Owl's Vanilla Refined
Tweaks the vanilla textures for a better playing experience
Owl's Vanilla Refined has been archived. Owl's Vanilla Refined will not receive any further updates unless the author decides to unarchive the project.
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Published last year
Updated 10 months ago
Back with some more changes you never asked for!
~~ Blocks ~~
- Updated glowstone and glowstone dust textures to be glowier
- Updated all chest textures to be much more pleasing to the eye, removing the green parts and adding more texture
- Updated the cobweb texture to be darker with a blue-ish tint, as well as the model to be fuller and more visible from all directions
- Updated gold, emerald and diamond blocks to now use the textures from the third Texture Update beta, with some minor coloration tweaks
- Decaying leaves now show as orange/red/brown dead leaves
- Updated deepslate tile and cracked deepslate tile textures to tile much better and have more texture
- Updated nether brick, cracked nether brick and chiseled nether brick textures to have more texture
- Updated the inside of the mushroom block texture to be spongier and more textured
- Updated red mushroom blocks to have larger white dots
- Updated the chorus plant and flower textures to have better looking colors
- Updated purpur blocks and pillars to have slightly more rounded shapes
- Updated the flower pot texture to have a rim, like the item sprite
- Updated all pumpkin textures to make them feel more rounded and to fix some coloring issues
- Updated the redstone lamp textures to make the outline less basic-looking when the lamps are tiles and to make the unlit version darker + the lit version brighter
- Updated piston textures to make the plank part look more like oak planks and to make sticky pistons have sticky sides for easier identification
- Gave all buttons a unique texture instead of reusing the base material texture to look smoother and more like a button
- Gave all pressure plates a unique texture instead of reusing the base material texture to add an outline to make it look more unique
- Reupdated the nylium side textures to be even longer
- Reupdated the side grass, podzol, mycelium, snow grass and dirt path textures to have more shadow between the grass and dirt parts, and to make the grass get darker as it goes down the sides
- Reupdated dark oak leaves to be a little less noisy
- Reupdated the bedrock texture to make it even more similar to the deepslate texture
- Reupdated the magma texture to have better shaded and shaped rocks
- Tweaked the petrified oak slab texture to be more light and gray, making it much more versatile in builds
- Reupdated the large fern texture to make the base even wider, and the fern texture to a base that's even wider than its body
~~ Items ~~
- Beds now have show a 2d sprite in the inventory instead of a 3d view, with textures similar to the bed textures in Bedrock Edition, but redone to have more accurate colors
- Reupdated the insides of shovels to be even darker
~~ Entities ~~
- Updated enderman texture to be smoother
- Updated the cow, mooshroom and brown mooshroom textures to have spots that actually line up properly. The mooshroom's spots are now also more yellowish
~~ GUI ~~
- Updated the GUI to now work from 1.20.2 and later
- The selected enchantment button is now purple instead of green in the enchantment table GUI
- Effects given by beacons now use the correct icon when shown in the UI during gameplay, with a blue border around the effects
- Highlighted buttons in the stonecutter and loom GUIs are now green instead of the same color as the regular buttons
- Fixed the coloring being inconsistent for some buttons in the loom GUI
- Fixed the horse armor slot texture in horse GUI, as it was slightly squished
- Fixed some missing pixels in the cartography table GUI
- Fixed the bottle textures in the brewing stand GUI
- Fixed the Better Recipe Book mod textures to work with later versions of the mod
Owl's Vanilla Refined 1.2.zip(625.96 KiB) Primary
Release channel
ReleaseVersion number
1.2Game versions
307Publication date
May 1, 2024 at 11:20 PMPublisher
