Minecraft: Java Edition
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Published 10 months ago
Updated 8 months ago
- Blocks: all copper bulbs, all copper grates, trial spawner, trial spawner ominous, sculk, sculk sensor, calibrated sculk sensor, sculk catalyst, sculk shrieker, sculk vein, polished tuff, chiseled tuff, chiseled tuff bricks, tuff bricks, bamboo block, stripped bamboo block, bamboo planks, bamboo mosaic, bamboo door, bamboo trapdoor, bamboo fence, bamboo gate, cherry log, stripped cherry log, cherry planks, cherry door, cherry trapdoor, cherry leaves, pink petals, mangrove log, stripped mangrove log, mangrove planks, mangrove door, mangrove trapdoor, mangrove leaves, mangrove propagule, mangrove propagule hanging, mangrove roots, muddy mangrove roots, mud bricks, packed mud, mud, suspicious sand, suspicious gravel, potted flowering azalea bush plant, cherry sapling, reinforced deepslate
- Entities: all hanging signs, all chest boats, bamboo sign, cherry boat, cherry chest boat, cherry sign, mangrove boat, mangrove chest boat, mangrove sign, decorated pot, brewer pottery pattern, snort pottery pattern, skull pottery pattern, heart pottery pattern, heartbreak pottery pattern, arms up pottery pattern, archer pottery pattern, miner pottery pattern, blade pottery pattern, guster pottery pattern, flow pottery pattern, scrape pottery pattern, armadillo, breeze, wind charge, banner base pattern, shield base pattern, silverfish, endermite, blaze
- Interfaces: widget tab, crafter container
- Items: all horse armors, all trims, all empty slots, all chest boats, all boats, all hanging signs, bamboo door, bamboo sign, cherry door, cherry sign, mangrove door, mangrove sign, mangrove propagule, rabbit, mutton, cooked rabbit, cooked mutton, baked potato, poisonous potato, rabbit foot, rabbit hide, leather, armadillo scuter, wolf armor, wolf armor overlay, ominous trial key, trial key, ominous bottle, breeze rod, wind charge, pink petals, brush, tadpole bucket, goat horn, string, netherite scrap, blaze powder, bone meal, clay ball, fire charge
- Mob effects: bad omen 1.21, raid omen, darkness
- Particles: all cherrys, all trial spawner detections, all trial spawner detection ominous, all gusts, raid omen, trial omen, vault connection, critical hit, enchanted hit, shriek
- Model blocks: additional textures for all doors sides, all trapdoors sides, cobblestone wall top, mossy cobblestone wall top, spawner top
- Block states: rotation disabled for all concrete powders, alternate textures for all concrete powders, dirt, dirt path, rooted dirt, grass block, mycelium, podzol, sand, red sand, deepslate, netherrack, stone, bedrock, sculk
- Connected textures: bookshelf (mod required)
- Biome particles: the end, deep dark (mod required)
- Mods support: ModMenu, InventoryManagement, InventorySorter, FallingLeaves, BetterRecipeBook
- Blocks: all doors, all trapdoors, all logs, all stripped logs, all candles, all stone ores, all amethyst buds, all bamboo leaves, all nether wart stages, all sweet berry bush stages, all saplings, all flowers, cobbled deepslate, polished deepslate, deepslate bricks, cracked deepslate bricks, chiseled deepslate, deepslate tiles, cracked deepslate tiles, stone bricks, cracked stone bricks, mossy stone bricks, chiseled stone bricks, nether bricks, cracked nether bricks, chiseled nether bricks, blackstone, gilded blackstone, polished blackstone, polished blackstone bricks, cracked polished blackstone bricks, chiseled polished blackstone, grass block, mycelium, podzol, dirt path, dirt, coarse dirt, rooted dirt, sand, sandstone, chiseled sandstone, cut sandstone, smooth sandstone, red sand, red sandstone, chiseled red sandstone, cut red sandstone, smooth red sandstone, rail, activator rail, detector rail, powered rail, chorus plant, chorus flower, andesite, calcite, diorite, granite, smooth basalt, tuff, amethyst block, end stone, end portal frame, end portal frame eye, prismarine, prismarine bricks, purpur block, purpur pillar, soul lantern, lanter, soul fire, fire, campfire fire, soul campfire fire, grass, fern, kelp, seagrass, cave vines, crimson roots, warped roots, cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, pumpkin stem, melon stem, red mushroom, brown mushroom, bamboo stalk, vine, lily pad, poppy, glowstone, shroomlight, stone, dripstone, bedrock, bee nest side, cake, loom side, cauldron, hopper, smooth stone, gravel, glow lichen, spore blossom, brewing stand, cobweb, bone block, polished basalt, dead bush, azalea plant, scaffolding
- Entities: all boats, all chest boats, all chests, all axolotls, all bees, all cows, all foxes, all skeletons, all spiders, all squids, all villagers, all zombies, allay, chicken, end crystal, iron golem, enderman, pig, sheep
- Environment: end sky, rain, snow
- Font: some capital letters on ascii
- Interfaces: all containers, all tabs, all icons, all buttons, all bars, all scroll bars, hotbar attack indicator, trial available, panorama background
- Items: all wood tools, all axes, all light stages, beef, porkchop, cooked beef, cooked porkchop, iron door, birch door, cauldron, redstone, sugar, glowstone dust, slime ball, spawn egg
- Misc: unknown pack, unknown server, powder snow outline
- Mob effects: absorption, blindness, fire resistance, haste, night vision, regeneration, resistance, strength, water breathing, poison, instant health, invisibility, glowing, bad omen, instant damage, hunger, saturation, hero of the village, weakness
- Particles: all effects, all sgas, angry, bubble, damage, glint, heart, lava, vibration
- Blocks: acacia log top, cocoa stage 2, brewing stand base, short grass
- Font: increased size of the fonts files
- Interfaces: all interfaces for 1.20
- Block models: glass pane culling, iron bars culling
- Connected textures: blue glass pane, white glass pane
Smoube (1.20).zip(4.24 MiB) Primary
Release channel
ReleaseVersion number
2.0Game versions
558Publication date
June 13, 2024 at 9:47 PMPublisher
