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Fast RTP
A fast random teleport command that doesn't cause lagspikes.
- Teleports the player to a random location./rtpback
- Teleports the player back to their last random teleport location./rtp <player> <args>
- Teleports the specified player to a random location. Requires permissions./rtp reload
- Reloads the configuration.
- Allows the player to use the/rtp
command whenrequirePermission
is set totrue
- Allows you to rtp other players, specify dimension, radius,
- Reloads the
- Allows the player to bypass the RTP cooldown.
The configuration file can be found in /config/fast-rtp.json
// Whether using /rtp requires the player to have the permission "fast-rtp.command.root"
"requirePermission": false,
// Whether /rtp should use the current world of the player.
// If false, the default world will be used if the dimension is not specified in the command.
"useCurrentWorld": false,
// Adds strict targeting / movement checks to prevent players from using the command to escape dangerous situations.
"useStrictTeleportCheck": false,
// The default dimension to use for /rtp.
"defaultDimension": "minecraft:overworld",
// The maximum radius from the world center to search for a safe location.
// If set to -1, the radius will go as far as the worldborder.
"radius": -1,
// The minimum radius from the world center to search for a safe location.
"minRadius": 0,
// The radius of blocks to check for dangerous surrounding blocks. This doesn't go higher than 4.
"safetyCheckRadius": 1,
// Cooldown in seconds applied after using /rtp.
"cooldown": 30,
// Specific biome identifiers that can be skipped by the location finder.
// These can also be used to skip expensive chunk loads, significantly speeding up location finding.
"blackListedBiomes": [
// Biome tags that can be skipped by the location finder.
"blackListedBiomeTags": [
// Command messages. Text formatting is done using
"messages": {
"rtpStartSearch": "<yellow>Searching for a safe location...",
"rtpLocFound": "<yellow>Found a safe location in ${seconds} seconds",
"rtpTeleportPlayer": "<dark_aqua>Teleported to <green>${x} ${y} ${z} <dark_aqua>in <green>${world}",
"rtpLocNotFound": "<red>[✖] Could not find a safe location!",
"rtpOnCooldown": "<red>[✖] <gold>Please wait <yellow>${seconds} <gold>seconds before using the RTP again!",
"preventedRtp": "<red>[✖] Could not start random teleport.\nReason: ${reason}",
"rtpBackSuccess": "<dark_aqua>Teleported back to your last random teleport!",
"rtpBackLocNotFound": "<red>[✖] You don't have any recent random teleports.",
"preventedRtpBack": "<red>[✖] Unable to teleport back to your last RTP location.\nReason: ${reason}",
"tpSecondsLeft": "<yellow>Teleporting in ${seconds} seconds...",
"tpCancelled": "<red>[✖] Teleportation was cancelled."