Owl's Ultimate QoL
Tons of quality of life additions and tweaks to make Minecraft as great as it can possibly be
Game Mechanics
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Minecraft: Java Edition
Data Pack
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Published last year
Updated last year
Polishes and balances existing features, improves normally useless features like beetroot and mangrove roots, makes certain impractical and hard to obtain items like TNT, saddles and dragon's breath more accessible and more!
New Features
- Endermen and endermite killed by end crystals now drop dragon's breath
- Custom recipes now have categories in the recipe book
- One TNT can now be crafted from one gunpowder and one sand
- Redstone can now be crafted into one red dye
- You can now revive fish in a crafting table with a totem of undying, a bucket and a fish item
- Dispensers can now be crafted from a dropper in the middle of a bow recipe
- Craft tall grass and large ferns from two of their small variants
- Saddles can now be crafted with 5 leather or rabbit hide in the shape of a helmet and one iron ingot to make horses useable more often early-game, the only moment in the game where they are viable
- Wheat and beetroots are now affected by Fortune. Fortune on wheat is less effective than on other crops while Fortune on beetroot is more effective
- You can now craft beetroot soup using a bowl and 2 beetroots instead of 6
- When using Fire Aspect, one of the potatoes can now drop baked. There is, however, a chance that it doesn't drop at all, which leads to a loss in profits but a chance to have automatically baked potatoes
- Potatoes broken with Fire Aspect no longer drop poisonous potatoes
- Foxes that spawn in the end now become snowy foxes
- Combine 9 mangrove roots to make one mangrove log
- Burn a totem of undying in a campfire like flowers to get the bad omen effect
- All music discs can be cut into one music disc shard
- You can now put sticks on a campfire to turn them into torches after a while
Changes/Bug Fixes
- Dead bushes can now only be created when lightning strikes azalea bushes instead of most plants
- The vanilla TNT recipe now gives 8 TNT instead of one
- Terracotta can now be used as stone in recipes
- Prismarine can now be blasted into dark prismarine
- Coal now only gives one black dye instead of two
- Moss in a smoker now turns into green dye like cactus does
- Transformations now keep NBT data and makes cool particle effects appear
- Tall grass and large ferns no longer work with silk touch
- Fixed bubble coral blocks not being craftable into 4 bubble corals like the other corals
- Removed the light block, budding amethyst and reinforced deepslate recipes as they doesn't fit in survival
- Guardians and elder guardians no longer drop more prismarine than in vanilla
- Removed the debug stick recipe because it was a joke
- The rotten flesh to leather recipe is now on the smoker and takes 2 minutes instead of one minute (takes 3 coal)
- Removed some redundant tags and recipes that exist in vanilla
- The ancient debris loot table and advancement change have been reverted
- Banner pattern duping is now done with amethyst shards instead of amethyst blocks for more consistency with other duping recipes
- Pottery sherd duping is now done with 7 gold ingots instead of one netherite scrap
- Illusioners now drop budding amethyst again
- Ancient debris now only drops from piglin brutes and is slightly more common
- Merged some wood-related stonecutter recipes
- Stripped wood can now be cut into into boats and hanging signs like stripped logs
- Wardens drop less echo shards and music disc shards
- Husks now drop less sand, but drop it more consistently
- Fixed anvil crushing not working
- Fixed torchflowers on soul campfires not giving long night vision
Release channel
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Game versions
243Publication date
September 2, 2023 at 3:19 PMPublisher
