Owl's Ultimate QoL
Tons of quality of life additions and tweaks to make Minecraft as great as it can possibly be
Game Mechanics
Owl's Ultimate QoL has been archived. Owl's Ultimate QoL will not receive any further updates unless the author decides to unarchive the project.
Minecraft: Java Edition
Data Pack
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Published last year
Updated last year
1.20 compatibility for existing features, cat gifts for every cat variant, curse and trim removal, pottery sherd duping, custom suspicious blocks and more!
New Features
- Pink petals can now be duped with bonemeal
- You can now silk touch suspicious sand and suspicious gravel, but it doesn't keep its contents
- You can now cut bamboo and cherry wood in stonecutter
- You can now place sand or gravel on an item to turn the block into the suspicious variant and put the item in it
- Pottery Sherds can now be duped like armor trims, but using netherite scraps instead of diamonds. Only 3 netherite scraps are needed, the recipe is in a diamond shape
- You can now craft the Relic disc with a pottery sherd and 8 disc fragments
- Cat variants now affect the gift loot table. Tuxedo, ginger, and siamese have the vanilla loot table but with rabbit hide, rabbit foot and phantom membrane chances boosted respectively. White gives snowballs and bones, but no rotten flesh or chicken. British Shorthair gives honeycomb and glow lichen, but no string or rabbit foot. Calico gives cocoa beans and leather, but no rabbit hide or rabbit foot. Persian gives sweet berries and glow berries, but no feathers or chicken. Ragdoll gives pumpkin seeds, melon seeds, beetroot seeds, potatoes and carrots, but no chicken, rotten flesh, rabbit hide or rabbit foot. Tabby gives frogspawns and slime balls, but no feathers or string. Black gives random weak potions, pufferfish and sugar, but no rabbit hide, chicken, rotten flesh, string or feathers. Jellie gives turtle eggs and scutes, but no rotten flesh or rabbit hide
- The torchflower and pitcher plant can now be used at a campfire to give long night vision and strength respectively
- You can now cut hanging signs at a stonecutter from one stripped log
- You can now throw an echo shard and a cursed item on a smithing table to remove the curses and consume the echo shard
- You can now throw an armor piece and a diamond on a smithing table to remove armor trim from the armor
- Mules that get struck by lightning now turn into camels
Changes/Bug Fixes
- Changed the pack format and description
- Chorus fruit get crafted into cherry wood instead of warped wood
- Enchantment transfering is now done at a smithing table
- Removed the diamond sword to trident from drowned feature
- Removed recipes for glow berries and glow lichen
- Piglin heads can be used with a bell to highlight nearby pig-related mobs
- Camels and sniffers are now affected by campfire effects
- Changed the flower campfire effects predicate from alternative to any_of to work in 1.20
- Piglin heads now work for soul campfire effects
Release channel
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Game versions
99Publication date
June 11, 2023 at 6:04 PMPublisher
