- Placeable Mulberry Pie, added Mulberry Pie Slice (for Upgrade Aquatic (closes #107))
- Placeable Passion Fruit Tart, added Passion Fruit Tart Slice (for Atmospheric)
- Retexture of Mulberry Pie and Passion Fruit Tart available in
Delightful Overhauls
built-in resource pack
- Retexture of Mulberry Pie and Passion Fruit Tart available in
- Baklava Slice now gives 30 seconds of Haste
- Iced Berry Matcha Latte is now crafted using the Matcha Latte as a base
- Matcha products (but not Matcha itself) now give level 2 of the green tea effect
- S'mores and Roasted Marshmallow on a Stick now provide Sugar Rush (if Neapolitan is present) or Speed
- Jams are now crafted with 3 fruit and 1 sugar
- Some items that previously didn't display effects in their tooltip now do
- Dandelions now spawn within Mini Melon patches
- Sliced Gloomgourds are now created from Carved Gloomgourds and can no longer provide slice items
- Updated some translation keys to format
- Added
Delightful Overhauls
built-in resource pack (16x) by championhestu- Retextures of supported items from other mods in a Farmer's Delight style
- Appears in Resource Pack selection page, disabled by default
- Added Aluminum Knife (closes #106)
- Added Pearlescent Knife (for Unusual End)
- Placeable Chorus Pie, added Chorus Pie Slice and Chorus Muffin (for Unusual End)
- Recommended with Delightful Overhauls resource pack enabled
- Cantaloupes and Mini Melons now produce 4 slices (from 6)
- Can scavenge slices from breaking Cantaloupes and Mini Melons with a knife
- Can scavenge Ham from Naturalist's Boars (and any entity tagged
) - Removed support for
tag - Added recipe for cutting Ecologics' Coconut Husk into Straw
- Slightly increased nutrition and saturation of Slice of Baklava
- Slice of Gloomgourd Pie now gives 30 seconds of Virulent Resistance (from 8)
- Fixed Acorns not dropping from Oak Leaves blocks (closes #111)
- Allow tea Cooking Pot recipes to accept Water Buckets, or any item tagged
(closes #108) - Stews must be cooked in a Cooking Pot
- Fixed Ecologics cooking recipe container issues
- Fixed typo in
tag (merged #109)
- Updated zh_cn (merged #110)
- Added Baklava and Baklava Slice
- Added Venison Stew (with Cup for Miner's Delight)
- Added Resonarium Knife (for Deeper and Darker)
- Blueberry Sack is now solely compat for Biomes We've Gone
- Increased Caffeinated effect length on teas and lattes
- Update tags for some recipes involving eggs
- Added recipe compatibility and overlap fixes for latest Abnormals Delight
- Added recipe compatibility for squid products from Cultural Delights & Miner's Delight
- More compat mobs drop Animal Fat
- Add and fix compat recipes and tags
- Update dependencies (Farmer's Delight 1.2.6)
- Electrum Knife will be disabled in presence of Oreganized
- Fix Gravitite Knife recipe in presence of The Aether: Redux
- Fix some stew recipes
- Fix milk recipe from nuts using Copper Cup
- Added Source Berry Milkshake/Ice Cream/Blocks (for Ars Nouveau)
- Conflicting items with Ars Nouveau's Flavors & Delight will be disabled
- Nether Quartz Knife no longer requires AE2
- Disabled in config by default, re-generation is recommended
- Reduced Nourishment effect on Azalea Tea to 30 seconds
- Reduced Saturation effect on Prickly Pear Juice to 15 seconds
- Ender Nectar requires a Honey Bottle instead of Sugar
- Chunkwich requires an Onion instead of Sugar
- Renamed Jam item ids to match English translations
- Update dependencies (Farmer's Delight 1.2.5, etc.)
- Goats on fire now drop Cooked Chevon when killed
- Fix smithing recipe for some knives
- Fix detection for if item is disabled in certain contexts (such as loot modifiers)
- Removed redundant uses of "forge:and" in recipe conditions
- Optimized file size of some assets
- Adjust Tea recipes for latest Farmer's Respite
- Oh the Biomes We've Gone is now supported and replaces the legacy BYG module
- Remove Chunk Nugget and add sugar to Chunkwich recipe (for Rotten Leather)
- More compat mobs drop Animal Fat
- Add Soap (from Supplementaries) crafting recipe from Animal Fat
- Add Dog Food crafting recipe from Animal Fat
- Added Cactus Chili
- Added Cactus Soup (with Cup for Miner's Delight)
- Jade support for Mushroom Colonies, Salmonberries & Cantaloupes
- Remove wood stripping recipes covered by Every Compat (highly recommend)
- Added Cactus Chunk recipes from Habitat's cacti
- More compat recipes and tags
- Removed AppleSkin tooltips from Placeable pie items (Quark users should disable the "Food Tooltips" feature in Quark's common config)
- Hide disabled/conflicting items in JEI viewer
- Fix Nature Staff & Zanite Knife (Aether) conflict
- Stuffed Pumpkin recipe fixes for Autumnity
- Added Valkyrum Knife (for Ancient Aether)
- Fixed crash with Aether Redux
- Updated Veridium and Infused Veridium Knife textures for newer Aether Redux versions
- Blazing Knife and Experience Knife now have their correct properties
3.5 - The Cantaloupe Update
- Added Nether Quartz Knife (for Applied Energistics 2)
- Added Certus Quartz Knife (for Applied Energistics 2)
- Added Fluix Knife (for Applied Energistics 2)
- Added Cantaloupe Seeds
- Added Cantaloupe Plant
- Added Cantaloupe Bread
- Added Wrapped Cantaloupe
- Added Cantaloupe Popsicle
- Added Stuffed Cantaloupe / Bowl of Stuffed Cantaloupe
- Cantaloupe patches will now spawn with intermixed Cantaloupe Plants
- Added Sliced Gloomgourd block for Undergarden & Undergarden Delight
- Added Jade icons for compat pies
- Tree Bark compat for: Ars Nouveau, Ecologics, Undergarden, Spawn, Aether, Deep Aether, Aether Redux
- Crab Rangoon now uses tag "forge:crab_meat" rather than "forge:cooked_crab"'
- Planted Salmonberry Bushes now correctly drop berries when broken
- Removed speed from Salmonberry and Source Berry pie slices
- Slightly buffed Cheeseburger and Deluxe Cheeseburger
- Crabber's Delight and Ecologics' crafting parity
- More compat tags and recipe overrides
- Cleaned up console output at mod startup
- Removed outdated config variable
Crash with latest Farmer's Respite
- Cleaned up tea leaf compat
World generation data error if setting generation chance to 0
- Do not do this still, instead disable the item
Kiwano Knife effect
More comat/tags for Nether's Delight, Windsept, Frozen Delight, Some Assembly Required
Override for Ars Nouveau Source Berry Roll recipe
Gilded Quartz Knife (for Create Stuff & Additions - BEWARE MCreator)
Kiwano Knife (for Nether's Exoticism - BEWARE MCreator)
Leaf Knife (for Seeds - BEWARE MCreator)
Zinc Knife (for "forge:ingots/zinc")
Matching colored tooltips for some knives
zh_cn translation (thanks 2twoegg)
More compat tags
Pendorite Knife (for Oh The Biomes You'll Go)
Allthemodium Knife (for Allthemodium)
Matcha Ice Cream
In-world pie overhaul for all of the four pies from Oh The Biomes You'll Go (thanks THEREDSTONEBRO):
Slice of Green Apple Pie
Slice of Blueberry Pie
Slice of Nightshade Berry Pie
Slice of Crimson Berry Pie
Onyx knife recipe (thanks chocolatemystery)
Some tags