comparator outputs that were documented in the manual (BluSunrize)
- Overhaul Gunpowder Barrels to make them far more useful (voidsong-dragonfly)
- No more multi-stage explosions
- Directional explosions that are biased against the direction with the most "hardness"
- More powerful than TNT because they are actual bombs and not "gunpowder mixed with sand"
- Better for antipersonnel damage when on the surface, but better at breaking rocks when inside rock
- Change text in the Circuit Table not being translatable (André Augusto)
- Change Arc Furnace electrode comparator (and machine interface) output to represent the lowest electrode
- Reduce damage taken from decelerating with the Skyhook by 60% (BluSunrize)
- Also actually mention this damage in the manual
- This should lead to less deaths by suddenly grabbing a cable
- In the future, we may add an upgrade to remove this damage entirely
- Fix High Cetane Biodiesel not being properly usable in the chemthrower (BluSunrize)
- Fix redstone timer showing the wrong signal colour in its overlay (BluSunrize)
- Fix manual erroneously listing explosive cartridges as using the "common" blueprint (BluSunrize)
- Fix banner pattern for the screwdriver grip (BluSunrize)
- Fix windmills having their insides turn white when far away (BluSunrize)
- Fix command "/ie clearshaders" not working when passing a player reference (BluSunrize)
- Fix internal slot counts for consumed items in the assembler, no longer duplicating buckets of water (BluSunrize)
- Fix arc furnace secondaries having reversed output chances (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Fix incorrect documentation about the sample drill in the manual (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Fix sawmill having a broken comparator (and machine interface) output when the blade breaks (BluSunrize)
- Fix potential issue with synchronized mod loading (khjxiaogu)
- Translations Added/Updated: cs_cz.json (RomanPlayer22), zh_cn.json (Cactusstudent, SlimeSB, mc-kaishixiaxue, JustAlkaid)
- Final release for 1.20.1
- Expand list of blocks that the rockcutter and grinding disc can dig (BluSunrize)
- Fix diesel generators providing free power with any fluid (the-pandoran)
- Fix block breaking overlay on multiblocks (BluSunrize)
- Fix tools playing a re-equip animation when they shouldn't (BluSunrize)
- Fix windmills having their insides turn white when far away (BluSunrize)
- Fix Toolbox being movable while opened (BluSunrize)
- Fix ComputerCraft methods with extra arguments causing problems (BluSunrize)
- "The Redstone Update!"
- Add the radio tower, a way to wirelessly send signals! (BluSunrize)
- Add the redstone state cell for storing signals (BluSunrize)
- Add the redstone timer for emitting regular signals (BluSunrize)
- Add the redstone switchboard for remapping redstone signals between networks (BluSunrize)
- Add the warning siren to make loud noises and send villagers to their homes (BluSunrize)
- Move redstone components to a separate category of the manual (BluSunrize)
- Add recipe for crushing slag bricks into slag gravel (BluSunrize)
- Add recipes for wetting vanilla concrete powder in the bottling machine (BluSunrize)
- Add progress tooltip to items in the arc furnace (BluSunrize)
- Allow revolver pieces to be recycled in the arc furnace (BluSunrize)
- Change recipe for catwalk stairs to be cheaper (BluSunrize)
- Change luck attribute on revolvers to apply always, instead of just when held (BluSunrize)
- Improve performance of waterwheels (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Improve performance of thermoelectric generators (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Improve performance of floodlights (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Fix waterlogged posts not dropping items (BluSunrize)
- Fix treated windows and feedthrough insulators letting rain through (BluSunrize, voidsong-dragonfly)
- Fix crates not syncing their names to the client (BluSunrize)
- Fix shader based particles breaking on servers (BluSunrize)
- Fix various button tooltips sticking around after being clicked (BluSunrize)
- Fix treated trapdoors erroneously having metal properties (BluSunrize)
- Fix arms on posts dropping blocks when broken (BluSunrize)
- Fix crate minecarts crashing when inserted into with a hopper (BluSunrize)
- Fix barrel minecarts crashing when right-clicked (BluSunrize)
- Fix villagers trying to pathfind through multiblocks (BluSunrize)
- Fix disconnect due to shader list in the manual (BluSunrize)
- Translations Added/Updated: de_de (AriaElidove)
- Add warning signs (BluSunrize)
- Textures kindly provided by AriaElidove, thank you!
- You can also make a banner pattern with the signs and put (some) of the warnings on banners and shields!
- Add fence gates for treated wood, steel and aluminium (BluSunrize)
- Add colored sheetmetal chutes (BluSunrize)
- Add a new light: the cage lamp (BluSunrize)
- Model & texture kindly provided by sinsinewave, thank you!
- Remove raw ore blocks from the list of blocks dug by the grinding disk (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Change workbench to be able to handle blueprints with more than 9 recipes (BluSunrize)
- Change villager trades for revolver pieces and mineral deposit maps to re-roll (BluSunrize)
- After buying the item, the trade will be replaced with a new one
- This only works on villagers acquired AFTER this update!
- Change revolvers to use the vanilla cooldown system (BluSunrize)
- This does unfortunately make dualwielding less powerful, because cooldowns affect all revolvers
- Change transformers nto not be worse than accumulators (voidsong-dragonfly)
- They now limit the energy flow properly, making them technically higher on throughput and reducing wire burnout
- Prevent crates from being opened after being sealed (BluSunrize)
- Fix villagers being unable to interact with IE doors (BluSunrize)
- Fix steel doors dropping twice (BluSunrize)
- Fix blueprint shelves not dropping blueprints when broken (BluSunrize)
- Fix conveyors moving players while flying (BluSunrize)
- Fix models for drill and buzzsaw not using translucent as a rendertype (BluSunrize)
- Fix revolvers not combining their perks correctly when crafted (BluSunrize)
- Fix revolver shots having impact sounds like an arrow (BluSunrize)
- Fix models for drill and buzzsaw not using translucent as a rendertype (BluSunrize)
- Change scaffolding blocks to have more descriptive names (AriaElidove)
- Change translations for fluid blocks so Jade shows them properly (AriaElidove)
- Fix arc recycling preventing joining multiplayer servers (BluSunrize)
- Fix wooden crates closing their GUI when using your inventory key in their name (BluSunrize)
- Add treated wood & steel doors (BluSunrize)
- Steel doors can only be opened by hand and will be locked by an applied redstone signal
- There's also matching trapdoors
- Add the redstone-controlled pipe valve from Engineer's Decor (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Thank you wilechaote for giving us permission to include these blocks in the mod <3
- Add a banner pattern for the screwdriver (BluSunrize)
- Also give the banner patterns each unique item textures
- Add a recipe for armor-piercing cartridges using netherite nuggets (BluSunrize)
- Add the ability to open scaffold covered ladders on the side (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Add lots more block to be dug by the grinding disk, rock cutter and engineer's hammer (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Remove duplicate villager trade (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Change language files to partially use datageneration (BluSunrize)
- This way we don't forget about localizing the countless banner variations anymore
- Change mixer to always place mixed fluid on bottom (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Change fluids to actually have density (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Change the survey tools to work on even more overworld blocks (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Change rendering for two-block high flowers in the cloche (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Change reinforced crates to require steel (BluSunrize)
- Change arc furnace recycling (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Add additional items to recycle
- Improve JEI displays
- Fix creative tab not being translatable (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Fix diesel generator producing energy on low fluid amounts (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Fix Toolboxes getting emptied when replacing grass blocks (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Fix windmill crashing on servers (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Fix Diesel generator not switching to active properly (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Fix post transformers being placeable on top of posts (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Add upgrades for the Engineering's Skyhook (BluSunrize)
- High Torque Motor makes it faster to go up slopes
- Insulated Grip allows riding live wires without getting zapped
- Heavy Impact Hooks deal bonus damage with a falling attack, much like the mace in 1.21
- Allow Phial Cartridges to be filled in the Bottling Machine (BluSunrize)
- Allow survey tools to be used on more blocks (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Add cloche recipes for ferns and grass (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Add crushing recipes for stone and deepslate (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Add the blueprint shelf, a block that can store up to 9 blueprints! (BluSunrize)
- Add a banner pattern for the wire cutter (BluSunrize)
- Add sub-designs for the banner patterns: hammer, wire cutter & wolf (BluSunrize)
- This allows for individual coloured grip + head of the tool
- It also allows all three wolf designs to be stored in one pattern
- Allow barrel and crate minecarts to be automatically loaded & unloaded (voidsong-dragonfly)
- You can use a fluid pump to load and unload the barrel carts!
- Add High-Cetane Biodiesel (BluSunrize)
- It's made from biodiesel and potion of strength in the refinery
- Its burntime is 25% longer than normal biodiesel!
- Add catwalk blocks, heavily inspired by Engineer's Decor (BluSunrize)
- Thank you wilechaote for giving us permission to include these blocks in the mod <3
- Also includes catwalks stairs!
- Change the recipes for revolver cartridges to be cheaper overall (BluSunrize)
- Change Nickel and Uranium ores to have more easily identifiable textures (BluSunrize)
- Change titles and descriptions of Advancements to more closely match Mojang's pattern (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Change wire loss to be exponential rather than linear, allowing HV lines to run much further and still be viable! (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Change storage crates in their behavior (BluSunrize)
- They will only keep their items if they are sealed before being broken
- To seal a crate you'll need to use an engineer's hammer on it for an extended duration
- This way, they're not longer as good as Shulker Boxes
- To make up for it, the name of a crate can now be edited in its GUI and will display when hovering the cursor over the block
- Change waterwheels in their behavior (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Water source blocks directly in wheel paddles now have higher 'resistance' and penalize wheels
- Fluid blocks of lower height now provide less torque to waterwheels - higher flow is better
- Water will no longer spill/flow off the 'side' of waterwheels, their models have been adjusted to symbolize this
- Breastshot wheels are given a small buff to make millrace setups like large 17th century mills profitable
- The maximum power for an optimized overshot wheel is the same as before!
- Also both the waterwheel and windmill now have sounds!
- Fix crusher not accepting multiple stacks of the same ore (BluSunrize)
- Fix stone multiblocks being washed away by water (BluSunrize)
- Fix potential race condition with wires damaging entities (BluSunrize)
- Fix shader banners and potion fluids using the wrong colors (BluSunrize)
- Fix accumulator backpack getting rendered as full-bright when worn (BluSunrize)
- Fix IE's tools rendering inverted in offhand (BluSunrize)
- Fix crusher and excavator particles behaving weirdly (BluSunrize)
- Fix inconsistent breaking sounds with stone multiblocks (BluSunrize)
- Re-add CC-Tweaked integration (Malte)
- Add missing redstone acid recipe to the manual (BluSunrize)
- Add the windows from Engineer's Decor (BluSunrize)
- Thank you wilechaote for giving us permission to include these blocks in the mod <3
- Add Reinforced Concrete, crafted with Netherite Rods (BluSunrize)
- It's witherproof!
- Add Panzerglass windows, which are also witherproof, in a similar way to the Engineer's Decor block! (BluSunrize)
- Change Leaded Concrete to be less resistant to explosions and block teleporting instead
- Fix fractions not rendering properly in the manual (BluSunrize)
- Fix Machine Interface crashing on servers (BluSunrize)
- Fix Toolbox being movable while opened (BluSunrize)
- Overhaul the Engineering's Manual (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Splitting various long entries into multiple smaller ones (fluid transport, logic circuits, ...)
- Adding new pages for undocumented features (gunpower barrel, minecarts, ...)
- Sorting everything into a new list of more comprehensible categories
- As a result, all translations of the manual are deprecated and need to be updated by community input
- Add the Machine Interfact, a block designed to read a variety of data from multiblock machines (BluSunrize)
- Change recipe for hempcrete to make it cheaper to mass produce (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Fix covered conveyors crashing the game (BluSunrize)
- Fix multiblocks being broken by flowing water (BluSunrize)
- Fix buttons in the circuit table not behaving correctly with keyboard inputs (BluSunrize)
- First release for 1.20.4
- Includes all features from 10.1.0
- All of the porting work and bugfixing courtesy of Malte
- Overhauled Mineral Veins (BluSunrize, voidsong-dragonfly)
- Mineral veins now use biome tags as conditions, this replaces dimension keys and allows more precise filtering
- New Vein: Banded Iron, a primary iron deposit because it's IE's most common resource
- New Vein: Lazulitic Intrusion, comprised of lapis and gold, making it ideal for decoration and enchanting
- New Vein: Alluvial Sift, only found in river biomes, this allows the excavator to mine for diamonds
- New Vein: Rich Auricupride, only found in mesa biomes, high in gold and some copper
- Changed Pentlandite to be primarily a nickel vein since its essential for IE's mid- and lategame architecture
- Changed Wolframite to include tin when present
- Changed all veins to output less sulfur
- Changed a variety of other veins to prioritze secondary ores that IE relies on (lead, silver)
- Changed weight and failchance on various veins, this makes "necessary" resources more common
- Changed various veins to only show up in certain biomes, making "decorative" veins like Silt less common
- Actually increased the weight of "rare" veins such as Beryl and Uraninite, because they are now limited by biome
- Allow survey tools to be used on netherrack and soul sand, to make searching in the Nether viable
- Includes all features from 9.2.4
- Add sounds for Arc Furnace, Excavator, and Automated Workbench (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Add burn times for the diesel generator to the manual (BluSunrize)
- Add support for armor trims on steel armor (BluSunrize)
- Add additional uses for lead & nickel (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Lead can be crafted into red and white dyes
- Radiators now use constantan instead of copper
- Tinted glass can be made in larger quantities by using lead
- Add randomized textures for various hempcrete & concrete blocks (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Add the electromagnet block (BluSunrize)
- It attracts nearby items when given power!
- Add the portable electromagnet! (BluSunrize)
- Install it as an upgrade on your accumulator backpack to have a magnet on the go!
- Add various blocks from Engineer's Decor (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Thank you wilechaote for giving us permission to include these blocks in the mod <3
- Add additional fertilizers for the cloche (voidsong-dragonfly)
- This should allow people to use up their surplus suflur!
- Add ability to place Engineer's Manual in a chiseled bookshelf (BluSunrize)
- Add sawmill recipes for bamboo (BluSunrize)
- Change hemp blocks to notify their neighbours when they grow (jrtc27)
- Change Jade Tooltips for multiblocks to work when looking at any part of the machine (HermitOwO)
- Fix conveyor rendering in the manual (Malte)
- Fix broken translation keys (Malte & BluSunrize)
- Fix turret GUI textfield not being editable (BluSunrize)
- Fix taiga villager houses being surrounded by air blocks (BluSunrize)
- Fix redstone control not working on the assembler (BluSunrize)
- Fix villager names not being translated in JER and EMI (BluSunrize)
- Fix error related to deprecated unicode font (BluSunrize)
- Fix bottling machine deleting items on the conveyor (BluSunrize)
- Fix bottling machine not rendering bucket-filling recipes properly (BluSunrize)
- Fix hemp replacing blocks above it when growing (BluSunrize)
- Fix fluid pipes losing their colour because the chunk wasn't marked as dirty (BluSunrize)
- Fix transparency issues with the shield and a few other item models (BluSunrize)
- Fix spawn interdiction from lanterns not working (BluSunrize)
- Fix rare crash in arc recycling calculation (BluSunrize)
- Fix possible crash in conveyor rendering (BluSunrize)
- Translations Added/Updated: ja_jo (karakufire)
- Add new excavator veins for decoration blocks (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Amethyst Crevasse, a geode vein
- Hardened Claypan, a red sand & terracotta vein
- Ancient Seabed, a dead coral & dripstone vein
- Add cloche recipes to grow flowers (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Add crusher recipes to make dyes (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Add items directly to inventory when: (voidsong-dragonfly)
- Cutting wires
- Picking up fluorescent tubes, core samples or the toolbox
- Add the plated shield to the "forge:tools/shields" tag (BluSunrize)
- Change turrets to accept generic entity terms like "Villager" for their black/whitelist (BluSunrize)
- Change text rendering in GUIs to be more readable (BluSunrize)
- Change assembler to handle buckets in recipes better (BluSunrize)
- Fix issues with multiblocks being accessed before being full formed (Malte)
- Fix items with obj renders breaking in the AE2 inscriber
- Fix drill overlay highlighting too many blocks (Malte)
- Fix external heater breaking when dealing with faster furnace recipes (TeamSpen210)
- Fix stairs and slabs not receiving item tags (BluSunrize)
- Fix potential crash with the accumulator backpack (BluSunrize)
- Fix output positions on the improved blastfurnace being swapped around (BluSunrize)
- Fix synchronization errors in the garden clocke (voidsong-dragonfly, Malte)
- Fix induction charging on the accumulator backpack not working (BluSunrize)
- Fix multiblock sounds not triggering subtitles continuously (BluSunrize)
- Fix hemp seeds being tagged as "rods" (BluSunrize)
- Fix railgun rods applying damage like a normal arrow (BluSunrize)
- Fix villager houses for structural engineer and machinist having the wrong workstation (BluSunrize)
- Fix blueprint crafting with split up ingredients (BluSunrize)
- Translations Added/Updated: cs_cz (RomanPlayer22)
- First release for 1.20.1, now supporting NeoForged!
- Includes all features from 9.4.1
- Add sawmill support for stripped wood (BluSunrize)
- Add sawmill support for cherry wood (BluSunrize)
- Add cloche support for torchflowers (BluSunrize)
- Change hemp blocks to extend vanilla's CropBlock (BluSunrize)
- Change "Superior Weaponry" advancement to hint at its potential to spawn new illagers in raids (BluSunrize)
- Change item renders for Railgun, Chemthrower and Shield to be dynamic, to allow use of dynamic shaders (Drullkus)
- Fix erroneous capability check on empty FluidStacks (Malte)
- Fix sound issues with the Skyhook (Malte)
- Fix IE projectiles failing to despawn (Malte)
- Fix handling of stacked items on the Bottling Machine (Malte)
- Fix error in recycling recipe generation (Malte)
- Fix minor typo in External Heater manual page (Logging4J)
- Fix steel sword not using the "forge:tools/swords" tag (BluSunrize)
- Fix hemp plants not using the "minecraft/crops" tag (BluSunrize)
- Fix steel and faraday armor not using "armor" tags (BluSunrize)
- Fix broken animations for revolvers in the left hand (BluSunrize)
- Fix revolver perks trying to localize at "tier0" (BluSunrize)
- Translations Added/Updated: cs_cz (RomanPlayer22), ja_jp (karakufire)