Minecraft: Java Edition
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Published 2 years ago
Updated last month
- New: More blocks now support the Disguise Module: Keypad Door, Keypad Trapdoor, Passcode-Protected Chest, Reinforced Dispenser, Reinforced Dropper, Reinforced Hopper, Scanner Door, Scanner Trapdoor, Security Camera, Sonic Security System
- New: Server config setting to set the amount of damage received when suffocating in a reinforced block
- New: Reinforced Soul Sand and Reinforced Magma Block
- New: The Block Change Detector can now be placed on walls and the ceiling
- New: Russian translation (Thanks cutiegin!)
- New: The Smart Module in a Security Camera now also saves the zoom amount
- New: HUD mods like Jade and The One Probe now show whether an installed module is disabled
- New: ɥsᴉꞁᵷuƎ (uʍoᗡ ǝpᴉsd∩) translation
- New: The cage of a Cage Trap can now replace replaceable blocks like fern or dead bush
- New: The Camera Monitor now displays the last known name of a camera if the camera is out of range
- New: Option in the Username Logger to set the time that has to pass until the same player can be logged again
- New: [1.16.5+] Item tag "securitycraft:keycards" for all keycards (this notably excludes the Limited Use Keycard, as it's merely a crafting component)
- New: [1.16.5+] Item tag "securitycraft:keycard_holder_can_hold" for all items that can be put into a Keycard Holder (contains the securitycraft:keycards item tag and the Limited Use Keycard by default)
- New: [1.16.5+] Reinforced Scaffolding
- New: [1.18.2+] The Inventory Scanner can now detect and remove items in bundles
- New: [1.21.1] Support for NeoForge's configuration screen
- Change: Security Camera head display
- Change: The damage taken when suffocating in a reinforced block is now halved (from 5 hearts to two and a half hearts)
- Change: IMS bombs can no longer be diverted from their path using explosions
- Change: The "(team)" suffix for owners is now only shown when the team has more than one player in it
- Change: Only the owner and allowlisted players are now able to access a Username Logger
- Change: Several blocks that can open reinforced doors now reset their state and data when the owner is changed (e.g. Keycard Reader loses its signature and levels, Keypad no longer has a passcode, ...)
- Change: The Inventory Scanner now supports all items that save their inventory the same way as shulker boxes
- Change: [1.18.2+] A Reinforced Observer now needs to be validated by the new owner after the owner was changed
- API: New interface IDisguisable to abstract away from the DisguisableBlock class. This means blocks no longer need to extend it to be disguisable, but instead need to implement the interface
- API: New overrides for IPasscodeProtected#hashAndSetPasscode that take in a consumer that's run after setting the passcode
- Fix: Disabled security cameras sometimes start rotating again when near other rotating cameras
- Fix: The Secure Redstone Interface screen cannot be closed by pressing the inventory key
- Fix: The Protecto can attack armor stands
- Fix: The Protecto attacks when it shouldn't
- Fix: Buckets containing Fake Water/Lava are incompatible with tanks of other mods
- Fix: Lily pads cannot be placed on Reinforced Ice
- Fix: The Block Change Detector keeps outputting a redstone signal when all its entries are cleared
- Fix: Setting the signal length option to 0 on a Keypad Trapdoor makes the trapdoor not open at all
- Fix: Block Pocket and Block Change Detector outline/block highlights are drawn too thin at certain angles
- Fix: A Secure Redstone Interface in receiver mode does not update its neighboring blocks when the signal becomes un-/protected
- Fix: Jade/WTHIT/TOP don't show the owner of an ownable block that is disguised with another ownable block
- Fix: Un-/reinforcing extended pistons leaves a headless piston base behind
- Fix: The screen to enter a passcode does not show after setting a new passcode
- Fix: [1.12.2] Passcodes can't be set in certain situations (e.g. when SecurityCraft is installed in SkyFactory 4)
- Fix: [1.12.2] Server crash when the rift stabilizer is used
- Fix: [1.12.2] HUD mods display some blocks incorrectly when they are used as a disguise
- Fix: [1.16.5] Module dupe
- Fix: [1.16.5] Secure Redstone Interface loot table error
- Fix: [1.16.5+] Disguised secure redstone interfaces have incorrect collision, and are see-through
- Fix: [1.16.5+] Potential crash
- Fix: [1.18.2+] Disguising reinforced observers can have visual issues
- Fix: [1.18.2+] Option slider text shows the value in the incorrect position
- Fix: [1.19.4+] Turning to a specific page in the SecurityCraft Manual can crash the game
- Fix: [1.19.4+] Fake Water can be placed in the nether
- Fix: [1.19.4+] The Reinforced Lectern is at the wrong position in the creative tab
- Fix: [1.20.1+] Signs cannot be placed on some blocks
- Fix: [1.20.1+] Rain falls directly through disguisable blocks
- Fix: [1.20.4+] Client crash when trying to un-/reinforce blocks in a crafting table on a server
- Fix: [1.20.6+] The Alarm ceases to emit any sound when selecting a different sound
- Fix: [1.20.6+] When closing the screen of a Briefcase, Disguise Module or Keycard Holder, items carried by the mouse are deleted
- Fix: [1.20.6+] Players are kicked from the world when a Disguise Module is removed from certain blocks
- Fix: [1.20.6+] Reinforced stairs can be destroyed through explosions
- Fix: [1.20.6+] Potential crash when hovering over specific items of SecurityCraft in the inventory
- Fix: [1.20.6+] Note info tooltips on items are positioned out of place sometimes
- Fix: [1.20.6+] The Denylist Module does not work
- Fix: [1.20.6+] Disguised blocks are not hidden in F3
- Fix: [1.20.6+] Creative inventory crash when the lens is not in the minecraft:dyeable tag
- Fix: [1.21.1] Cameras do not work from far away when using Sodium
- Misc.: Performance improvements for the Secure Redstone Interface
Release channel
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Game versions
252Publication date
October 3, 2024 at 3:33 PMPublisher
