⚠️ Warning
- If you are upgrading from an world on a previous version of Bronze, make a backup!!. Any armour trimmed with bronze or tin as a trimming material will no longer be trimmed when you load your world (but will otherwise remain the same).
- Bronze and Tin trimming materials will return in the future, but this mod relied on a library for it when it was Fabric-only, and the feature has unfortunately had to be axed in the move to multiloader.
🌞 New
- First multiloader release for both Fabric and NeoForge
⚙️ Changes
- Sickle
- AoE crop harvesting now done with use instead of attack (right click)
- New particle/swipe animation for harvesting
- Low chance for harvesting to yield 2-5 bonemeal
- Very low chance for harvesting to yield 1 mob drop (spider eye, bone, rotten flesh, gunpowder)
- Now enchantable with fortune and silk touch too (works off vanilla loot tables)
🔧 Fixes
- Sickle
- Cutting grass is less loud
🌞 New
- added a slightly more expensive recipe for bronze ingots that lets you craft them from tin and copper ingots (instead of smelting bronze blend)
⚙️ Changes
- made tin ore a slightly later game acquisition
- moved tin peak from y=42 to y=10 and flattened the curve slightly
- reduced tin ore generation size
- added uniform rare tin ore generation from y=0 to y=102 to compensate (similar to iron)
- tin ores are whiter than before and look less like diamond (more tin ore generates in the deepslate layer now, so maintaining visual clarity is important)
- slightly buffed bronze enchantability across the board
🌞 New
- added a slightly more expensive recipe for bronze ingots added that lets you craft them from tin and copper ingots (instead of smelting bronze blend)
⚙️ Changes
- made tin ore a slightly later game acquisition
- moved tin peak from y=42 to y=10 and flattened the curve slightly
- reduced tin ore generation size
- added uniform rare tin ore generation from y=0 to y=102 to compensate (similar to iron)
- tin ores are whiter than before and look less like diamond (more tin ore generates in the deepslate layer now, so maintaining visual clarity is important)
- slightly buffed bronze enchantability across the board
Tins & Trims Update Backport (1.0.12+1.20.1)
This changelog is a smaller version of 1.0.11+1.21. The main content has been backported to 1.20.1.
🌞 New
- Added Framed Tin Glass with connected texture support
- Added new tin building blocks:
- Chiseled Tin
- Tin Tiles
- Cut Tin
- Cut Tin Stairs
- Cut Tin Slab
- New achievement related to new building blocks
🌏 Languages
- Added french (Thank you Pinwou and ix0rai!)
- Many languages have been updated
Tins & Trims Update (1.0.11+1.21)
🌞 New
- Added Framed Tin Glass with connected texture support
- Added new tin building blocks:
- Chiseled Tin
- Tin Tiles
- Cut Tin
- Cut Tin Stairs
- Cut Tin Slab
- Added bronze and tin as trimming materials (Thank you ix0rai!)
- New achievement related to new building blocks
⚙️ Changes
- Bronze door minor texture changes
🔧 Fixes
- Better common tag support (other mods' tin and bronze ingots can be used for most recipes now)
🌏 Languages
- Added french (Thank you Pinwou and ix0rai!)
- Many languages have been updated
💾 Fixes
- Incompatibility with many mods' features fixed. Mainly targeting Vein Mining and Enchancement
🌏 Languages
- Added french
- Multiple languages updated