Prehistoric Nature
Prehistoric Nature is a scientifically-accurate mod bringing to life the entire history of planet earth: hundreds of prehistoric animals, plants and other life. We also offer a range of dimension mods to travel to the past periods (search them up).
Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
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Release note for v.59.0
IMPORTANT!!! IF YOU WANT TO RETAIN YOUR BENCHES, BRIDGES, LITTERBINS AND/OR ROPE BARRIERS, YOU NEED THE DECORATION ADD-IN FROM NOW ON: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/prehistoric-nature-decorations
Added new Jurassic dimension support (see the Jurassic Dimension mod itself for the download)
Functional changes:
Removed rope-barriers, bridges, benches and litterbins (blocks which can be "trimmed") into their own seperate addin mod to save on performance for the main mod Fishing in dimensions now returns correct creatures Taxidermies now no longer need a mount - just place them Addition of digsite structures in the overworld Bats and pterosaurus now produce guano Fig logs now produce latex Fossil filter distinguishes vertbrates from invertebrates Resin extractor now also extracts latex and shows an animation when it is working Adddition of rubber boots which stop you getting stuck in PN mud Portals now connect to reverse-direction portals (i.e. to go from dimensionX to dimensionY you always use a dimensionY portal) Fixed some spawns in Cambrian Reef biome Improved portal textures Various bug fixes
Added mobs:
Adeopapposaurus Allosaurus Anchiornis Anchisaurus Anuorgnathus Apatosaurus Archaeopteryx Batrachognathus Brachiosaurus Camarasaurus Camptosaurus Cascocauda Chilesaurus Compsognathus Cumnoria Dendrorhynchoides Dicraeosaurus Dilophosaurus Dimorphodon Diplodocus Dorygnathus Dubreuillosaurus Elaphrosaurus Gargoyleosaurus Glacialisaurus Guanlong Guano Golem (!) Heterodontosaurus Jeholopterus Limusaurus Mamenchisaurus Miragaia Mymoorapelta Ornitholestes Proceratosaurus Pterodactylus Rhamphorhynchus Shunosaurus Sinomacrops Sinraptor Tianyulong Torvosaurus Uteodon Wukongopterus Yangchuanosaurus Yi
Added plants:
Birdsnest Fern Burnished Treefern Callianthus Doratophyllum Erdtmanithecales Jianchangia Lophosoria Mesodescolea Onychiopsis Pseudoctenis Salvinia Sanfordiacaulis Santaniella Shrubby Cycad Sinocarpus Sinoherba Thinnfeldia Ticoa Todea Welwitschia Welwitschiophyllum
Adjustment to Alethopteris and Macroneuropteris strobilus
Remodelled, re-animated or improved-AI mobs:
Aegirocassis Amplectobelua Cotylorhynchus Desmatosuchus Diictodon Eosimops Gerarus Herrerasaurus Inostrancevia Plateosaurus Platyhystrix Prosictodon Robertia Temperoceras Varialepis Yunguisaurus
Release channel
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Game versions
511Publication date
March 12, 2024 at 6:35 PMPublisher